So close to caving.: Lots going on indoors at... - No Smoking Day

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So close to caving.

nsd_user663_2291 profile image
15 Replies

Lots going on indoors at the moment. I feel like i am not getting any support at home and having cigerettes pushed in my face.

Really had a horrible night:mad: I was so close to lightening up but i didnt because i dont want to smoke. I thought of what has been said on here so many times.

Will having a smoke make the problem better and of course the answer was NO. So i gritted my teeth took some deep breaths and got through it.

Really not happy and just needed to off load so thanks for listening xx

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nsd_user663_2291 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_2162 profile image

*hugs* Flippy, so sorry you're having such a hard time and family is unsupporting, that must be real tough :( You have all my admiration and sympathy honey, please never give in because it will truly just make you cry and feel so much worse, you certainly don't want to go there hun. I hope tomorrow's a better day for you xxxxxx

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

hey flippy

callumsgran is right i gave up the champix 2 days ago and look at the state ive been in - going back on today you will all be glad to hear.

Dont expect support then you wont be disappointed - :D

Keep going we have done 9 days it MUST get easier xxxxx

nsd_user663_2637 profile image

Oh flippy hun, go get yourself some champix

You wont even notice that your family are unsupportive, they really are a brilliant crutch!

I've had the most horrendous time (personal) recently since giving up but have sailed through it

Have a think about it, i cant recommend it highly enough ;)

Feel very sorry for Flippy - my wife has been excellent, every day I go without she arranges something to say well done (meal, cinema, massage etc) which I think has been my saving grace. Not trying to rub it in, just think maybe your partner should read this and take a tip for himself.

By the way - what is Champix - I have seen it mentioned quite a few times. Is it a form of NRT or is it a prescribed type of drug - it sounds like a class A!!

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Hope your feeling better today hun,

I know how you feel with family my whole family smoke so if i go round to visit any of them they sit there asking if i need one yet etc, its not clever but they`ll find that out for themselves one day cause i think everyone who smokes at some point in there life wishes they hadn`t started then when they try to quit they realise what its really like.

nsd_user663_2421 profile image

too true. not many will admit it though. they think they can take it or leave it, But if its that easy why are they still smokeing? Its such a heavy price now. not only in the pocket and the cost to your health, its also anti social now. You stick to your guns kid they are green with envy realy he he !:D

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

Lots going on indoors at the moment. I feel like i am not getting any support at home and having cigerettes pushed in my face.

Really had a horrible night:mad: I was so close to lightening up but i didnt because i dont want to smoke. I thought of what has been said on here so many times.

Will having a smoke make the problem better and of course the answer was NO. So i gritted my teeth took some deep breaths and got through it.

Really not happy and just needed to off load so thanks for listening xx

Hey Flippy this sounds like a really tough situation to be in and i hope you find a way to resolve the stuff at home.. Its just soooo important that you have stopped smoking. Its a really big priority right now and everyone in your life has to realise that. None of us want to get ill through our smoking and every fag we have makes that a little bit more likely - our families and friends dont want us to get ill. They have to support us and encourage us no matter what is going on in their heads. At the very least your mates on here know what is happening and support you 100%! I wish you all the best :)

nsd_user663_1988 profile image

too true. not many will admit it though. they think they can take it or leave it, But if its that easy why are they still smokeing? Its such a heavy price now. not only in the pocket and the cost to your health, its also anti social now. You stick to your guns kid they are green with envy realy he he !:D

Flippy, I hope you are ok now!

I also agree. I think it's jealousy. My whole family smoke and continue too even though our dad died from lung cancer due to smoking.

In the 6 months since I quit nobody has tried to offer me a cigarette until Christmas when I took took the dog for a walk with my sister. As soon as we got out the door it was 'Here, have a fag!' I was fuming. 'I don't smoke' I said. 'Go on I won't tell anyone'. After convincing her that I really didn't want one, she said 'well done!' but in the most bitter sounding way possible.

Absolute jealousy!:mad:

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Thank you everyone xxxx What would i do without you lot xx

This morning has been a bit stressfull too. I have twins aged 12 and to say they are hard work is an understatement. I lost it this morning, I must have looked like a raving looney.

But i didnt stop at the first shop for cigerettes, so thats good.

I will do this, i know i will. I am going to prove to everyone that i am strong enough to resist.

Thanks againxxxxx

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

LOL just saw the title of this thread. Its ok i am not going caving. I meant cave in:( What a numpty:p

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

Feel very sorry for Flippy - my wife has been excellent, every day I go without she arranges something to say well done (meal, cinema, massage etc) which I think has been my saving grace. Not trying to rub it in, just think maybe your partner should read this and take a tip for himself.

By the way - what is Champix - I have seen it mentioned quite a few times. Is it a form of NRT or is it a prescribed type of drug - it sounds like a class A!!

Deff class A drug - get from drs - is helping me but not taking as much as prescribed, dont want to get hooked on that after givin, up puff would rather enjoy my addiction thank you very much!! :D

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

LOL just saw the title of this thread. Its ok i am not going caving. I meant cave in:( What a numpty:p

Cant say that i noticed - we are obviously all in tune! :cool:

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Flippy does not sound easy for you job/home wise...however, you owe this to yourself and need to remember primarily you are doing this for yourself and to be there for your children.

You are a V. attractive young woman who deserves not to be a smoker, if you are not getting the support at home make sure you get it in here, where we are all more that happy to help lift you over the tough days!


nsd_user663_2497 profile image

LOL just saw the title of this thread. Its ok i am not going caving. I meant cave in:( What a numpty:p

Haha. Maybe we should use a new word for temptation on this board now.

"Aargh, i'm really close to pot-holing!!" :D

Anyhoo, glad your over the near blip and realised what a mistake it would have been to light up a ciggie. Keep it up!


nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Ohh thanks John:o You been checking out the ladies on the photo thread.

Thanks everyone for being hear and listening to me moan. xx

nsd_user663_2595 profile image

Hand up.....completely guilty Flippy :D

But then I guess that is why it has very rapidly become the most popular thread on the forum by well over 10,000 more hits... as everyone gets inquisitive about who they are actually talking to ;)

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