Question regarding Pedometers - Weight Loss Support

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Question regarding Pedometers

30 Replies

Hi All,

I would like to start counting my steps and a few colleagues recommended gadgets like fitbit etc. however, I am on a very tight budget. I have found some online for £8 for example from Decathlon etc.

In your opinion, am I ok with 'just' one of those?

Peace out peeps :)

30 Replies
DownwardSpiral profile image

I'm glad you asked that question as I've been pondering the same! 😂

mimos profile image

I dont see why not. Any pedometer that is wore in your arm instead of on your foot is going to have errors as it can count only the movement of your arm, not your foot so why to spend a lot of money on it?

I think I spent £80 in a garming vivofit 2 last year. It was because of the pedometer but also because i wanted a watch. You can connect it to few app but it synchronises when it fancies and for apps like myfitness pal you can also input the data manually if you want.

You will be able to see your steps and keep a record somewhere or it might have its own app.

muffintop67 profile image

Hi yes I wanted to know that too. I was looking at pedometers on Amazon last night as a friend was given a fitbit for Mother's Day (far too much money for my budget). The cheap ones don't get very good reviews on Amazon. Not looked at Decathlon. Would be interested in your replies too. (sorry curlybayleaf - hope you don't mind!)

in reply to muffintop67

Of course not! :)

I am definitely looking for one that clips on your belt, not one around the arm too. Also one that has not mini buttons (as I am sporting long nails).

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply to

I would also like one that tells me how many calories I am burning so that I can try to check that I am not eating too many calories. I would prefer a belt clip one too.

TheHud profile image

Mine was even cheaper and it matches the info on my treadmill so its fine, it's so cheap it does not even have a name :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Check your phone, mine has an app that counts steps using a motion sensor! I didn't know until a teenager told me! lol 😂

in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thanks for that- indeed mine has one, however I have to put my phone away a lot during the day. I suppose it works for a lot of people though!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Haha, yes I know what you mean! Let us know how you get on 😊

LL-11 profile image
LL-11 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Yeah, my phone has one of these and its not sensitive enough to record all my steps. I cant recommend it....

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Oh yeah - the cheap ones are just fine!


I looked at loads and because I'm a Technophob I went for an Omron pedometer. I got mine from Argos, it was £24.99 ( I had bought a cheaper one but it did not always work !! ) This one records steps/ aerobic steps and miles, and starts a new day automatically, you can also back track days.I stick it down my bra and it stays there all day !!! I love it, just wish it was waterproof I'm still thinking about how I can record kms I use at Aquafit !!!

Hope this is useful


in reply to

Yes it is! I will check it out :)

asics profile image

I have a fitbit now and I love it not only for the steps but all the other lovely data it gives me.

However before this (it was a present) I used several cheap pedometers and they all worked fine. They are not 100 percent accurate but that is true of any,whatever price you pay.

The important thing is to stick to the same one, placing in the same position and the improvements you make. So if it over or under reads as long as this is consistent it's ok, just work on adding more each day or week.

If you want to reach a target of steps rather than just improve, e.g. get to 10000 steps per day, you can test it. In the past I have done a short walk counting my steps and compared it to the pedometer reading. This then gave me an idea of its accuracy. It was over stating the steps so I worked out the percentage it overstated by and applied these to 10,000 so I knew what I needed to get to. Hope this makes sense!

Cooper27 profile image

You can get a basic pedometer for less than that - i've seen a pedometer for around £4 in Lloyd's pharmacies, you can try eBay, argos, tesco too?

I just ordered this, which is a cheap-ish alternative to the fitbit:

It had good reviews, and I like that it checks sleep too. Still waiting for it to arrive though, so no idea if it's any good.

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply to Cooper27

Thanks for that info. Didn't think to look at Lloyds (one very near me) and just ordered one for £3.69 will be delivered on Friday. Worth giving it a go at that price.

MW68 profile image

Most phones have a free app for recording your steps, you just need to remember to carry your phone.

Alternatively, you can buy pedometers really cheaply from sports direct or other places.

Fran182716 profile image

I've tried a couple of the really cheap ones and they were useless, counted steps I didn't do and fiddly little buttons that broke. I've got an omron, possibly the same as Flossies? Mine was £20, got it from Amazon. It has a thin strap and I secure this round my bra strap and tuck it down my bra. I did think it was unnoticeable till a patient recently asked me how I was getting on with my pacemaker !! Lol.

in reply to Fran182716

I have never though of clipping it on my bra before! Great idea ;-)


Do you have a smartphone? If you do and tend to carry it around in your pocket they have an in built gyro so you can usually get an app that is fairly accurate for free or a better one for about a pound?

If this is an option :)

in reply to

Hi, yes I do have one and in my previous jo I could use it. However, in my current job I sort of have to leave my phone behind every now and again, so on this occasion it would not be suitable.

I do agree it works fine for those who can carry their phones around. :)

FFUDON profile image

I have owned a "xiaomi mi-band" for around 2 years , it does exactly what all the expensive fitness trackers do, plus it's waterproof, 1 charge lasts over a month, it's incredibly accurate and syncs with both iOS and android.

They can be bought from China via Ebay traders for around £14, (mine cost less than £8 ! ), and there is also an upgraded version now with a heart rate monitor for around £20.

Seriously, these are great pieces of kit for those on a budget, or those just wanting to venture into this field, (fad).

Good morning all! I just saw all these replies and I am definitely richer with some advice! Thanks a lot. :) I will let you know how I get along with my pick!

Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Just this week I bought an Omron walking style IV step counter from Amazon. It counts steps, calories used, miles/Klms travelled and aerobic steps too. It resets itself at midnight and has a 7 day memory. It cost £18.58 and I have clipped it to my bra and tucked it inside. No-one has mentioned my weird shape booby yet! 😄

This is my second day using it and I'm very happy with it so far 😀😀

I bought one that was cheap as chips and attaches to my waist. I have a roote aversion to posting any personal information onto an app. This is old tech and suits me fine. Nturally if you don't walk it doesn' work :-)

telute profile image

I'll second (third, fourth?) the love for Omron as that's what I currently use and it's always worked really well.

(Despite this I'm going to upgrade it to a fitbit just for the app sync functionality as I've been good enough with budgeting this month to finally be able to afford one :-))

muffintop67 profile image

Hi I just wanted to let you know that after your post the other day and the reply from Cooper27 I bought a pedometer from my local Lloyds Pharmacy for £3.69. It seems to be working fine although it took me a while to set it up. (Should have got the kids to do it lol!) Off for a walk today to test how many steps I can clock up in an hour. Did you decide on anything?

in reply to muffintop67

I decided on a cheap and cheerful one, (I really like all the feedback about OMRON) - however my boyfriend thinks we have one around the flat, so I am planning to find that today!

Hi All, so, finally the test phase starts today with my pedometers, which is made by BRAINTEK> it is a bit of an oldie that we found in the flat. I will let you know how I get along. Thanks for all the help guys!

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