Made it this far: Afternoon everyone. Day... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_2347 profile image
29 Replies

Afternoon everyone. Day 4 - who would believe it, certainly not me! I have started to tell a few people now that I am a non smoker (how smug does that sound).

I actually feel like I can do this, which is a strange feeling. I have spent the last 20 years saying that I enjoy smoking, two relatives lived past 100 and both smoked, etc etc. I have never wanted to give up before last week, but something just snapped and I felt that the time was right. I had a weird day when I decided to do this (last Wednesday), and seemed to have a mourning period, like saying goodbye to a 'friend'. Does that sound stupid?

Anyway, got through my night shifts and have the weekend off. Wondering what it is going to be like when I have a night out drinking. I am sure that I will want a fag and just hope that I can stay strong.

Clare xx

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nsd_user663_2347 profile image
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29 Replies
nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Well done Clare . Your'e doing great! I not only felt a bit smug when I told others I also felt more "confident" like I beleived in myself I couldquit and telling others seemed to make it more'real'. Enjoy your drinks tonight.Theres a lot less temptation to smoke now it,s banned in the pub!!! Who want:rolleyes: :rolleyes: s to go out in this horrid cold weather anyway?

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Thank you. Does anybody else look at the clock and think 'i'm sure I must be doing something now' and realise its cigarette time? Having a nightmare with eating at the moment. I am always hungry and seem to want weetabix with sugar on (dont have sugar with anything normally, or eat weetabix either!). I have put on 3lb already. Down the gym I think....

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

well done clare :D

Your attitude will help no end x x

Ahh having an excuse to eat is all good :D

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

WELL DONE Claire you're doing FAB!!!!

It does feel like mourning a friend, but you have to realise that friend is actually an enemy. At times that friend/enemy comes knocking at your door, and boy, can they make a fuss and make you feel bad.

But stay strong, ignore them, and they'll go away. :D :D

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

WELL DONE Claire you're doing FAB!!!!

It does feel like mourning a friend, but you have to realise that friend is actually an enemy. At times that friend/enemy comes knocking at your door, and boy, can they make a fuss and make you feel bad.

But stay strong, ignore them, and they'll go away. :D :D

Aaah - I get it. Fags = double glazing salesmen!

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

Hi again clare

Yes I do have those moments. The champix seems to take the WANT to smoke feeling but Its up to me to find something else to do instead. I think it's cos I smoked for so long,eventually it seemed to punctuate every event.Waiting for kettle to boil,break from ironing,cup of coffee know what I mean?

It took a bit of getting used to during the first few days but I soon discovered other things to do instead. Like post on here or surf the net.

As to the sugar thing - its a fact that when we stop getting the nicotine our blood sugar plummets for a while till the body has regulated itself to release sugar on its own not artificially anymore. Result sugar craving!!! It will go in a while. At least you wont get constipated eating all that weetabix!!:)

nsd_user663_2332 profile image

Well done Clare from a fellow Shropshire quitter!! Must be something in the air around here :D

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Thank you all for your support, it really does mean a lot as you all probably know. Looking forward to telling my Mum and Dad in a few days, neither of them have smoked but they always used to bring me back some duty free fags from holidays. Now I can have Vodka and perfume!

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Hey - i'm like that with my folks. But its sooooooooo hard to chose between vodka or perfume!!! I chose perfume last time.

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Hey - i'm like that with my folks. But its sooooooooo hard to chose between vodka or perfume!!! I chose perfume last time.

Can't I have both? I deserve it - I am a non smoker dont you know!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Clair, don't assume clares called claire, because your called clair :rolleyes:

hehehehehe soz just thought it was a funny thing to say :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


Clair called clare claire silly :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

I can't put it any simpler :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

ROFL Thanks for trying :p anyway it wasn't a joke it was a statement so ner :p

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

had to edit because actualy clair (choco) actually called clare, claire

Ged it now :confused:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

WELL DONE Claire you're doing FAB!!!!

It does feel like mourning a friend, but you have to realise that friend is actually an enemy. At times that friend/enemy comes knocking at your door, and boy, can they make a fuss and make you feel bad.

But stay strong, ignore them, and they'll go away. :D :D

See choco (clair) is posting to Clare, not claire as she states in her post! :p

Rofl wish I never said nowt now!

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

pmsl :p Spent ages reading and re-reading the thread trying to work it out, realised that choccy is also called 'clair' (spells her name funny tho), then saw that you had explained it all. Took my mind off smoking for 5 mins.... so thank you :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hehehe rofl exactly choco is called clair glad I managed to distract you :D hehehehehe tis funny in my world :rolleyes:

Maybe if I start on the wine now I'll chill a bit lol

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Just finding my passport, need to visit your world. It sounds like a fun place to be - with lots of wine!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Just finding my passport, need to visit your world. It sounds like a fun place to be - with lots of wine!

:D *giggle* oh do come visit :D hehehehe you'll simply adore it!!

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Day 5 and I am still here! Just been to bingo with a mate and shared a bottle of red wine (yes in the middle of the day - how common!), and I did not really crave a cigarette. Thought about it a lot, but it was not as bad as expected.

65 fags not smoked so far. Getting more and more positive as they days go on. :)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oooh nice one clare x x

I take it you didn't win the national, or you wouldn't be here :D

Glad you have experienced that important part where you realise not smoking doesn't mean you can't participate in all the things that mean you have fun!


Rock on clare!

~Buffy xx

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

One thing that is annoying me at the moment is my skin. Overnight I seem to have developed teenage acne. Don't think it is the sugar - four teaspoons of sugar and a couple of squares (ok, 10) over the last few days should not have affected me like this. Can I blame the Champix?

nsd_user663_1744 profile image

i think it can be a quit thing in general :o

Fully agree with Boudee on that point. I broke out a couple of days into my quit so I asked the nursey if it could be an allergic reaction to the champix. She exlplained that it was a normal side effect of quitting choose what method you used. On the plus side it means with all the money saved from NOT smoking I can afford expensive face care stuff instead of £1.99 cheapos from £stretcher!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image


And it turns around too x x

I mean the skin worsens, I suppose the body concentrates elseware, then it gets the best ever, I look younger after, than all my years of smoking!!

If you break the quit, the spots come again and colour dulls quite quickly.

Our bodies just need to adjust to the change x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1789 profile image

Haha this thread has made me laugh.

Clare, i'm really sorry i called you Claire, i realised straight away and should've corrected myself as i realise how annoying it i when people call me Clare, or Claire when i'm Clair.

Flippin heck i'll stick with Choco!!

:D :D :D

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Haha this thread has made me laugh.

Clare, i'm really sorry i called you Claire, i realised straight away and should've corrected myself as i realise how annoying it i when people call me Clare, or Claire when i'm Clair.

Even worse is when people find out your name and start singing that annoying song (no, not Agadoo!!) :D

Well I am now on day 7. Seem to be getting over the cravings ok but I have put on 5lb now in a week :eek: Went to the gym this morning coz I thought I would have so much energy, but I am knackered because I am not sleeping. Went for a lovely long walk yesterday, and did not get out of breath or get stitch which I normally do. Downside was that I fell asleep in front of the TV (which I never used to do), and missed Hamilton lose lots of places.

In general though, I am feeling healthier - honest!! Told my mum this morning and she could hardly believe it. Said she was very proud of me and nearly made me cry.:o

Hope you all are ok and enjoying the thought of not having to go outside in the cold for a puff xxx

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

aw your dear Mum, love her :D

so what is the annoying song?

I know a song that will get on your nerves? :confused: :D

"Clair, the moment I met you, I swear...." Think it was Gilbert O'Sullivan with the well dodgy afro, in about 1973 :D

nsd_user663_2347 profile image

Think yourself lucky - I am 35 now and have had this song sung to me since I was a kid. Makes you want to swear :rolleyes:

On another note (!), how long on average until the cravings go, or are you always going to get them?

Not what you're looking for?