Can anyone suggest fun exercise to do ... - Weight Loss Support
Can anyone suggest fun exercise to do from home? I love walking but my husband is working in the US and I don't feel safe out walking alone.

Lesley Sansome Walk videos.
The WiiFit is fun with lots of different exercises - that's what my wife uses. I have an exercise bike, but quickly get bored with it. I'm going to watch some films on the laptop while using the bike to keep me motivated.

I had thought about getting a Wii fit but I wasn't sure if it would actually be any good. Thank you for the recommendation
The WiiFit is good. I have the Personal Trainer programme and some yoga ones too!
Hey! It depends what you like doing but when I'm bored and want a shake up of my exercise I go on youtube. There are insanity workouts on there that are brilliant and also some amazing yoga sessions - and these work you just as hard if you do them well! Have a look and see what you can find for free :o)
If you love walking, I would suggest trying to conquer your fears. You could attend a few self defence lessons or just try going on short walks and coming back until you build up your confidence. If you're still unsure then I would suggest going with a friend. The above suggestions are still there if this fails And they are very good ones.
Hi ch4rly2002
if you want free exercise training workouts to do at home with minimal or no equipment check out It has loads of workouts to download for cardio fitness, toning up, losing weight and more
almost 100 members of Healthunlocked have viewed/joined to date so think viewing should not be a problem. Membership and downloads are free.
hope it works for you. Let me know if you have any problems
I've taken up skipping in my back yard. Haven't done this since I was a child, I totally forgot how much fun it can be and it's a good, all round body toner exercise. I also have Personal Trainer on the WiiFit and some yoga programmes as well. I invested in a static bike so I can ride it whilst watching the tv too!
I love dancing at home. I play just dance on xbox 1 its really fun and brilliant exercise, you can get it for other games consoles too I think
Hi ch4rly2002,
There are loads of floor and sitting exercises you can do at home and, if you wanted you could even invest in some modest weights (dumbells) or even a second hand Bullworker, or any of dozens of other devices. For sure, some such devices will be better, and more suitable for you, than others.
But it's amazing what you can do - if you know a bit about general weightlifting type exercises - with home-made equipment like those squash bottles with the handles filled (or part-filled) with water.
And do think of things like swimming, playing bowls, riding, golf - there's lots you can do to up your exercise/activity level that isn't going to the gym and/or running.
As always, if you're a bit out of condition or your lifestyle is actually a bit sedentary at the moment, then do start gently and wean yourself into the higher levels of activity.
Good luck with your weight loss efforts.
I also enjoy using WiiFit with exercise games. "Get in shape" is the one I use most at the moment. It is a virtual personal trainer that sets you work outs according to your fitness level and goals. The other thing I do at home is gardening. I started a veg patch last summer and it needs quite a bit of attention each week to keep things growing well!
If you enjoy walking have you thought about joining a walking group/club? My boss is a member near where I live and is always going on trips away to places in the UK with his walking buddies and they also go on local walks as well.
just dance on the wii or wii fit