PCOS & Weight loss Woes: Hi all, I... - Weight Loss Support

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PCOS & Weight loss Woes

Sammi24070905 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all,

I've not been on here for a while but I'm slowly slipping back into bad habits. I have been trying to calorie control. I have PCOS so insulin resistance is an issue for me. Everyone around me seems to be doing really well with diets etc. but I find it so difficult as due to hormones my cravings for sugar and carbs are insane!

anyone in the same boat? and any tips are widely welcomed. Been TTC for 6 years now and I'm still the heaviest I've been in that time.

Somethings got to give.

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Sammi24070905 profile image
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14 Replies
lucigret profile image

Hello Sammi,

Firstly I would suggest that you come here frequently and take part in some of our challenges - take a look here to see what we have on offer - healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

People who come here frequently and take part gain a lot more support and give support in return. Supporting others also helps us as we take on board the advice we give to them. Simply by being here daily, reading the posts and taking part in a weekly weigh in, will keep your mind on the job in hand and make your journey far more enjoyable :)

You are not the only person who is not loosing weight - just take a look at the Strugglers Club on the forum and you will see that there are many of us struggling. The fact that we come here and talk about it really can help, after all we all understand how hard it can be - we are all fighting the same battle :)

I am no longer convinced that hormones make us crave sugar and carbs. I used to think this - every TOTM I would crave chocolate and anything sweet. I wish I had known then what I know now. Eating sugar and carbs MAKES us crave them. This is just feeding the problem of insulin resistance. How about a complete change - remember - if you keep doing what you have always done, you will always get the same results.

Take a look at this - phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

and maybe take a look at the Low Carb High Fat forum as well -


Eating good satiating fats, cuts the need and desire to eat sweet and carb filled foods. You will feel full and satisfied, you won't feel bloated and hopefully you will find that those cravings will disappear.

In the meantime, you could try tricking yourself - when you are craving something sweet, have a small piece of cheese or a teaspoon of peanut butter or something else savoury that you like or a hot drink.

It is possible to loose weight with PCOS - my daughter in law lost at least 2 stone simply by watching what she ate and some exercise.

Wishing you good luck :)

Sammi24070905 profile image
Sammi240709057lbs in reply to lucigret

Hi Lucigret,

Thank you for your reply! absolutely think your right I just need to focus, come here daily and get right into it. I enjoy it once I am into it its just that first push!

thanks for the tips and the posts I will absolutely be looking at the strugglers club each time its posted for hints and tips.

Everyone does indeed struggle so will be good to see how they try to over come it daily :)

Thank you

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Sammi24070905

You are very welcome - here is the link to the Strugglers Club, I know Hidden will be happy to welcome you there :) - healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...


I also have PCOS. I have lost 2.5 stone so far but it has taken a whole year so slower than some. For me, I do have the horrendous cravings if not on Metformin (you should be able to get it from your GP for PCOS). I have lost weight by eating 3 plates of food a day, my 5 a day, and cutting out snacks and junk food / sugary foods on week days. It is frustrating. I have been TTC since July with no luck yet and I feel your pain, I can’t imagine what it’s like after 6 years. I’m so sorry you’re going through this too.

Sammi24070905 profile image
Sammi240709057lbs in reply to 9stoneandcounting

Hi lovely, I used to be on metformin but I didn’t seem to have any benefits on it so the dr took me off of it. Your routine sounds like the right way to go! Anything is worth a go! I get frustrated that food is my main barrier! Do you count calories or do you just stick to that? I feel your pain too. It’s a horrible condition and is difficult enough with TTC without all the symptoms. I’m so sorry for you too but here’s to everything crossed for you to conceive xx

9stoneandcounting profile image
9stoneandcounting in reply to Sammi24070905

I keep a vague eye on calories but don’t count them exactly. I aim for around 2000 kcal but I know if I stick to my eating routine I won’t usually go over that. I usually eat approx:

400 kcal breakfast (cereal, milk, 1/2 glass fruit juice)

700 kcal lunch (sandwich, 2 pieces fruit/veg, yoghurt) OR (leftovers from dinner as below)

700 kcal dinner (1 plate food containing at least 2 portions veg, small amounts of cooking oil, ketchup, gravy etc.).

That comes to about 1800 then I eat a treat or two on special occasions (cake on birthdays, chocolate at Christmas, take away at a friends house etc.) and end up around 2000 kcal on average.

I did try HFLC and in theory it does work, but in practise I get really pissed off feeling so restricted, binge after a week or so, and just end up back at square one and heavier than when I started!

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Hi Sammi24070905

There's some success stories connected to pcos and lchf eating plan.. I was diagnosed with pcos 30+ years ago, although I'm now of the age for everything to wind down.. it would have been useful to have this info earlier...

If the LCHF or Keto info may be of use to you.. I wish you future success TTC.

Cheering you on 🎉🎉🎉

Sammi24070905 profile image
Sammi240709057lbs in reply to Minniewinny

Hi lovely. Thank you for that! It’s definitely something to look into. I just need to get a handle on it I think. Did you have success loosing weight with LCHF? X

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to Sammi24070905

I have had success losing weight on it and once your past the first 2-3 weeks it's so easy as you don't get hungry..

Our lovely admin moreless has lost 7 stones on it.. see her story at


She and many others certainly have the freedom to give advice as they've walked the walk...

Enjoy this forum. It truly is the best there is x

Sammi24070905 profile image
Sammi240709057lbs in reply to Minniewinny

Absolutely, thanks for all your recommendations :)

Ali_B62 profile image

Wishing you well with your choice of diet. Plenty of vegetables is always important and do read the lchf info carefully, i have lost weight on it - slowly does it. :-)

Sammi24070905 profile image
Sammi240709057lbs in reply to Ali_B62

Thank you, I know I can do it! Just keeping that will power going! Slow and steady wins the race right? 😊

Ali_B62 profile image
Ali_B62 in reply to Sammi24070905

Absolutely! ☺

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Hi, following up on the low carb high fat approach that has been suggested, I've just come across this website. It's a US one, as you can tell from the seasonal recipes, but worth exploring mypcoskitchen.com/

Not what you're looking for?

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