Hi I am 2stone overweight not good health so need to lose it. I would love to receive lots of ideas and recipes to get me started. I have been to weight watchers and slimming world in the past and lost weight but over time it's back on again. I would like to have lost a stone by Christmas so come you lovely people encouragement needed.
Desperate overweight lady: Hi I am... - Weight Loss Support
Desperate overweight lady

Hi Dramagroup,
Welcome to the NHS weight loss forum, and I hope you'll enjoy being part of this community. I'd recommend reading our Welcome Newbie post - it's in the Pinned posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage), and I'd also recommend the NHS 12 week plan, as it's easy to follow and has lots of sensible and good suggestions for healthy weight loss. Many of us are following it.
Please join us for the Monday group weigh-ins, if you'd like to have a weekly weigh-in. See the Events section (below Pinned posts) for details of that.
Wishing you a great week ahead.
Hello dramagroup 😊 This is a great forum full of like minded people 😊 Slow and steady wins for me, 😊 Best wishes and I look forward to hearing from you again
Go to your kitchen cupboards and throw out or give away the biscuits, crisps, cakes and sugary drinks. Then do a weekly shop to include fresh fruit, a variety of vegetables (maybe try a few new ones), Low-cal jellies, some calorie counted desserts or yogurts.
Buy some chicken, fish, cottage cheese and any other low sugar & low carb foods that you fancy.
If you can keep a record of what you have eaten and drunk, that will help you to stay on target. Look into myfitnesspal or nutracheck apps to help you do this. Write a list of the reasons why you want to do this, and look at your diary to see where you can fit in more activity. Good luck!
my advice is to go back to slimming world , lose weight, but then continue to attend weekly classes so that you maintain weight loss. This website has excellent ideas but its only yourself that can keep the weight off and regular check ins at a class will do this for you .
Thank you for your comments I still have my slimming world books so from today doing that. If I come unstuck I will definitely go back thanks Maureen
2stone overweight isn't 'desperate'
Thes best advice I always give to people is eat what you like but don't have too much.
I've lost the best part of 5kg in 4weeks and have enjoyed biscuits, crisps, sweets, cakes etc etc
The moment you change your eating habits to something unsustainable is when you end up indulging after a few weeks and ruin any weight loss achieved
You don't need to take my advice but it certainly works for me 😉
I think you have ever hope of achieving your goal. You have time to move towards this (5 months). Sometimes just setting out the what and why is the starting point.
Hi as you already know it's all about what you eat. I do lots of exercise but at the end of the day its what you Eat.
Personally I don't eat any crisps biscuits cakes etc as full of Trans fats.
Try to eat protein
meat like chicken we have bought a George Foreman grill takes 7 minutes to grill chicken breasts. Even best quality beef burgers. If you try high protein and no fat products as no added sweetner you will not be hungry and start to lose weight even without mad exercise. I have done it and continue as very greedy and easily put weight on. Good luck and have a goal..getting into a dress or something always helps me. Keep in touch 😊❤
nhs 12 week programme is great and seeing a fresh start person for 1 to 1 support over 12 weeks once a week is helpful too. The aim is to work towards a healthier lifestyle with our eating, exercising not being on yet another diet. Feel for you with health issues-I want to be a healthier weight for my height and maintain this.
You already know how to do it, like most of us , it's the willpower that lets us down . Google is sad wonderful tool to use to search out healthy , easy cook meals , but at the end of the day.... I'm afraid it the old chestnut that's the best ..... Eat less , exercise more. Good luck to you. ( and the rest of us👍🏻)
As many above has said, 12 week nhs program. Its basically calorie counting, i like it as i can eat what ever i want but in moderation. Still have my friday night dominoes!!!
Im allowed 1400 calories a day, but it varies for your height/weight , check here to see how many you can have. calculator.net/calorie-calc...
The main change i have made, is swapping from butter to lurpack lightest. Cutting out cheese, swapping normal bread for danish (saves 50 calories a slice!!) Quark is an amazing ingredient its a cream cheese, but i use in place of natural yoghurt also. I also have tried to up my protein intake as i find this keeps me fuller for less calories. Naturally my carb intake has reduced but i dont rule any foods out. I love chocolate and crisps so still have these but have chocolate in 100 calorie snack bags and buy low calorie crisps such as wotsits and quavers.
Good luck you can do it! Ive lost 2stone in 4 months so it is achievable!
Hi and welcome,
If your phone can use apps these are free either myfitnesspal or fitbit (I use myfitnesspal) input your food, put in how much weight you want to lose, the number cals shown is minus deficiate to lose the weight. Counts your steps.
Try barenaked rice/noodles hardly any cals or carbs, basmati rice is less cals than brown rice.
Protein Greek yogurt %fat, hummus low fat (waitrose is best), cream cheese either Sainsburys be good or Waitrose do a fat free one. I enjoy on lettace leaf no carbs.
Fried/boiled/ scramled eggs are good little fat used to fry. Scrambled in microwave ( no horrid pan to wash)
Veg grown above ground less carbs than root ones.
You can lose the weight, don't get mad if you have a bad day just start again we all have a day where it goes wrong, don't say 'can't eat that or it not allowed' you will want it more. Give your brain time to adjust it needs retraining.
Use this forum for good days and bad days everyone is really nice and going through similar things to you.
Good luck you can and will do this
Hi Drama Group
You poor thing. 2st really isnt desperately overweight but may well feel that way to you. I am still, according to the NHS BMI list overweight even though I've lost well over 10st. My advice would be stop the dieting as you are a classic yo-yo dieter. All those slimming classes are great until you stop. If nothing has changed with your eating habits then you will go back to being your old self.
Its all about food changes. Swap white foods for healthier options. Whole grain bread instead of white, whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta and always use a tomato based sauce instead of a cream one. Sweet potato instead of white potato. Try if possible to reduce your sugare inake. 1 tea spoon of sugar is roughly 16 calories. I used to have 4 in a large sports direct mug and had 3 mugs before doing my night shift. Thats a massive 70,000 calories a year I now don't have or put another way, 20lbs of weight I no longer have to shift every year. I always have porridge for breakfast but made with almond milk saving me 50 calories a day or 18,250 calories a year. That's another 5lbs I don't have to shift. There are no banned foods, only good and bad choices.
I still have my coffee, and toast or porridge, still have my pasta etc so I haven't gone without anything. Try and plan every meal a week or at a minimum of a day before. Drink water as cold as possible. It takes lots of energy to heat up water. Your wee should be straw coloured. Any darker and you're dehydrated.
Exercise but slowly and steadily. Not sprinting or doing a bazillion pressups but to the point where you can hear your breath but at the same time still hold a full conversation. That alone can be 150 calories a day or 54,750 calories a year or 15lbs. So far by not going on a diet you could save yourself 143,000 calories or 40.8lbs of weight every year.
Good luck
If you put your mind to it you can definitely lose 1 stone for Christmas. That is an entirely sensible and achievable goal.
I agree with the people who have said why not go back to Slimming World. But I also think you need to change mind set - it really is a lifestyle change that all of us overweight people need to accept. To lose weight we have to accept that we can't go on eating as we have been. I think for a lot of us, we really don't want to accept that and therefore we struggle. I include myself in that group - all too often I hope that the big chocolate bar I've just eaten won't show on the hips, but, sooner or later, it always does!
I'd suggest sticking to 3 meals a day and no snacks, cutting right back on manufactured foods, and making yourself eat a minimum of 5 portions of vegetables every day. Knock any alcohol and takeaways on the head at least for the duration of your weight loss, and be very wary about reintroducing them once you are slim. Stick to tea, coffee, water rather than fizzy drinks.
Try to be as active as you can - if your state of health allows, why not try a daily walk to the park to start off with, and a few exercises in front of the TV for muscle strengthening? You can use water bottles or tins of baked beans for weights! You'll be surprised at how quickly you can build up strength and stamina if you just do it moderately for 4-5 days a week.
Finally back to mindset, but put yourself first for a while, and focus fully on this very impotant goal that means such a lot to you. The people who love you will understand that you might not be able to make the barbecue, booze-up or birthday blow-out for a few weeks and they won't mind if they have to catch up with you while you're speed walking around the park. It's like they say - people who mind don't matter, and people who matter don't mind!
Best of luck!

I want to lose 2 stone for Christmas and I think with being in the right frame of mind it can be do-able. All I can give you is encouragement, like you I have tried all the slimming clubs, lost some, put it on and started again. I have never liked exercise but found that I enjoyed aqua aerobics and I actually enjoyed my gym induction today. Keep me updated on how you do each week and I'll do the say and we can encourage each other.