Hello, I am new to this forum and Kidney Issues and would appreciate any feedback from long term kidney disease sufferers. I have Pulmonary Hypertension and Scleroderma and am on 80mg furosemide daily and 10mg Prednisolone for pulmonary oedema alongside treatments for PH. My eGFR has been in the high 40's - low 50's for a while now and serum urea been around 14 and Serum creatinine 100. But my last test showed my eGFR had reduced to 39, my Serum Urea is now 25 and Serum Creatinine is 122. Obviously this is worrying me and not sure what to expect. Am I on a slippery slope now or can these results stabilise and tick along for a long time. Has anyone got the same kind of results.
This is the first time I have had Kidney issues and they didn't start until I needed diuretics but if I lower the diuretics the fluid in my lungs and breathlessness gets much worse.
I am not on any treatments for Kidney disease, any input would be appreciated many thanks.