My partner is currently 59 years old with a efgr of 20 , this is rapidly declining , his creatine is 288 and potassium is high , he is currently experiencing severe gout and trouble urinating , and a stinging sensation , he's on prednisone but the gout isn't clearing this time hes had it for over a week now and the trouble urinating and the stinging is all new , the specialist said his kidneys were declining rapidly , he's always tired and nodding off , they prescribed allopurinol which he is to scared to take since that's what started the flare , iam aware this stops after time but how long does it take with the allopurinol?
Also looking a Dialysis , would peridyalysis PD at home sorry for my spelling give him more energy or make him feel well at least for the remainder of his life , he wants to be at home while doing this , I know you can do one in your sleep also , I'm new to this world I didn't know he would decline so quickly