hi I am 82 years old with gfr of 15 and creatinine levels of 4. Is there any way of improving kidney function and avoid dialysis?
Kidney function : hi I am 82 years old with... - Kidney Disease
Kidney function
Yes, depending on the cause. But for the most part, lower your protein consumption, no red meat, no processed foods, no soda and limited caffeinated products and limit or no salt. Eat tons of veggies and fruits low in potassium. Find something on the internet that will tell you the nutritional value of what you are putting in our mouth. I stayed off dialysis for 6 years by eating a renal diet. However, the progress did continue, just slower. See if you can see a renal dietician. Also have your meds checked to make sure they are renal protective. No ibuprofen or any NSAIDS. If you haven't, see a nephrologist and start planning for your next steps like dialysis so you are prepared and do not crash into it.
I am 83 and was diagnosed at CKD level 3b at age 76. I was put on a CKD diet and it has helped me. Maybe ask your Doctor about a diet.
thank you. I will. Did you go on dialysis?
No have not gone on dialysis. My eGFR hangs around 60.
Thanks. Is it possible for you to forward the diet to me?
Bassetmommer has basically described the diet:
"lower your protein consumption, no red meat, no processed foods, no soda and limited caffeinated products and limit or no salt. Eat tons of veggies and fruits low in potassium. Find something on the internet that will tell you the nutritional value of what you are putting in our mouth"
You could also go further and go fully plant based: No meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. But be careful you do get enough complete protein from other sources.
Tofu is a complete protein. Combining beans and rice also gives you a complete protein.
Yes, this. Plant-based is worth a shot. If labs and GFR don't improve within 3-6 months, then you have your answer. I see a lot of people dismiss plant-based (meaning no to almost-no animal products) without seeing first if it will help them. Personally, I'll do anything to raise my GFR, and if plant-based will do it, I'm in!
In my case, I was a cheese-eating vegetarian (definitely didn't want to give up the cheese) but my diagnosis of CKD (stage 3A) was so scary and the thought of dialysis terrifying, giving up cheese and eggs seemed a small price to pay.
At least give it a shot. There are multiple studies now that tout a plant-based diet.
Several people in facebook group Natural Kidney Journey have stalled dialysis, it's very restrictive with natural foods only (Veggies, fruit, rice, beans and oatmeal. Check out their sight. It's a private group but ask to join and tell them your situation. I've gone from 51 to a steady 76 gfr. Takes a lot of discipline but can be done. It's free.
Thank you. My edge is 16. Do you think it will work?
Sorry efgr
Natural Kidney Journey has a lot of success stories. You have to send a request to get in, and it make take a while for them to accept you (they get behind). I see a lot of people doing well with GFRs in the teens, so yeah, I think there is hope for you. At least, it's worth a shot!
In the meantime, try a plant-based diet with no animal flesh, no fish, chicken, dairy, eggs, beef, no processed foods, and see if that helps. Also, check out Lee Hull's books on kidney disease available on Amazon. He has documentation from people showing how their GFR goes up. He says, just give it a few months, follow the diet, and see if it works!
If you've been eating a regular meat and potato diet then switching over to veggies and fruits and limiting your protein I think can raise your gfr. As I said, and others - that it's been done. I can't speak for all diets but I follow the one I mentioned and while hard to do I've remained stable or increased my gfr going on 4 years. Just explain your situation if you want to join because time is of the essence here. In the meantime, lower protein and eat veggies - no potatoes, tomatoes though. Can't explain it all here, but just check it out.
Since your egfr is under 20 you are already in stage 5 or end stage renal disease. I would ask your nephrologist if you can have a consult with a renal dietician. Are you having other symptoms like tiredness, itchy skin, a jaundiced appearance? There are many other symptoms, too. I managed to wait until my kidney function was 5% before starting dialysis, but every person varies. Has your doctor prepared you for dialysis, the different ways of doing it? I opted for in center hemodialysis with a fistula because I wanted to feel safe with an experienced staff to take care of me and who I felt comfortable to ask questions . Also, is your kidney disease chronic or due to an acute kidney injury or infection? Acute cases can be improved to a higher kidney function with medical and dietary management. When you are on dialysis, you will have a renal dietician who will be part of your care team and who can explain what your diet needs to be , based on your blood work. I expect you will already be having monthly blood work already, which your doctor can explain to you. There is very good support you can look into at kidney.org, from diet to peer counselors. I understand that the thought of dialysis sounds scary, but if you learn and prepare yourself and let the staff help and encourage you, you will do better - I did! I am 72 now and did four years of dialysis before getting a transplant in 2020.
no other symptoms except swelling of feet and ankle. I am preparing for dialysis but trying to see if I can avoid it. It seems like there is no way to avoid it. Thank you so much
No. Endstage starts at 15. 20 is severe impairment .
My eFGR is 35 low, and my Creatinine is 1.78, high. Would the diet work for me if I ask about getting a dietician's assistance? Also I had a heart transplant almost 2 years ago.
I don't know about your specific diet after a heart transplant - I had a kidney transplant in December 2020. I felt free to eat more foods than my dialysis diet, but stuck to low salt and low fat because I had had stress related cardiomyopathy and have coronary artery disease since 2017. Unfortunately, I gained 20 lbs and have been on two different online diet apps since then. I mages to lose about 10 lbs, but have been stuck since changing diet apps. My weight may also be due to my two native kidneys, which are very large now with my polycystic kidney disease. I do know that some transplant patients gain weight when they are prescribed steroids (I didn't have to take them). So I would check with your transplant nephrologist and your cardiologist as to diet recommendations for you. I know there are renal dieticians.
You're welcome. I thought of something else. Renal Support Network (rsnhope.org) has been a real support to me for years. Check it out, they sponsor a whole host of programs for people with kidney disease like talking to a renal dietician once every two months, online support groups twice a month. The dietician is a vegetarian, too. They are wonderful people who are there to inspire hope in people with kidney disease and their caregivers.
First there's no cure for ckd. As far as improving your kidney function getting 30 minutes of exercise, changing your lifestyle, balanced meal plan and,avoid process foods
hi there, I was able to lower my creatinine and raise my eGFR from 31 to 38 and am working to get to 40 by Dec. I did it on. Renal diet….like Bassetmommer says no NSAIDS, nothing processed. Work w your nephrologist and a renal dietitian. I had a devil of a time finding a renal dietitian bc keeping track of your 3 P’s by yourself, IMHO, is more than difficult. On IG there is a terrific Renal dietitian that focuses on low potassium and has recipes > plant based.kidneys by Michelle Crosmer. I also use a service that my insurance pays for Healthy Mission Dietitian. She prescribes a daily menu according to your labs. She does zoom.
Good luck to you. I’m 76 feel 50 some days and really want to just make it to my mid 80’s.
Try a caster oil pack. Wear overnight as often as you can. Function WILL improve.
Sorry if a stupid question but what is a caster oil pack
You can get everything on Amazon or just put caster oil on a cloth and put over your kidneys. Rap something around you to hold it in place. Works to heal kidneys and all other organs. I use it over my pancreas and it lowers my blood sugar. Amazing results.
A couple of newish drugs, like jardiance and ozempic reportedly boost kidney function along with other effects. That's all I know.
Hi. I am looking for information, my dad has ckd, kidney function is 20%. I have read about Jardiance and finerone, anyone have experience of these drugs, do the work? Thank you
Hi Goppalover,
I am 72 years old .
Kidneys started failing in 2010 . Cause HBP. Went on a dietician proposed renal friendly diet. Controlling sodium etc
Got to GFr of 20 in Spring of 2018. Went on a stricter diet, lower protein , potassium
Went on Peritoneal Dialysis (9hours every night) in June 2020. Had to use phosphorus binders to control blood test levels
Got a transplant in Feb 2024.
Diet : I used the Renal Plate Method , 1/4 Plate Protein (Best is White of egg. Veg based protein not the best), 1/ 4 plate carb (Rice the best.) 1/2 plate Fruit and veggies . Low potassium fruit and Veggies are key )
I can send you a list of Fruit and Veggies by email in excel format if you send me your email I stuck to the list in the low potassium Column.
And yes as mentioned by others , no processed food and no NSAID’s
Must do at least 30 minutes of exercise (walking) every day can be broken up if you are feeling tired)
Now for something I have no experience with but was sent a video on the internet.
Soak 3 Tbsp of Barley in a cup of water over night . Drink the strained water the next morning . Seems harmless.
Could not try it as I got a Transplant by the time I saw the Video.
Best wishes , you can do this.
thank you. Sorry took so long to reply.
My apologies for misspelling your aias .
One of the other restrictions in a Renal to diet was not to use prepackaged spices as it is impossible to control the Salt.
Since I am a Golgappa fan too, I asked my sister to send me a recipe so that i could make it from scratch. Here is a recipe i got .
Golgappa/ PANI PURI
Recipe for the Pani (water):
• 1 cup chopped mint leaves
• 2 cups chopped coriander leaves
• 2 inch ginger
• 4 green chili
• seedless tamarind paste to taste
• 4-6 tbsp crumbled jaggery/sugar (add more to increase the sweetness)
(limit use for renal diet, if you are diabetic))
• 2 tsp roasted cumin powder (bhuna jeera powder)
• 2 tsp chaat masala powder
• black salt ( limit use for renal diet if you have HBP))
Then add , • 4CUPS water
Separately , create a mix of Garbanzo/Chickpeas, or RAGDA, AND/or MUNG/ Potatoes (limit if on a Renal diet)
Buy/ Make Poori's .
Fill Pooris with Mixture and Pani Puri water.
This is a YouTube link to making Barley Water for use in slowing a renal decline.
Since you can take it in its natural form, it should be acceptable to allopathic doctors, but as always CHECK with your Doctor/Renal Dietician.