Hey Guys , how are u ? Hope everyone had a good day .
I have some questions about my blood test (especially about the kidney function)
So i did a blood work , and these result got my attention :
- Fasting Blood Glucose : 88 mg/dl (normal value < 100mg/dl )
- HbA1C : 22 mmol/mol (normal value < 39 mmol/mol)
--- since kidney disease is affected by blood glucose level so i posted it ---
And these are my main concern:
-Creatinine 1.27 mg/dl (normal Value < 1.20 mg/dl)
-GFR. Creatinine : 76 ml/mins/1.73m2
- Cystatine C : 0.75 unit
- GFR.CystC : 122 ml/mins/1.73m2
- Urine yellow clear , no foam, no Albumin, no blood
* I do intense workout (weight Lifting) 4x a week
* Im om high protein diet (about 0.8mg /KG BW) -> i take whey protein powder daily when my protein intake from main foods is low
* if i compare to the last year result , i see there's a mild decreasing level of GFR. creatinine = Last Year (Jan.2019) my Creatinine was 1.07 mg/dl = GFR. creatinine was 89 ml/mins/1.73m2
*my blood pressure is normal (mostly 110/70) : i dont smoke or drink alchol
My question is :
1.Should i worry about my kidney function ? I know i should worry when the GFR <60 for more than 3 months. But my concern is : if i use the value of GFR. creatnine, i see the kidney function is decreasing . But if i see the value of GFR. CystatineC , my kidney is perfectly healthy (as i read Creatnine is affected my muscle mass, so it could increase the Creatnine level, while CystatineC is not affected by muscle mass) -- so is my kidney allright ?
2.i did test on my CystatineC on 2018 and the value it was 0.8 , while now is 0.75- which it shows my kidney is healthy -- is CystatineC more accurate than Creatinine?
3. When should i worry about my kidney based on my blood result ? And any tips for me as fitness enthusiast for my kidney?
All the answer is very much appreciated !
Thank you 😊😊😊