Hello there : Hi I'm olleg I'm 48 and... - Weight Loss Support

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Olleg profile image
β€’30 Replies

Hi I'm olleg I'm 48 and desperate to get to grips with the emotional side of eating ...I eat when happy ...sad ...excited tired lonely ....but only in the evenings it's so so frustrating as I'm so healthy all day ...I just can't get a grip of this ...I've tried everything I'm desperate to get some help and support ...any advice or even just people saying hello would be a great start 😊thank you

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Olleg profile image
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30 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Olleg and a very warm welcome 😊

First of all, please take a look at the Welcome Newbie Post here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... for advice about how they forum works and all the things we have on offer.

Having enough to eat is vital, especially if you are battling the evening munchies. If you are following the NHS 12 Week plan then the 1400 calorie target suggested is a just generic amount, so check your calorie target on the BMI checker, it’s often higher than you think. Eating when we aren’t hungry is often due to boredom, or just a habit, and can be changed within a few days of stopping the habit. But you need to believe in yourself 😊

Try to come onto the forum regularly, daily if you can, reading posts and replying to others. Being part of a community is proven to help weight loss. Why not join our daily chat thread β€˜What’s Happening Today? And tell us all a little about your day.

For your own privacy and safety online we suggest that you lock your posts by selecting β€˜followers in my community’ when you write a new post. Please read our security post here. healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

Best wishes and have a great first week

Indigo 😊

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to IndigoBlue61

Heartfelt thanks for such a warm and beautiful welcome I'm truly grateful to you you have made me smile and given me great advice 😊

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Olleg

You’re very welcome Olleg 😊. Have a good read and please just ask if you have any questions

Hi Olleg ,

I have only been here a week, but like you, I am a very emotional eater! This week i am going to try and do something instead of turning to food/drink. I have just bought some adult colouring books and also got some new books to read. I love reading but haven't been given myself some 'me time', so this is changing! Hopefully diverting my attention to something different will stop me heading to the fridge!

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to

Wow thank you from the heart for yoyr open and honest reply ...That's exactly what I need someone in a similar position. ..I'm grateful for your reply and fab advice. ..hope we can share our journey .

I'm a very positive lady despite health issues and if I could conquer this it would help so many areas of my life ...I feel so alone with it every evening and so want to change my habit ...but I've had it for so many years ...but I never give up trying 😊you sound like you are ready for the challenge too ...

Perhaps we could help /encourage each other ...I would really like this .

in reply to Olleg

Oh you're very welcome! Nice to know that I am not alone on this journey and wanting to change and break habits! Like you, I have had this for years, from early high school age, but determined to change!

More than happy to share this journey together! :)

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to

Good morning ..🍁🍁what a beautiful autumnal day we are blessed with ...

I'm full of hope this morning and I just know that together we can tackle this habit and change it !!!

I wanted to wish you a happy Sunday and to say that I will be thinking of you as my positive motivation and inspiration today...it helps so much knowing I'm not alone with this .

We can do thisπŸ’•

Be kind to yourself today .

I am going to treat myself to a new nail Polish and do my toes and fingers this evening ....will make me feel nice and even I struggle to eat with nail varnish in tow /toe πŸ˜‚

in reply to Olleg


Sorry for the delay, had a few busy days with my little one being off school and we've been out and about! We have been very lucky with the weather, so been getting out for walks when I can as well, get mt fitbit steps in!!!

How are you getting on?

Luckily I still have uni work to tackle in the evenings so this has been keeping me busy!

We 100% have this! :)

Misslovely profile image

Hello Olleg xx

Youre not alone in eating for comfort or boredom!

I used to find i ate a LOT more later on in the evening so i tried to decrease that by wearing a moisturiser or perfume that was quite sweet so that it helped me not want to eat the sweet stuff - worked for me & found vanilla fragrance help. I also wore a bobble around my wrist and each time i wanted to reach for food i didnt need i snapped it against my wrist!

I also tried a hypnosis app too and that said that a craving lasts for about 20 mins or so & most people can distract themselves ling enough for it to pass so maybe arm yourself with a colouring book like Autumnleaves ! Or read or go for a bath ! Ive tried allmof these and dont need to reach for extra food !

were all in this together xxx

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to Misslovely

Thank you so much for taking time to reply to my post I really appreciate it! !

You have given me great advice and I will try your tips for sure ...

It's positive to know that you have managed to get over this evening munchies thing ....I'm hopeful I can achieve my dream and get some self control back 😊

Misslovely profile image
Misslovely in reply to Olleg

Youre welcome xx

Im sure you will in time, its all about what works for you xx

S11m profile image

Try setting yourself a time in the evening after which you do not eat.I started off at 19:30 (you could start at 22:00?).

It took me 20 years to adapt my appetite to my needs, but now I rarely eat after 14:00... and, with breakfast after 10:00 that is 20/24 intermittent fasting!

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to S11m

Thank you so very much for your reply I'm trulygrateful for that advice ...you sound like yoyre totally in control now which is good to hear πŸ’•

Chocomad profile image

Another one here. I am exactly the same and Thank you for this post I didn't realise I had company.

I was on a diet plan and a really good one as I managed to lose around 8 kg! Then during the stress of the summer holidays and a husband who works away alot I managed to put on around 4kg and about another 3kg due to stress.

Now I am in a slightly better place I dread having to start this all over again. I like the idea from S11m of intermittent fasting. I also find it's worse in the evening when the kids are in bed and I need a bit of me time x

Hang in there I think your posting is a great start :-)

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to Chocomad

Good morning and thank you so very much for your reply I'm truly grateful and so touched that so many people have reached out to me .

I think it's so important to realise we are not alone and in less than 24 hours of joining I am already feeling like this goal of mine is achievable with help and support .

I have accomplished so many things in life and yet this seems to be some kind of a comfort blanket that I can't seem to part with ...as much as I hate the way it makes me feel afterwards ...I have to be honest that it makes me feel fabulous in the moment I'm doing it ...so my question to myself has to be ...how can I change doing something that makes me feel so good and yet so bad at almost the same time ....I have to learn how to deal with my emotional eating ....πŸ’•

rachiegirl profile image
rachiegirlRestart Oct 2023

I'm an emotional eater too Olleg and can find it really quite difficult to differentiate between true hunger and the emotional variety. As already suggested, it's important to keep within the right calorie range and eat enough to ward off real hunger. Then you can judge that the other type is the munchies. Colouring books and knitting or painting and drawing can be great distractions - as already mentioned - and also writing down how you're feeling in a journal to get it out of your head. I've had the evening munchies a couple of times over the last few days. I found that picturing how good I would feel when I stepped on the scales and had lost weight (because I hadn't given in to the cravings) was really helpful. Hope that helps a bit. Best wishes and good luck

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to rachiegirl

Hello there and thank you so very much for your reply I'm truly grateful for the kind words and support ...

I've tried most things to be honest ....drawing ...colouring ...hot baths ...pamper sessions ....I think I just need to go cold turkey ....not literally !!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I need to get deeper about why I'm doing it and I've tried so many times but I'm not giving up ..wishing you a happy autumnal day πŸπŸ‚πŸxx

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Olleg

Good morning Olleg

Would you like to join today's weigh in? You'd be very welcome, particularly as it's clear from your replies that you're great at responding to others and that's what makes the forum go round. Here's the link healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

On the subject of compulsions around food, I would recommend Ditching Diets by Gillian Riley. It's only a small book but packed with ideas that may give you some insight into why we get into our odd relationships with food, and - even better - guidance for finding a way forward. I bought it online

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to BridgeGirl

Yes I would indeed I think it would be a great idea ....thank you 🌟

rachiegirl profile image
rachiegirlRestart Oct 2023 in reply to Olleg

you're welcome Olleg. The other thing I'm doing which has been really helping me is to commit to a plan of what I'm going to eat - either the evening before or first thing in the morning. I post it on the Daily Diary here and enter it into my fitness pal to check that the calories are reasonable. I like the sound of the book BridgeGirl has recommended too - Ditching Diets - I think I might treat myself to a copy.

Gizmocat profile image

Hi. I have just completed a course called Get Ready for Change. It is run by NHS Positive Steps and is free. It is a six week course and deals with emotional eating, cravings, mindful eating and gives useful diet and exercise advice. They have a website positivestep.org.uk. it sounds like it would be useful for you. Have a look and see if there is anything where you are.

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to Gizmocat

Wow that sounds fantastic thank you so much for that advice and info I'm truly grateful. Xx

in reply to Gizmocat

Oh wow, I like the sound of this! Thank you xx

martha12 profile image

Hi Olleg like you I am good all day then snack in the evening especially If I am tired sometimes I find I'm better taking myself off to bed with a good book keeping busy helps during the day I don't even think about food then good luck on your weight loss journey

Lollyp0p profile image

Hiya, i too am an emotional eater, so knos the frustration and pain your in.

Have u tried only having in the healthy stuff, fill your fruit bowl, chopped veg in tubs in the fridge with lowfat hummus.

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to Lollyp0p

Hello there thank yiu so much for replying ...Yes I've tried everything ...but I'm not giving up πŸ˜‰no way !xx

Hi Olleg

I sympathise about the emotional eating as this has been my biggest downfall. And it took me a very long time to admit that to anyone else.

I spoke to my GP about it this year and was advised to contact IAPT (NHS talking/CBT therapy), but I've actually found being able to discuss it here has been more help.

I now plan for those bad moments/days.

I thought about when I eat and why and tried to plan this into my day's eating. I always tended to eat more in the late evening/bedtime.

I switched my sugar heavy bedtime snack to a sugar free cocoa plus 1 or 2 squares of 70% Lindt chocolate, and tried to slow down and taste it. I now have 1 square of 85% lindt with a little stevia chocolate.

If I need a sweet snack in the evening, I have some low carb treats in the freezer, and sugar free biscuits plus hartley's 10 cal jellies which I eat with blueberries or raspberries. However, I sometimes find eating a small square of cheese works instead - I'm on low carb so cheese is a good snack.

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to

Thank you so very much for your reply I'm truly grateful ..

Thank yiu for those tips ...I've tried really hard to analyse why I have this habit ...always evening ....always the same sugar laden stuff ...

I can't seem to get to the bottom of it .

I've been a psychiatric nurse for 30 years so should know by now ..as I've used all my skills on myself ha ha !

I think it's just a habit that I really really love ...but it doesn't love me and I need to get some discipline I think ...

Anyway day one so easy to be motivated on the first day I pray it continues and I can achieve my dream .

X x

Lindy500 profile image

Hi Olleg,

I found that eating later helped, it makes the evenings shorter. Also taking up a hobby that keeps your hands busy. Even better is going out for an after dinner stroll. Basically, anything that breaks the habit of lifting your hand to your mouth. And if you really must snack, make sure that you have some fruit or veggie sticks to munch instead of crisps or chocolate.

:-) lindy

Olleg profile image
Olleg in reply to Lindy500

Thank you for reaching out to me .

I'm trying to stop the evening snacks ...rather than replace but I wonder if that's going a bit too far ....tonight my plan is a later evening meal ....then if and only if I'm hungry later I have weighed out 60 g of prunes and I will have those If I'm hungry ....if not I will take them to work tomorrow incase I need them although I rarely snack during the day .

I have realised that I'm incredibly tired and instead of putting the kettle on for a mug of tea ...(I've just got home after an 11 hour very busy day ....)and my usual treats because I'm tired and need comfort I have come to put my feet up ....and just pause and reflect upon my day ...

I've lit a beautiful candle and raised my feet and the first thing I notice is that I'm actually really tired ....the second thing is that I'm really very hungry ...real hunger so I'm going to make dinner and instead of watching TV with dinner on lap ....I'm going to eat at the table with no distractions ....

Will let you know how it goes .

Wishing you a happy evening x

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