Hi Everyone
Only managed a paltry 20kms. Sorry was hoping for more. Friday was spent too long in a car to see the foster carers (woohoo) and Saturday was recovering!
How did everyone else do?
Lizzy x š
Hi Everyone
Only managed a paltry 20kms. Sorry was hoping for more. Friday was spent too long in a car to see the foster carers (woohoo) and Saturday was recovering!
How did everyone else do?
Lizzy x š
I think 20K's was more than respectable considering you had way more important stuff to take care of Lizzy - hope it all went well, by the way
I am proud to report:
Walking - 33K's = 4.7 days of my goal
Cycling - 37.5K's = 5 days of my goal
Total - 70.5K's!!
Not bad for an old, fat wifie
Hope everyone's had a good week
That is a truly amazing km total this week, moreless ! Bet you never thought you'd be reporting that a month ago !! How's the bum ?!
p.s. 'wifie' ? You're not Scottish by any chance are you ?
Thanks Lucca, you're absolutely right, not in my wildest dreams did I think it would be possible
Bum's still exceedingly sore
Not Scottish, but living in Scotland for the past 24 years, so I guess I've picked up some of the lingo
I lived there for 9 years (my husbands Scottish) so I spent a long time hearing people referred to as 'wee wifies' (as well as being rather confused by people going to collect their 'messages') !
That's an amazing total moreless, you have quite literally doubled the distance that I covered. I think I better concentrate on the cross-trainer this week, my bank balance wouldn't survive a longer shopping trip.
Thanks mrsg, I even started using my kettlebell this week too, although not terribly successfully
The cross trainer sounds like the perfect plan
Gotta be more successfully than your pedometer, moreless ? You do know it doesn't plug in and make the tea, don't you
I'm actually hoping it might knock some sense into me when I inadvertently drop it on my head! It would definitely have been more successful than my peddy then
Perhaps you could drop it on the peddy as a form of stress relief !
Sounds like the long distance fitness walk <cough - shopping trip> was a great day out then
Hi Lizzy and everyone 20k doesn't sound too bad to me, especially with your busy week - hope it's all going ok on that subject ?
My total this week is 27km (21k running and 6k walk). Again my walking has been reduced as I'm concentrating on my running more - but I'm managing to increase my run distance so hopefully my km total will gradually increase on the running side of things to compensate !
Hope everyone gets some kms kicked this week
Do you know what, I'm so impressed by what you're achieving with your running and by what I'm managing to achieve, I'm going to stop saying I'll never run and start saying it may even be a possibility
I should've gone to Specsavers because I almost for a minute thought I read you were considering taking up running moreless
But seriously :-)...get yourself over onto the Couch to 5k forum and ask around. I guarantee there will be someone who started off the program older, heavier, more busy, less active, with more health problems etc than any of us and is probably now running marathons ! You can do it !!!
I don't know if I'm ready just yet, I feel like I'm just about keeping my head above water at the moment, especially since adding the kettle bell into the mix, but at least now I'm not saying never
Perhaps it can be your new years resolution then And if you are trying to keep your head above water, I suggest you get the exercise bike out the bath...
You'll be moreorlessrunning then ?!? And you're right, I think when you're a busy person if you run you can fit in more calorie burning into an hour, which has to help...
Am still only shuffling in the dark occasionally though!
Wow Lucca - that's a lot of running - 3x 7ks? Any 10ks in there perhaps? I managed an 8k yesterday, super chuffed
No 10ks yet Ruth ! (but I'm working up to it !). That's a 7k, 5.5k, 3.5k and my first ever 5k parkrun (very muddy and a big hill !).
Well done on your 8k - that's a great distance ! I'm hoping to up my long run on Thursday to 7.5k - 8k depending on how I feel.
My fitness is definitely improving though - I thought I was running fairly gently today as I was feeling a bit under the weather - but I managed a (very inadvertent) PB !
Woohoo - yay for the PB and yay for the first parkrun Haven't tried running in mud yet but when I ran in Arrandene near my bf's flat in North London it was quite hilly and there was some mud on my trainers afterwards - closest I've got to the countryside I think! Good luck for your long run on Thurs. I think my next run will be Thurs too, but I'll do a shorter one - 4 or 5k. Great you're feeling the difference fitness-wise too. Have a great week
You are such a 'townie'
We used to go 'hashing' (basically running, following a trail laid of flour/sawdust, quite often in the dark) up on Dartmoor - it wasn't really a good run unless you'd ended up knee deep in a bog somewhere !
Good luck with your running this week and watch out for any puddles
14.5 on cross trainer 5 km on treadmill no swim this week I was on o course on Saturday. Not sure if I am doing this right.
Yay Aqua! WTG you! You're doing everything perfectly
It is never going to be much more than this. Just thought I would join in. I have Fibra myalgia so my miles are limited. I am not sure how much we are mean to do but I think I nearly manage the 150 hours per week.
We just set our own goals Aqua. Maybe suggest what goal you'd like to aim for next week? Sounds like you're doing ace
My goal is to complete 3 * 35 mins crosstrainer 3 * treadmill walking and 1 45 min swim.
Good luck! My goal is to do with running and cycling. We each have our own thing we're doing. If your exercise can be converted into kms then every now and then Lizzie seems to add it all up and tell us how far we've all gone. We're a ragtaggle bunch but we're eating up the miles
Hi Aqua Marine - is that 14.5 kms on cross trainer ?
Yes it is over 3 sessions
Morning Lizzy, morning all
I managed 35.1 km this week, so that's 0.1 km over my target. It was looking like I was going to fall short again this week but then we hit the shops yesterday and had a successful shopping in trip in more ways than one.
Birthday celebrations for myself and my granddaughter might get in the way of km's this week but I am going to keep my target the same at 35 km, hopefully being more active Monday - Friday will make this achieveable.
Well done to all fellow kickers and good luck for this week.
Shopping is obviously the new couch to 5K
Great result for your body if not for your purse
Couch to Ā£5k... (hopefully you didn't spend that much mrsg )
No Lucca10 it wasn't that good/expensive a shopping trip but I did manage over 10 km walking around the shops. Trying outfits on gave us something to focus on whilst catching our breath.
A 10k shopping trip is still fairly impressive !!
I've had an excellent week, shows how much can be achieved after really struggling to fit any exercise in at all a couple of weeks back. So Lizzy - have faith - your 20k is pretty respectable, only slightly short of your goal, and with the right circumstances over the coming weeks you'll easily achieve even more. But also, enjoy this time while you're making these important life changes, fit in the exercise around it all where you can, and good luck!
Okay, so not quite enough to rival the epic figure moreless has achieved, but with a goal of 45k, I have managed:
46.22k cycling
12.98k running
Total: 59.2k
WTG Ruth! That's fantastic! You absolutely smashed your goal!
The difference with you and I Ruth, is that I'm a lazy stumblebum that is fortunate enough not to have to go out to work and therefore, by comparison, what I achieve is quite pitiful compared to what you, and all other workers of the world, manage
Doesn't stop you being a source of motivation for me moreless! We're all equally capable of filling up our time and saying we can't find time to exercise, but you've obviously made a lot of time for exercising, and you're totally seeing the rewards too. And the same here - two weeks ago, my new job had practically reduced me to just walking to the tube and back home again. But there WAS time to exercise around my new working hours and I've found it, hope it doesn't just vanish again!
That's a great total Ruth You are really lucky that you are able to cycle to work now as well. Much better than the usual sitting on a bus or train !
I still do that 3 days a week Lucca - and am reading a great novel as a strategy to not spend my whole journey home craving my dinner. But the two days I cycle are really excellent. My winter kit is all ready, hopefully will be cycling tomorrow if the rain's stopped by 8/9a.m.
Hi Lizzy and everyone.
Well done everyone on your healthy moving about! Sounds like you have some exciting times coming up Lizzy - hope it all goes well.
Just 31578 paces for me this week. Target was 35,000. Got stuck in the car on a few days which always seems to be a problem for the end of the week scores on the doors - I always seem to be too optimistic, but I remain hopeful that next week will be better!
Have a great week everyone!
So my aim last week was 50km
However I managed to do 61.7km!!! Totally chuffed- plan on trying to get to 60km again next week but over 6 days instead of 7- it's nice to look forward to one day
Fantastic result Wood!
I do 6 days too, because I'm glued to my laptop on a Monday. Gives my bottom a break from the saddle too
I bet you'll smash the 60km goal too
Haha yes they aren't the most comfortable of things!! Fingers crossed I'll manage it
Come on moreless stop making excuses for having a day off and strap your laptop onto your handlebars!
haha, I started to feel guilty, so I just pounded out a km
Unbelievable, you truly are inspirational. In turn you have now made me feel guilty for making you move and I'm going to do a few kettlebell moves before pilates. Maybe we could start a new trend.
I tell you, this forum has been the making of me, it's so inspirational it's unbelievable. We just all keep each other going. As soon as I hear what someone's done, or is about to do, I think, well I could have a go at that too
There's also saying you're going to do something. Once it's out there you've got to do it - or think of a very good reason why not!
I'm doing a parachute jump on saturday...
Sorry I'm late. Last week I managed 35.5 miles which is 57km
You're not late! 57kms is a fantastic number!
Mainly but some running too. Not sure I'll be much use next week though - I've really hurt my leg.
Oh no!! I hope it's not too serious. Did you do it while running?
Yes, I think so. It's odd because it's fully mobile and the muscles feel fine but I can't bear any weight on it. I'll give it a few days and then maybe visit the GP.
OMG, that doesn't sound good at all. Why don't you go to your local A & E? It could be something really serious like a stress fracture or the like.
I thought it could be that too. I'll give it a couple of days and get it looked at if its still bad. Hopefully it's muscular and I've just not been able to locate it in my stretch.
I second moreless - get a same day appointment or go to (ironic I know) a walk-in centre. Not being able to put your weight on a leg counts as urgent I think!
Walked around 30-35km this week.
Sick of seeing cars, woke up to a parking ticket this morning -_-
Great walking distance, but were you dreaming about cars, or did you fall asleep in your car?
Nah the parking around my area is a joke. Couldn't find one space in 5 roads around me lst night so settled for double yellows. Come out this morning to find I owe the council Ā£35 for the privelage. Put me in a bad mood all day i'm afraid.
What a flipping nightmare! Don't you have residents permits or the like? I'm not surprised you feel a tad grumpy
Sadly not. It doesn't help that everyone in the street parks like a **** and leaves a foot and a half gap between cars, if they all moved a bit closer there would be room for 20 more cars on the street!
My advice, get a bike! No parking problems, much cheaper to run and a good way to kick the kilometres to dust
I prefer to walk. I only use the car to visit my friends that live 20 miles away, don't fancy cycling down the motorway!!
Here's a thought, get your friends to visit you. It doesn't make good financial sense to own a car for such a limited amount of travel.
What to record for the total - I reckon 35km! Well done btw
Yeah 35km, thanks.
Fellow kickers - we continue to excel every week! We managed an impressive 407.5 kms which is an increase of 26.3 from week before.
Our grand total is now 2,357.3 kms !!!
Well done everyone ššš
Am I too late to join in to visit Santa? I have been number crunching and these are my figures for the last week:
Walking 80mins - 6kms (I thought it would be more)
Cross-trainer 77mins - 24 (this is an estimate)
Bike 70mins - 23 (heh, less than the cross-trainer - I had no idea)
So a total of 53kms - more than I would have guessed and not too shabby for this wee wifie, either!
Goal for next week is to record my distance accurately and exceed 60kms (gulp).
That's fantastic lottolose- just what we need to help us get on the road to Santa!
Okay I will add mine
5x spin a conservative 60km
run 10k plus 6k at speed training
walking 12 Km
88km - wont be as much this week have already missed 1 spin
see you at the north pole
Thank you, Prin - WTG!