Here we go again: Well its back to day 1 3hrs... - No Smoking Day

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Here we go again

nsd_user663_1920 profile image
24 Replies

Well its back to day 1 3hrs in feel fine feel very postive this time going to do 4 week on patches

14x 16mg patches

14x 7mg patches

Both 16 hrs ones will keep you all informed

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nsd_user663_1920 profile image
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24 Replies
nsd_user663_2 profile image

Keep it up


Well done for starting again. The patches are great! Take each day slowly and try to think about other things.

Exercise is useful too!

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Morning Whiteboy x

So glad you've not given up giving up :D

As I posted in the other post :rolleyes: hehe

" I hope you have brushed yourself off and carrying on with the quit x x

Learn from your mistake and swerve the problem next time it's a learning curve, you haven't gone back to day 1 you have learned a necessary lesson to help you go forward x x

You still have achieved loads by not smoking many cigarettes! you should be proud and continue to walk tall.

x x hour by hour x x onwards and upwards x x "

Please do keep us posted as we are all right behind you all the way, Buffy

nsd_user663_1920 profile image

Thanks all well have way through the day still going good;)

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Good :D glad your still going good! you've done the right thing Well Done x x

nsd_user663_1830 profile image


Good to see you're still with us:D - The patches have certainly helped me get this far - onward and upward


nsd_user663_1873 profile image

We all have to go thru our own personal hell to get to the end of the road no matter how many bumps and bruises along the way. Just consider each one a practice session until u finally succeed. The more practice you get the better it becomes. PROUD OF YA for keeping at!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hello Lindyloo

And ~WELCOME! to the site x x

Good luck with your quit you seem to have a great start attitude wise x x

Keep us posted, we will be right behind you all the way xx

nsd_user663_1707 profile image

good luck mate.

been there done that.

it only works if you stick to it, obviously. don't give in to the very thing you're trying to quit, and watch mouth cancer adverts on youtube during cravings, it helped me.


nsd_user663_1934 profile image


Just keep to it :)

nsd_user663_1933 profile image

stopping this thursday!

i packed in for one year by going cold turkey. I started smoking again after a relationship ended. Tried and failed many times since using patches etc. Decided this thursday going cold turkey again. I have fasted many times and have decided going on a 10 day fast as will not only flush all the toxins out quicker but will also help stop that initial weight gain! Quite nervous about giving up my 'friend' but got to do it. No need for written list of why I need to pack in - it's all in my head, hate smelling, more important things to spend my money on and MY HEALTH. Forget about taking this a day at a time - for the first few days this will no doubt be a minute at a time!!! I work from home and smoke (30/40 a day) while at my computer.Work on hold until next week - will spend time in garden reading, chilling and lots of deep breathing. ANY advice from all you goodies who have already got rid of the dirty disgusting habit GREATLY appreciated. Just need a helping hand for those first few days.Anyone help me?Thanks in advance.XXX

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Heya and welcome x x

Sounds like you got a plan!!

Thats the first step so your on a good footing x x

You sussed the craves by planning distraction ie deep breaths gardening etc

Plan then is to take it minute by minute if need be :D reward all the time reward!!

Write down now what rewards you will give yourself;

first hour i dunno chocolate croissant? then hour 2 a long phone call to a friend? then maybe hour 3 go spend £10 on the high street?

Make a list to suit yourself x

Be sure to keep posting here as there are so many people experiencing / experienced the same and all such a fantastic support network x x

Utilise the search function here too and see what past non smokers have been through.

We are all right behind you here x x good luck x x

nsd_user663_1933 profile image

Cheers Buffy! Spent last few hours nosing around on the site and on one hand didn't tell me anything I didn't know but also VERY inspiring to know that if I want to quit, I do like all who have done before me and just quit! Still nervous but haven't found a person yet who wasn't..... BIG change and a change for the better.

Will no doubt be saying a long goodbye to my 'friend' 2moro ready for my cleanse.

Won't be first to take on this challenge and won't be last but what I do know is that I will try my very best to make this the last time I try to quit!

Once again, thanks. I hope once I'm over the pain I can offer others enough inspiration to follow me and quit to.XXX

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome to Day 1 Chantelle :D

Hope you are feeling positive and all is going well x x

Let us know how you are doing and Take it easy x x

Keep up those indulgences :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

HI Chantelle

Welcome Good luck on your day one hope all is going well. Dont feel to bad about saying good by to this friend. All the best Linda xxx

Hi Buffy was it today Cindy was getting married Sure it was hope it went well for her Linda xxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Oh my!!

I quite forgot about that :o midweek?? she was on about an hour ago so prolly not today, week end gone maybe?! oh dear I can't believe i forgot :( hope I am forgiven, Cindy ?? x x x x x

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

Am a married woman now!

Hi Everyone,

Yes it was today and it was lovely. We are getting ready to head to the dinner but I just needed to stop in and let you all know. The pictures will be back by Friday so I will post a bunch on and post the link here. See you all tomorrow as we are not going on a honeymoon 'till the winter.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Big congrats to you both Mr & mrs Cindy hope you are very happy together lots & lots Of love Linda xxx

:D ;) :) :cool:

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:eek: So sorry! I missed it I wasn't there to say grats :( poo I should of passed you a tall chilled glass of champagne first thing this morning and sent you on your way with a smile and a hug.

instead i was chasing these rugrats with slices of toast and soggy cereals :rolleyes:

Ah my life will come to more in the end! hehehehe

Grats on your wedding Cindy x x x x oh and your grandchild i assume is your new pic? how cute?! I am all broody again! if i have no 6 i must stop after!

Wishing you both a magical marriage with love and best wishes

~ Buffy x x

nsd_user663_1873 profile image

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Pics should be back friday if so I will post them then so you can see.

hugs and kisses

Cindy Saldana

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

:D can't wait to see x x

nsd_user663_1933 profile image

Day one

Keep reaching for my cigarettes only to remember I am now a non-smoker

Going okay but must admit I do feel a bit jittery without the cigs. Lots of deep breathing helping

Drinking plenty of water, had a bath to chill out and went for an hour's walk today.

I pray I sleep tonight seem to remember when I previously packed in that was the main issue for me. Bought some herbal sleeping pills so will give them a try.

Day two starts at midnight - can't wait.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Hi Chantelle,

Well I don't want to ignore you so have to say something!! albeit your doing everything right and i have nothing to add!

You are doing soooooooo well x x you have the usual niggles and sleep probs but you know how to handle it. SO just got to say keep on in there X

Remember a small amount of irritable time is so worth the end product ~ Buffy x

Keep posting we are right here x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Morning Chantelle

Day two now hope you had a good nights sleep. good luck and keep us posted Love Linda xx

nsd_user663_1933 profile image

Weird Night's Sleep

At last day 2 but what a weird night sleep - slept so lightly I could have been day dreaming and kept waking every hour or so. Very tired this morning but I'm sure a long walk will sort that out.

Your right Buffy these irritable times will pass and worth the end product.

Cheers Linda - Day 2 - now all I want is Day 3 not that I'm impatient ;)

Thank goodness for this forum I can moan away and there is always someone around who understands. Thanks everyone.X

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