Post-Pregnancy weight loss: Hello, I'm... - Weight Loss Support

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Post-Pregnancy weight loss

Diianna93 profile image
8 Replies


I'm new here

i really struggling with my body image since giving birth to my son in octobre 2018.

i thought i would of lost all my baby weight by now and i see no difference after numerous dieting plans and hitting the gym 3-4 times a week (sometimes 2)

Back story i used to weigh 53Kg (74Cm) was a size S or XS depending on manufactor, i put on 27 KG during my pregnancy hitting the 80Kg around the time i gave birth. i then went down to 67Kg in the first 2 weeks after giving birth.

its been so long and after several Healthy plans my weight isn't constant but always between 63Kg and 67 KG like a yoyo effect. i had set a goal to at least lose weight to 56 KG but no matter how hard i try it doesn't seem to be working for me. i find it extremely hard to stick to not eating i don't know what i'm doing wrong and feel hungry all the time, something that before i was pregnant i wouldn't eat as much or feel so hungry.

i don't want to go on holidays for fear of having to be in a bikini now because i gained so much weight and just in general around my husband i hate my body image. i look nothing like the girl he started dating.

i having more problems around the stomach area, every clothing looks awful cause my stomach sticks out alot. (and i hit he gym cardio 20 minutes followed by weights abs and gluts machines), also the hip fat and back around the arm area

Anybody got any tips on how to help, i desperately need to lose weight?

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Diianna93 profile image
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8 Replies
Sewnknit profile image
SewnknitRestart April 2024

Oh gosh, I feel your pain.

I had 3 children very close together and gained an awful lot of weight.

It wasn't until my youngest was about 10 that I did any thing about it.

If you are starving yourself you will a) not lose wight and b) give up and feel worse.

You might want to try the LCHF (there is a group on here - i'm sure the admin bods will point you in the right direction. It may only be a problem if you are breast feeding (I could never shift any weight when I was).

Basically you drop the beige carbs such as bread and spuds, rice etc and fill up on healthy veg, moderate protein and healthy fats.

Sticking to not eating will send your body into starvation mode.

Good luck and belated congratulations!

MMP1 profile image

Hello Diianna93. You say you have tried several health plans and go to the gym. Do you think you are giving any plan long enough to work? It is only 16 months since you had your baby. I went to Weight Watchers and it took me 8 months to lose 18lbs. I then started at the gym and continuing with Weight Watchers and lost a further 9lbs, reaching a goal of 10st 7lbs, after one year. I had originally been aiming to get back to my usual weight of 9st 7lbs, but at 10st 7lbs, I was toned and looked and felt good. I persevered with the one plan, Weight Watchers, until I realised I needed the gym as well. When there was no weight loss towards the end of my journey, I measured myself and realised I had lost inches. You say you struggle with not eating. You should always eat and count your calories. Maybe you are not eating enough if you are always hungry. Possibly try another form of activity like walking or aerobics. I found exercise activities on the NHS website. Good luck on your journey 😊

lucigret profile image

Hello and welcome to the forum Diianna :)

I have to say it took me a long time to shift any baby weight, I certainly never achieved it in 14 months!

It is really hard to advise you on your eating when we don't know what you are eating, so for a start, I would join in with the Daily Diary, a place where we share our daily menu's.

I am going to just jump in and assume that you eat low fat, diet food and avoid anything things like cheese, cream, fat on meat. If this is the case, it could be one of the reasons that you are hungry. By not eating very much you are not helping your body at all. It will thing that you are starving it and hold on to anything it can to survive.

If you are going too have a healthy eating plan that is based on counting calories, then please use the NHS BMI calculator to calculate your personal range of calories and start at the top end of the range leaving yourself with somewhere to go as you begin to loose weight. Also make sure you stop buying low fat, diet food, the usually has a lot of sugar in it. They have to replace some flavour because fat has been taken out, so sugar goes in.

Make sure you include some good satiating fats, such as cream, whole milk, cheese, fat on meat, avocado, nuts, to name a few. These will help to keep you full and you will find it much easier to go from one meal to the next without snacking.

If you don't want to be bothered with calorie counting, then take a look at Low Carb, High Fat way of eating. DietDoctor will tell you all you need to know and you could also take a look at the LCHF forum here,

What ever you chose to do, it has to be sustainable for like, diet's just don't work.

As for exercise, it's a great way to tone your body and is great for our mental health. A gym is not always necessary though, don't underestimate walking, it is also a great way of toning your body.

If you haven't already, please read our Welcome Newbie post in Pinned Posts and whilst you are in Pinned Posts read all about the challenges and clubs we have available to help to keep you motivated, here is the link,

Participation is key to success, so I would suggest that you join in one of our daily Weigh In's, where you will receive lots of support and others will be pleased to receive support back from you :)

Wishing you all the best :)

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Sewnknit is right. What you're "doing wrong", as you put it, is not eating enough. You can't sustain that so any weight you lose, you'll put back on with more besides, while feeling miserable. You need to find a different way so do look into Sewnknit's suggestion

Joanney69 profile image

It takes a long time to lose baby weight - I didn't shift mine until last year & my baby was 21!! 😂 🤣

L ucigret has given you some great advice, have a look around the forum, there's lots of help available 😊

19sunflower profile image

Hi Dianna93, Welcome to the forum👍You're definitely in the right place now! You've already been offered lots of useful advice and I'd say try to fit in reading, researching and reflecting around naptime, playtime and bathtime😀.. Many of us have been there and are still wearing the t shirt, my babies are 12,14 and 17.... It certainly does take it out of us and we can struggle to reconcile what our precious little bundles have heaped on us...cos we're not all A listers.. 😄😄 But hey ho.. You'll get there! Get in the positive zone, plan ahead, realise that it's the food and not necessarily the additional exercise that will really influence weight loss. Be patient, be kind to yourself and do it for you 😉.. Cos you deserve it! Good luck, see you around. 👍

RedKhaleesi profile image

Hi Diianna

I am in a similar situation. My baby is also 18mo and I did manage to lose the weight in 12mo by breastfeeding, but since I stopped I have gained half a stone. Very disheartening. I eat really healthily, I just think my portion sizes are off so am trying to calorie count. I have zero tolerance for hunger though which is hard. I might look at the LCHF diets that others have suggested.


valy_sunshine profile image

Starting a family and being a mother takes energy! No wonder you're hungry - you need nutriments to keep you going, to continue providing support and care!

I think it's perfectly fine to be hungry constantly - my only suggestion would be to make sure you're eating fresh and healthy, rather than just quick and carbohydrate-heavy food (bread and pasta, etc).

Not just for physique and your diet, but to provide the right nutrition to yourself and your baby/child! I think tray-fulls of chopped up veg (sweet potatoes, broccoli, peppers, onions, etc) with a drizzle of olive oil would cook beautifully in the oven, freeing you up for 40min to play with your kid, do a few light exercises in the kitchen (squats, lunges, wide circles with your arms), cleaning the house etc whilst they roast... and provide a wonderful, colourful, flavoursome dinner minus the 'post-food slump'! It's normal to be 'softer' post-partum, even a couple of years after, so unless you have a celebrity trainer going over gym routines for several hours a day, the 'bounce back' will definitely take a little longer.

Please don't be insecure!! Just remind yourself to be a proud mama; you carried a baby inside of you for nine months, grew life inside of you, went from a partnership to a family, from woman to mother! It's all big changes :) how your tummy sticks out does not detract from the human you are. Just stay positive, stay active and stay grateful and then weight will melt off... it's all in the mindset too!

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