12 Weeks Done: Well 12 weeks ago I... - Weight Loss Support

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12 Weeks Done

29 Replies

Well 12 weeks ago I started this journey, it's been a slog but I am now 2 stone and three lbs down and just scraping into the 11 stone range. NHS range tells me I should be between 8st 10lbs and 11 stone 11lbs (5 foot 8 inches) but I just can't see me ever being at the middle or lower end of that scale. I'm probably a large size ten to small twelve now so another 3 stone would be too much I think and i'd have to drastically reduce my calories and do more than 6 days exercise a week which I just feel it verging on obsessive and not healthy so i'm going to stay in the 11 stone range and maintain I think as i'm comfortable in my clothes at the moment. So today is week 13 and going to follow this plan for the next 12 weeks AGAIN to keep me on track. Just proves the plan does work if you stick to it and don't stray off track. If I can do it anyone can. :)

29 Replies
Ceals profile image

Great to hear your successes, well done.

I do think there is something about being sensible with the BMI monster, lots of people feel they would be too skinny, and it would be hard to maintain.

Get to where you think is right for you and then join all those other wonderful folk in the maintainers club.

in reply to Ceals

Yes i just think three or even two stone would be too much. As I said i'm 5 foot 8 and although I don't class myself as tall I am big framed if that makes sense, wide shoulders/ribcage hips so I think I would too thin. 5 years ago I was 11 stone exactly and I could just get into a size 8 jeans so imagine another two stone off that, it wouldn't look healthy. I think 11 and a half stone would be healthy and maintainable for me. :)

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to

You have to feel comfortable as it is your body. I think your reasoning is absolutely sound.


Thank you - this is so encouraging to read and well done !

Good luck for the next 12 :)


in reply to

Thank you! :)

pcrw profile image

Wonderful result

You must be delighted

in reply to pcrw

Flabbergasted would be more like it heehee! I'm one of those that "starts on Monday" but by Friday it's all gone horribly wrong and i'm "starting again on Monday" but still putting on weight in the meantime so with 12 weeks on track I've quite amazed myself! ;)

pcrw profile image

Wonderful result. You must be delighted

Amber17 profile image

Well done, that's a great loss. Did you use a calorie counting site at all? I'm just starting out today and hoping for more inspirational posts like yours. I think if you are happy as you are or just a little more then that's fine. I don't think I would get to the bottom of my BMI either, as much as I want to be slimmer I don't want to be skinny, but we shall see!

in reply to Amber17

Thank you Amber17! I just looked at the packets for calories of whatever I was eating and you get to memorise what a cup of tea is or a cereal bar or certain meals or foods contain so keeping track gets easier as you go along but I still write mine down every day to keep me on track and the BMI Checker tool on this site give you an idea of how many you should be having a day. Anything I didn't know calories for I used the calories counter on this site or if I was out I went to the restaurants/shops site and looked at the calorie numbers on their menus if it wasn't on packaging (ie Greggs, Harvester, pub foods etc). Anything you need help with we're all here to help with so make sure you use all the tools and support and you'll get there. My BMI on this site says 25.5 so technically still "overweight" which seems bizarre to me. :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Very well done Hidden 😊👏🎉 you have done so well, an excellent achievement 😊

Any chance of sharing a photo? I dream of being in a size 12, that's just fabulous 😊

I'm going to tag Zest as I seem to remember something about the normal BMI charts not being great if you're tall, and there being an alternative? At size 12 I doubt you are overweight 😊

Please let is know if you want a different badge, 'I did it' or a 'maintainer' perhaps? Or maybe you would,prefer to wait a week or so 😊

Many congratulations 😊


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to IndigoBlue61

Hi IndigoBlue61 and Hi Hidden - I am happy to be tagged and can give you a link to the 'New BMI' (useful for taller people) which was developed by Nick Hale:


I think you've done brilliantly Determined44, many Congratulations!!!

Zest :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you, and thanks for the link! This one says I'm still overweight too!!! Oh well, back on the treadmill......

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

That new badge looks GREAT! :-)

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Oooh a new badge! Hmmmm.... yes "I did it" would be perfect as I shout that out at home quite a lot now I am setting targets and smashing them exercise wise and the goal was to lose 2 stone so that would be pretty cool. Failing that the other options are "no boobs" "bacon craver" or "Calorie quoter" as I am mourning the loss of my huge boobs over 12 weeks for more sporty looking ones, still crave bacon and tell every single person I know how many calories are in whatever they are about to consume. haha! :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Lol 😂 Please tell me what you've been eating as I've lost 3 stone, 9 inches off my waist yet my boobs are bigger than ever!!!

I did it badge coming up for you clever Hidden

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Loving my new badge thank you! There's no secret, in fact if I knew what it was i'd reverse it! Why is it we can't get fat off tummies easily but it drops off the bits you do like??? Heehee!

Greyone profile image

Congratulations, it's so good to know you bravely stayed the course for 12 weeks.

Fizzylizzy13 profile image

That is a brillant achievement over 12 weeks - well done :)

matets profile image

Well done Hidden ! You have done well for yourself and I love it that you are content where you are at now. All the very best in your next phase.

in reply to matets

Thank you! :)

signinemma43 profile image

That's amazing, congratulations. 👏👏👏👏

signinemma43 profile image

I keep hearing about badges....what and where are badges and how do I get one????

shengorth profile image
shengorth3lbs in reply to signinemma43

Beside your profile name its got Team Sunday Rocks I cant remember what mine says but I dont really deserve it.I lost 11pounds on the 12 week plan and was aiming for the 1 stone badge.I had visitors staying over the Summer and put a few pounds so I lost the 7 pound badge I had and am now back on track aiming for my stone badge again. I hope you have a good week

13Valerie profile image

Fabulous you!! Many congratulations 💞👍 thanks for sharing your success.

I'm 5foot 8 too and my aim is to be in the range of 10stone 10lbs to 11 stone 2lbs.

Any less would be hard to maintain and unrealistic for me too

I love reading these positive stories! Congratulations from someone who never seems to start/get going!

Milliemay1 profile image

Determined 44 What an achievement in that time You are an inspiration to show it can be done I so want to follow your example in that time scale Marvellous Thank you for spurring me on and downwards

Necklacegirl profile image

Well done! Best of luck for the next 12 weeks.

Sak1983 profile image

Amazing and very inspiring for newbies like me 😊

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