A litte surprised that I made it this far... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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A litte surprised that I made it this far...

nsd_user663_2011 profile image
6 Replies

I was going to post this in day 1 but honestly did not think I would make it to day 2.

Ok let me ramble on about how I got here.

I've been smoking for 12yrs, i'm 27 now and feel twice as old inside so decided to do something about it.

I did try once before to quit smoking by visiting a hypnotherapist. That worked for about the 2hrs I was 'under the spell' as soon as I left the building I sparked up a cig without even thinking :(

Well that was 6yrs ago and to be fair, in my heart of hearts, I wasn't really that detrmined to stop. This time is different, I have a new job and with the added pressure of the smoking ban, I am really noticing just how much smoking not only affects other people, but how people percieve me once they know I smoke. Does anyone else feel that since the ban, non-smokers seem to be a little bit more vindictive towards smokers?

I could go into a very long rant about smoker's being a much more interesting class of person and how this government should not be taking a 'nanny' role on this issue, but I know deep down that there is nothing at all to be gained from smoking. It was a disgusting habit when I started and it is only the addiction telling me that it still not disgusting now.

Ok so what treatment to take I asked myself. I looked through the various options and decided that I was not so much addicted to the nicotine, but more addicted to the habit and the percieved pleasure I got from smoking.

This lead me to decided on zyban (I would have tried champix but my doctor refused until it got an official release)

Ok so I took zyban for 10 days and attended a stop smoking support group. Now this drug may work for some people, but I found myself smoking even more each time I attended the group as my CO levels were up each time. I'm a really stubbon person so I would imagine I was trying to beat the drug by smoking more???

Anyway, on day 10 I had some terrible symptoms from the drug. I had uncontrollable shakes, a constand state of fear, ringing in my ears and the feeling my eyes were going to bulge out of my head! Oh crap! what now, this was my only hope (I thought) and now I would have to stop the treatment.

Well day 11 on the drug arrived (my quit date) and it started poorly. I woke up and immediatlety lit up a ciggy. Doh! not a good start! Then something just clicked inside of me, I stubbed in out and went to a car-boot sale to take my mind of it.

The next thing I know i'm on day 2 without a ciggy. I've developed a cold overnight, thight chest, sore throat and lack of concentration (my spelling might give this away ;) )

So what now I am thinking to myself. Did zyban help me? Should I continue taking it, as so far it has been easier than I thought to go a day without a cig, even after the symptoms I suffered the day before.

Maybe I would have made it to day 2 already even without the drug. I would hate to go back to smoking after making in my own personal opinion, a wonderful start. Decisions decisions!

If you have made it this far then thank you for reading. Sorry for writing so long, but i've just had my dinner and decided to do something to stop me thinking about smoking ;) Day 2 does seem harder, especially since I'm wrestling in my mind about staying on zyban or giving NRT another go. I just hope it doesnt all fal down while I make a decision....

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nsd_user663_2011 profile image
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6 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done Vibez!!

You have accomplished the major hurdle of taking that step into not smoking!!

I would say that you are thinking too much about the drugs and methods!! your driving yourself mad there!! lol

The main thing in quitting is Will Power! regardless of method.

You have proved you can use your will and I wouldn't fix what isn't broke!! continue with the zyban as your course is outlined.

If the side effects return bad go and see your doc or cessation person, if not go with the flow and enjoy being a non smoker ! :eek:

Keep busy and keep posting x x you deserve a treat for your first 24hr! so be sure to reward yourself today.

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2011 profile image

Cheers for the kind words Buffy. I think you could be right about me driving myself mad ;) I think I may have caused some of the symptons by stressing so much about quitting. Now that I know quitting is not the ultimate experience from hell, I should be calm enough to go back on the zyban and give it a 2nd chance. Although I will take your advice and talk with my group or doctor if I have further problems.

I've just had my first treat of the day seeing my work colleagues outside getting soaked in this downpore. It made me chuckle a little bit :rolleyes:

Just out of interest, what is the correct way to continue to post? Do I keep updating this thread or start a new one on say: Day 3?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D well done Vibez x x Stress is a horrible thing!

The lovely thing about this site is that you can move up a forum as you progress!!

So tomorrow you can post the day 3 forum and then you'll be in the days 4 -7 till you step into week 2 :eek: you can just move up accordingly :D

It's like a mini goal in itself !

But don't stress too much about that either, no ones going to shout at you if you post nilly willy we all do anyway!!

Stay strong and chilled :cool:

Keep posting, wherever! ~Buffy x x x x

nsd_user663_2011 profile image

Thanks ever so much for the warm welcome Joanlaw:)

Well that is day 2 over with. I've had very little in the way of cravings. I have caught myself thinking about popping out for a cig once or twice, but that was just out of habit and certainly not what I would call a strong craving.

I will be certain to post again, i'm quit looking forward to moving through the forums as time goes by ;)

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Hi Vibez

Lovely to have you on board and day one done and dusted onwards to day 2 Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Hi Vi-

Good to have you here. Found your first post intresting. I think I did the same thing too...stressing over the quitting when it really wasn't that hard with the champix. Quite easy in fact. 2 months for me on 7/7/07....i just noticed that! duh. You can post on each thread and you can reply to any you want. Welcome and enjoy the crowd as we are a good bunch.


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