Cannot believe I have caved in.: Feeling so... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Cannot believe I have caved in.

nsd_user663_59644 profile image

Feeling so very disappointed have smoked to day, cannot believe it, in reality I cannot think of one upset, stress, what ever that has made me smoke!!!

Back to day one tomorrow.

What a idiot not to mention all the hard work I put in, in the early days😰😰😰😰😰😰😰

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nsd_user663_59644 profile image
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28 Replies

ah its hard :( sorry to hear about your cave, least you feel you can quit again tomorrow, i smoked for a month after my recent fail!

Sorry you smoked Tracey, but you haven't lost your quit – not if you stop right now and get back up on that horse!! Whether its day 1 or day 500, those are just numbers anyway. What you have accomplished over this last year is amazing and one blip doesn't erase all those days you went without smoking or any of the hard work you have put in. Please don't be hard on yourself , that only leads to self destruction and won't fix whats done. We are here for you m'lady what ever you need:) xx

nsd_user663_58050 profile image
nsd_user663_58050 in reply to nsd_user663_63998

Great avatar :0)

Incy_Wincy profile image

Tracey love, do not beat yourself up. As Que said, you've still done all the hard work, that's all still valid, surely. Now I'm sure the Demon will be telling you 'go on, you might as well keep smoking now' BUT you know that's not true, and you know that nipping it in the bud NOW is the way to sort it out, don't you. And we're all here, right beside you, cheering you on. You can get back on that horse, you can move on, forgive yourself (you have been through such a lot) because everyone makes mistakes. All that counts is how we react afterwards.

Much love and strength Tracey, from all of us here. xx many cigarettes have you smoked? 1? 10? 100? And, probably more importantly, I regard you as a non-smoker, even if you had a cigarette (and I know where one can lead....). Are you a non-smoker that has slipped, like those people who used to be drawn to me at parties, who didn't smoke/stopped/non-smoker status but had had a few drinks and were happy to have one of mine, or several. The day after they were non-smokers again.

I don't see why you have to go back to day one. Over the years to come I will probably at some point have a drag, a cig whatever, but I wouldn't put myself back at Day 1. You shouldn't either, unless you relapse into smoking. Just grab it by the b*lls and carry on. You are too supportive on here to put yourself back at Day 1.

<3 Tracey xxx Totally agree with everything Walkabout says. You haven't started again you've just had a fag. Do not even think about it, keep on walking and dont look back! We love you on here xxxx

yeah ... what he said!!!

Having said what I said above........................i'm not letting you off the hook , Tracey. Get back on this. I want you to post where you are on here. And,,,,,,as far as that goes, Mmaya, are you lurking? If you are, come and speak to us.

in reply to nsd_user663_58050

Ah ah I was enjoying being forgotten lol I'm back on the smokes my dear friend...hence the silence... I'll be back though :)

Thank you guy, your replys are helping, back on it to day, over a year, and then wham, soooooo disappointed,

Back on the wagon to day.

That's the spirit Tracey!!!! Don't worry about yesterday, in the big scheme of things its less than 1 out of 365 - hardly worth the effort to be disappointed about:) Have a wonderful smoke free Day!!

Thanks, unbelievable, that I smoked.

Will see how to day goes hoping not to hard&#9786;&#65039;&#9786;&#65039;&#9786;&#65039;&#9786;&#65039;&#9786;&#65039;

We are all human and Nic is always there lurking, waiting for the opportunity. You have done so well Tracey, as others have said, it's just a moment of madness. In the great scheme of things your quit is amazing. Re-read Mr Carr and try Mr Casey too.... these ciggies are radio active so imagine turning bright green with every drag.... lungs glowing as bright green as a glow worm.... gums bleeding and teeth falling out.

You can do it Tracey, you have already proved that! Whatever it takes.... :) xxx

Hey Tracey! You smoked and it was a mistake but now its done and finished. Dont even feel like going back on day one. Smile, dont think much of it and move on, back on your quit.

Think of it as if a non smoker smoked a bit and realised its horrible. And decided never to smoke again.

I also have to tell you something...reading that you smoked made me wanting a cigarette. I say to myself that if Tracey smokes then why mot. You see, You have supported me in the hardest of my times and you have been there. You nave set an amazing example for all of us, and you need to continue the amazing support. We r all humans and a slip is what really makes me love us people, but do stand up, shine and show us the road.

Thankyou ALL, for all the support, makes a difference,

Smoke free to day, so new day tomorrow, as I often say, Just keep going tracey

Thanks again


Great to hear. Good for you, literally!

Well done Tracey :)

Oh Tracey so sorry you had a fall, I've been away a few days tbh finding it hard so decided to evacuate and ignore smoking in all its entity and I'm still holding out, but I understand how hard it must be and that its so easy to fall back into. As the others have said don't beat yourself over a couple of puffs your only human and your still a no smoker if you carry on with not smoking, it's when you quit trying not to smoke that you fail and you posting on here shows your no quitter so up you get deep breath and off you go again with a huge hug and lots of encouragement xxx

kacmins profile image
kacmins2 Years Smoke Free

I cannot believe I missed this one! So glad to hear you kept your quit Tracey and don't you ever think all the hard work you put in is wasted...It's not!

Chin up Tracey

We are all behind you, if I was to have a slip I don't think I would put myself back at day 1 either, it's amazing that you went for so long without a slip and had the guts to own up to us about it, I am so amazed with yiu, you are an inspiration to all of us.

You go girl :0)

How lovely, THANKYOU really inspires me to keep going.

Incy_Wincy profile image

That's what we're all here for :D Keep positive lovely x

Tracey do not even think of going back to day 1. You are still a non smoker in my eyes. You have given so much support to others it's time for us to support you. If you were on a diet and ate one chocolate bar, but went straight back on your diet, would you consider it a failure, I don't think so. You've come too far to go back now.

Ditto! You Had a cigarette, you are not a smoker

Now darling, having a beer doesn't make me an alcoholic does It?! Don't beat yourself too much or you will actually end up becoming a smoker again! Sending my love...

Great crowd here, thankyou

Incy_Wincy profile image

How's today Tracey? It's weird, I was thinking I don't know whether to keep asking how you're doing, or to treat you as though nothing out of the ordinary happened... Hope you're having a good day, regardless! xx

Yes ver strange indeed, I do have urges, but holing tight.

Re reading a lot of posts, that's helping, but has made me realise, indeed do not want to smoke, so saying NOPE

The important thing is to pick yourself up and keep going from where you left off. As Que said, the number of days are just numbers.

Think of it this way. If you quit smoking in 2005 and had one cigarette (or even a few) on a bad day in 2008, I doubt anyone would fault you for saying that you quit smoking ten years ago. The chances are that only you would know, and anyone correcting you would just be being petty.

I'm not suggesting that the occasional slip should be ignored, but it shouldn't be regarded as a monumental failure either. Learn from the mistake and try not to repeat it. You can do this!

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