Combating cravings at that time of the... - Weight Loss Support

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Combating cravings at that time of the month

Emilysmum profile image
22 Replies

How do you combat the cravings for sugar on a period.

I always have trouble as I really do have a day where I eat everything bar the kitchen sink and feel hungry all day.

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Emilysmum profile image
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22 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

This is a tricky one, and I hope you can get some good advice.

Exercise is really helpful for TOTM, especially walking, something to do with the rocking motion of the pelvis. Also, many of our members have had success with a LowCarb HighFat diet for tackling their sweet tooth, not sure if this may help? Alternatively, could you plan and save a few calories?

And if you do fall off the wagon, getting back on track right away will often counteract any indulgence. 😊

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501Restart May 2024

I wish I knew the answer! I’ve had one of those days today myself. Normally I’ve got everything well under control and have no cravings at all eating LCHF.... but when TOTM strikes, sometimes it all comes crashing down. Personally, I just do what I can to get through, like having some really dark chocolate to hand, at least 70%, then back on track the next day. But today was awful. BISCUITS!!! Lots of them 🤦‍♀️ I hope your cravings pass quickly and you can get back on track.

Let me know if anyone comes up with a magic answer! 😊

SewMore profile image
SewMoreRestart August 2024

Hello, I don’t have failsafe tips either. What’s funny is my cycle is not so regular, I am good for what seems like ages, then I eat the all the biscuits one evening then realize the next day why my cravings were so intense! Exercise does indeed seem to help me; when I get in a routine of regular exercise the monthly-ish cravings are lessened.

SilverCooper profile image
SilverCooper in reply to SewMore

I'm the same Sarah - I notice that I am craving sweet things and then the next day think - oh that will be why!!! x we are v complex creatures! :)

Emilysmum profile image

Thanks did lots of walking today but the cravings were bad !

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Emilysmum

Do you eat reasonable meals? With a good mix of protein, fat and vegetables? Maybe don’t worry too much about portion size but focus on eating properly for a day or two 😊

Easterbunny profile image

Walking is good, I drink a lot of water instead of eating (running for the loo becomes more of a nuisance then), distract myself with a good book and eat a small piece of cheese (dunno why but it works for me)🧀

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Easterbunny

I was just going to suggest eating some form of good fat instead.

I used to suffer just the same Emilysmum and never found an answer. I am older now and past all that, but since I have started eating good fats in my diet and cutting carbs, my sweet tooth is definitely diminishing - try the cheese or put some cream in a cup of coffee. It might work and you won't know unless you try :)

Good luck :)

Easterbunny profile image
Easterbunny in reply to lucigret

I go with a mixed bag of different cheeses (the little lunchbox sized ones) so I don't feel too tempted to binge on a kilo block of cheddar

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Easterbunny

oh yum....a kilo block of strong your talking....I am so hungry lol.

No, being serious now, I cut mine into 30g portion and then cut that up into small pieces and savour 🧀 😁

I really need to go and do my lunch and guess what will be included in it🤪 Just drank a coffee and cream to stave of the hunger pangs - you should never feel hungry.

Easterbunny profile image
Easterbunny in reply to lucigret

Just ate mozzarella, tomatoes with some basil pesto and some basil infused olive oil 😋 yum

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Easterbunny

That sounds lovely. I have to admit I have never bought the infused olive oils, I really must.

I am having a tuna and cheese salad and cauliflower chicken alfredo tonight :)

Easterbunny profile image
Easterbunny in reply to lucigret

I have a stall at several farmers markets in Suffolk and one weekend I was positioned next to a lovely bloke selling haloumi and infused olive oil, tried them all, basil was my fav, he told me that they crush the basil in with the olives when they are doing the pressing, tastes well lush. 😁

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Easterbunny

Love a Farmer's market :) We have one in town from time to time. You have convinced me to add olive oil infused with basil to my shopping list :)

Easterbunny profile image

If you can't find it drop me a line I'll see if I can find the webshop for this chap.

candoo profile image

im the same but not always sweet, just hungry. a grumbling belly and a craving to binge on anything. I never know when that day is going to happen and I think its hard to control but to realise why you feel that way is a good start to thinking....nooooooooo….. im not giving in,lol. however if you do then definitely forgive yourself and get straight back onto healthy eating the next day. :-)

Alisongold profile image

This is one of the very few good points about the menopause, it was really noticeable when those ravenous days stopped ! Understanding your metabolism really does help with making better food choices in order to reduce the cravings. I will watch the video again, probably for the 5th or 6th time, the series have been invaluable.

Let us know how you get on with some of the excellent suggestions.

Icandoit2019 profile image

I get cravings a week before my period starts. I get hungry and crave carbs and sweet deserts like syrup pudding and tarts which I normally do not touch as I have a more savoury tooth then sweet. I tried distraction or replacing it with a low calorie alternative but end up much worse as I eat both 😂.

It depends how strong and motivated I feel that day. Sometimes I give in sometimes I don’t. Finding it less and less when I used to crave food/snacks for a whole week but now subsided to a couple of days. My weight gain can vary from 5-3lbs but it’s mostly water and I usually lose it the following week. I have been trying not to get too hang up over it all and more forgiving to myself. I don’t let it snowball and think what’s the use and go back to my old ways as that’s how the cycle starts.

Just trying to understand myself more and what my triggers are.

Good luck to you on your journey hope you find your answers.

Gemini-Girl1 profile image

I’m exactly the same I feel so hungry and crave chocolate when I’m usually not that interested in it. I then feel crap about myself having eaten everything that I shouldn’t have when the time of the month is gone. I combatted it by going to the gym in the evening or a long walk as by the time I get home and shower all I want to do is go to bed. I found the more time I spent at home the more often I would raid the cupboards.

Emilysmum profile image

I have given in this month to the craving but including in my allowance for calories. I am going to watch the video.

Bevly profile image

Hi Emilysmum, I've been reading your posts from 5 months ago and wondering how your weight loss is going ☺

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Bevly

Hello and welcome Bevly 😊

If you haven’t already then please read the Pinned Posts here as a few things have changed recently

As you may have noticed, this is a very busy forum with lots going on, and nothing beats joining in, reading posts and replying to others. Our group Weigh-in and the Daily Diary are probably the best places to start. Regular forum involvement is probably the best thing you can do to help with your weight loss and health improvement

Best wishes in your weight loss journey

Indigo 😊

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