My doctor prescribed me a new blood pressure pill, it made my potassium go up very high and dropped my kidney function 3 points in a week. It went from 19% to 16%. Has anyone else had this happen and is there any chance that number might go back up since I was only on this medication for a week and 3 days
Kidney Function: My doctor prescribed me a... - Kidney Disease
Kidney Function

Yes a near similar thing happened to my son. In his case it was a doubling of the potassium sparring diuretic that completely dehydrated him and he ended up in the ER. His numbers went back up once the dosage was reduced to half. So do please review your medication and dosage with your doctor. Best wishes.
You didn't mention the name of the BP med. I was placed on Lisinopril and within two weeks wound up in the ER while traveling and had to endure two little bottles of Kayexelate to get the numbers down. Obviously, I stopped the Lisinopril and saw a local doctor who placed me on Amlodipine and that has worked fine for almost three years.
There are folks here who take Lisinopril with no problems. There is no one "right" medication for everyone. Also, your numbers can fluctuate from lab to lab. Before you fill any prescription you might want to look up the prescribed medication at and see if they mention any specific issues for someone with CKD.

It was Lisinopril also. I check every prescription I’m written out with my nephrologist before I take it but he is the one who prescribed this for me. I stopped taking it and have to take something else to bring my potassium down, just hope that kidney function comes back up.
Hopefully it will. If this is a drug reaction, be hopeful that it will take care of itself.
I take Lisinopril to reduce proteinuria and have questioned it was playing havoc with my system.
Unfortunately, the nephrologists swear by it and it is the most widely prescribed drug for kidney and diabetic patients as they feel that it protects the kidneys.
Lostartan ( I am spelling it incorrectly) which is not an ACE inhibitor is also well prescribed.
Hang in there and please let us know how you are doing as we care!
Just remember, the doctors do not know everything, especially everything about you and your body. You are your own best advocate, and doing your own research and going with what your body tells you is your best directive.
Unfortunately I don’t think so. My levels have been all over the place for years. I.e. low iron, (gets a medication) iron is normal, vitamin d is low (yet another medication) etc.