Weight Loss Support

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iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
26 Replies

Hi im Jan

I weighed myself yesterday and am at the heaviest i have ever been and im feeling really down about it, i need to lose weight for my self esteem and my health, i holiday 3 times a year and see so many lovely clothes that i cannot buy because they dont do sizes to fit me, i know my weight gain is my own fault but ive had enough and need to lose this fat so that i can look in the mirror without feeling disgusted

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iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
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26 Replies
lucigret profile image

Hello and welcome to our friendly forum, you have come to the right place and many of us here know just how you feel.

I think I would start by changing my user name to something more positive, so that everytime you see it, it cheers you up 😊

Loosing weight is a lot about changing our mind set and being kind to ourselves 😊

I am at work, away from my laptop this morning but will be back later to give you our newbie pack, unless another kind Admin gives it to you first 😊

In the meantime, read through the post 😊

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image

Hi Thanks for welcoming me and yes i will change my name. x

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

Moreless is just doing you the newbie welcome 😊

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to lucigret

thankyou so much...how do i change my name

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

You did it, well done and much better 😊

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

Hi and welcome. You can do it and you will feel so much better for it. There is loads of support on this forum.

When you get your "newbie" pack, take the time to read it and really think about your strategy, and what pushes your buttons. I have learned so much about myself on my weight loss journey.

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

thank you im so determined i need to be smiley again

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

Loving your new username! Hope to see you around the Daily Diary once you've digested all the info in the newbie pack.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, iwillsmileagainxxx :)

Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins.


To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link


Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.

We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.


Wishing you all the best for 2019 :)

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to moreless

Hi moreless

thank you so much

Barcud profile image

Hi iwillsmileagainxxx huge congratulations on recognising your need to lose weight and coming here....the best start on your healthy living journey you could make. Love that you changed your name, be positive! You will find lots of ideas around the forum, join in here as much as you can and plan your day's food, be part of one of the weigh-in teams you could join the Tuesday Trimmers today but if you don't know your weight today wait until tomorrow weigh yourself first thing in the morning and record your start weight with the Wednesday Wobble Warriors and then return every week to record your loss! Admitting your weight can be quite scary but have a look round at peoples posts and you rapidly realise you are not alone. Good luck with your journey.

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to Barcud

Hi Barcud

Thank you for your reply, i already feel a little better after all the replies to me im going to do this, this is my year

Marple_J profile image

Hi, I completely relate to your post. I joined this group only a week ago and it was the best thing I have done. I waited until the new year to start my new journey and thanks to the support here I feel ready and excited about this new start. I am a Wednesday Wobbler Weigh in and suggest you join a weigh in group too. I find that by logging on here daily and reading the advice and tips from others really helps. The group is so supportive too. For example last Friday night I went out for a few alcoholic drinks and then I got the junk food cravings. I posted on here asking for advice on what to eat and got some great, quick, positive advice which made me shake my head and think no I don't need the junk the food and I bought a healthier option instead. I already feel happier in myself that I have made the change and hopefully the weight will drop as I progress. Don't beat yourself up, brush yourself down and start again, you can do it. Good luck

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to Marple_J

Thank you Marple,

i to will be a wednesday wobbler, and just to know that you are not alone makes a big difference x

Barcud profile image
Barcud48kg in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

Great, I host the Wednesday Wobble Warriors on a fortnightly basis (Just1me does the alternate one) so I will see you there tomorrow and you already 'know' 2 of us.

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to Barcud

so how do i get to the wednesday wobblers

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

moreless has given you the link to the newbie pack. That will help you find your way around. Take your time reading through all those links moreless has given you :)

Barcud profile image
Barcud48kg in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

The post will be open at 9pm tonight and open until 9pm tomorrow evening, this is to accommodate the forum members around the world. You can already read it but not post yet.

Hwhu profile image

Hey. Yeah I too am the heaviest I've been in my life at the moment.

I have cut bad 'fats' out and I'm just starting to go to the gym. Thing is I cant really afford my gym membership so I'll end it soon. Been trying to rid the weight for 2-3 weeks now and it will fluctuate between 2-3lbs up and down.

Which is very frustrating but I realised that it's not only food that attributes to weight gain. I have been under a lot of stress recently (didn't realise how much so) and I have been trying to control that.

I'm trying to be more active (desk job) hopefully this will make me realise and just stop eating the wrong things.

I do not like the 'blub' I see on my body and I am going to do something about it.

Main reason for this message is just keep going. Make small changes and don't get frustrated with slow progress. Progress is progress, you'll get there. Try 100 calories less a day (within safe levels) 5 mins a day more of physical activity you know the small things.

All the best


iwillsmileagainxxx profile image
iwillsmileagainxxx7lbs in reply to Hwhu

Hi H

Thank you for your reply, its hard to get going but im determined to make this year my year, im a chef so sometimes at work its hard not to pick at naughty things, but no more thats it, ive given myself a good talking to and im going to lose this weight, and im sure you will too good luck x

Whitton6 profile image
Whitton6 in reply to iwillsmileagainxxx

I went cold turkey in November and am only eating proper food. I had one chocolate biscuit last week the first and only . Still it's hard going keep in touch

Seedhead profile image

Sorry to hear you’re feeling down about your progress. I’ve been there just last week - the heaviest I’ve ever been after having reached my goal weight this time last year I just crept up and up and couldn’t stop. But I turned a tiny corner today by signing up here. I know how you feel. Sometimes it takes only one small step, one tiny step to make a difference. Hope you find your chink of light to get you back on course. Great that you posted. Look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Whitton6 profile image

Good luck with your weight loss take it slowly and you will get some great outfits for your holidays.

gottabedone profile image
gottabedone1st 7lbs

Good luck, :) I'm into my third week now, weigh in tomorrow hopefully with a steady weightloss, I'm finding writing everything down that i'm eating is keeping me on the right road at the moment, I did have a a roast dinner and glass of wine (first alcoholic drink in January)on Sunday whilst out with the family, but refused a second glass, I didn't feel guilty about it, I didn't deny myself eating what everyone else was, and didn't think to my self oh stuff it eat/drink like crazy and start again tomorrow, I have always done this in the past but not this time :) so far anyway all seems okay and a big help to come on here and see and comment where possible to let others know we are all the same in the same boat trying to do something about it, so good or bad I will keep posting to keep me on track :)

Off to do my good deed for the day and help my brother with his decorating ~

Craftyperson profile image

Well you've made the first step so here's to a good weight loss

iwillsmileagainxxx profile image

Hi all thank you for all your comments ....its nice to know that im not alone and i wish everyone the best with their weight loss...I have started my healthy eating plan and i have found that putting a picture of myself when i looked good on my fridge to stop the craving for biscuits and chocolate, it makes me think twice knowing that with some work i can look good again

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