Hi I have had results of gfr of 56 and a creatinine level of 96 umol/L. Have to have repeat blood test in 3 months. All other blood tests are within normal range. What does this mean?
Kidney Function: Hi I have had results of gfr... - Kidney Disease
Kidney Function

Hi Tajele,
Welcome! Your results mentioned are based on many things and can vary due to hydration at the time of test, lab spin, age, level of exercise and exercise prior to the test.
My thoughts at this point are to give your doctor a call and review these and all labs with him/ her as they are the ordering physician. Repeating labs in three months will verify roughly how and to what extent your kidneys are functioning.
I would sit tight until your doctor has reviewed his/ her purpose in running these tests and verifying the data
with you.
In regard to what creatinine levels and your GFR are can be explained below:
According to Davita, creatinine is basically a chemical waste product in the blood that passes through the kidneys to be filtered and eliminated in urine. The chemical waste is a by-product of normal muscle function. The more muscle a person has, the more creatinine they produce. Levels of creatinine in the blood reflect both the amount of muscle a person has and their amount of kidney function.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a test used to check how well the kidneys are working. Specifically, it estimates how much blood passes through the glomeruli, or filters each minute.
Your eGFR is or estimated GFR is a number based on your blood test for creatinine, a waste product in your blood. It tells how well your kidneys are working.
Your doctor is on target for repeating the tests before giving you a definitive diagnosis of your kidney function and what action plan he/ she recommends to meet your individual needs.
Give him/ her a call.
The community members and I will always be here to discuss any concerns you may have after you speak to your doctor.
Stay safe and reach out.
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. Are they the only 2 tests used to find kidney function? My urea was 4.7 mmol/L. Has also requested an ultrasound of the renal track. I am female and 60 years old.
In my experience, the Doctor also took into consideration other blood work such as RBC, HCT and the blood urea; also phosphorus , potassium and sodium . This determined also what CKD diet to be placed on. As mentioned by Bet117, age is also a consideration. I was 75 when diagnosed at CKD 3b. My eGFR had been declining over the years. My Doctor also takes an average for my eGFR.
Hi Tajele,
I am so sorry to get back to you later.
I'm in accord with OC.
There are many tests that your doctor will be running to give you a more definitive diagnosis.
The key tests are creatinine. GFR, BUN or blood urea nitrogen, Your liver releases the substance into the blood, and it eventually ends up in your kidneys, albumin Creatinine/ Albumin ratio, protein, calcium and the others that OC has mentioned.
I feel that your doctor is being thorough to do an ultra sound to make sure that he/ she gets a definitive diagnosis.
In the meantime, print out your labs and check off any results which flag out out of the range next to your results, call and discuss them with him/ her to explain what your results mean and what they are looking for.
Your doctor is your first line of communication.
Please reach back to us at any time and let us know what was said and how we can support.
Be positive!
There is a website that can assist you in understanding what the tests are for and it may help to minimize some of the questions you have to ask.
Go to labtestsonline.org and then click on TESTS and enter the letters for each test to get an easy to understand explanation.
Best of luck.

Thanks for that. Will have a look now.
In addition to all the above, I'd like to mention there may well be a driver or influencer impacting your kidneys and, consequently, kidney numbers. Some originate outside the kidneys - diabetes (most frequent), lupus, viruses, exercise, etc. Occasionally, there are problems within the kidney itself - polycystic kidney disease, etc. So, as you examine your numbers, keep an eye out for the possible driver or influencer. (Sometimes the reason for your kidneys' situation can be treated or eliminated completely.) Great that you're asking questions early.
Thanks for that Darlenia. Have not been diagnosed as of yet. Just received results not long ago. They are repeating bloods in 3 months. Also doing a routine ultrasound of which the waiting list is 30 weeks!! I don’t drink a lot or eat healthy and of course am now constipated. I am on linsiprosal 2.5mg for my blood pressure also.
Wow...that's an exceptionally long wait for an ultrasound. Around our area (WDC), we can get those with little to no wait time at all. Smh.
Check for protein in your urine. My protein is normal in my blood, but not in my urine. And it tanked my kidneys.