The continuing saga of...: So yesterday... - Weight Loss Support

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The continuing saga of...

libbydaniels88 profile image
17 Replies

So yesterday, I finally got somewhere with this aching leg ... Saw a different doctor who has confirmed that I have now been referred for MRI ( waiting for appt in the post) - arranged an XRay Thursday, and has put a potential name to this pain - Trochanteric Bursitis ... This usually affects older, overweight women and fits my symptoms exactly. If its confirmed, he recommends steroid injections....BUT Im not keen on that idea, there seem to be too many side effects, and Im looking at alternative remedies and going ahead with the osteopathy, which the dr was fine with.

So....hopefully, I will soon have my mind put at rest about my leg.

Unfortunately , its the rest of my body which I also need to concentrate on - the fact that there is way too much of it !

It feels awful to think that I might have brought this pain on myself, and now its pretty much confirmed. My big gob opening at the sight of food has been the major cause...

So...its another day, and the solution is in my own hands . Im back on the programme. I havnt weighed, but must've gained back at least the 2 lbs I lost but I won't be defeated. I will get this weight off and be mobile again without steroid jabs.

Thanks for listening to my boring tale, and thank you for all the support you have all given and will continue to give. Hugs to you all ! Xxx

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libbydaniels88 profile image
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17 Replies
3rd-Time-Here profile image

Hi Libbydaniels88, you must be so relieved to finally have piece of mind regarding the cause of your leg pain. It's good to hear your determination that you will now focus on your weight loss plan, good luck on your journey. We're all reaching for the same goal and together with the support and motivation of each other we can do this!

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Hi Libbydaniels88, poor you. Dont blame yourself, just plan to get on from where you are. Speaking from experience - I can't walk far- I have found it helpful to focus on what you can do. Can you cycle?, swim? Weightlift at the gym on machines? Do back and ab stretches? Do some of the NHS strength and fitness moves? Any of that will help with the pain and that feeling of rage which stems from the immense waiting the poor NHS foist on us! 💐

Enjoy your day

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to Gonti

Thank you - I can walk short distances, maybe up to 150 yards then the pain sets in. BUT ! 150 yards IS 150 yards after all...Im starting to walk round the back garden ( luckily its quite big) and work from there x

Hi Libby - that's great news that it wasn't anything as serious as you were worrying about, and that at last you have a potential diagnosis. Don't beat yourself up about it being preventable - I feel the same when my knees ache, knowing that all that excess weight has caused a problem. Just remind yourself that slowly losing those excess pounds will make a world of difference and you'll never look back :-)

andrewleeone profile image

One Victory at a time - every little one counts. Notice your choices today, and choose consciously - not emotionally (i.e. that will make me feel better). We've all had a similar wake up call -I know I have and I got it, I heard it and this time I did something about it.

Little Victories!

Hi Libby,

So glad you are now on a track of treatment, keep a mini diary of pain score so if symptoms/ pain not improve you have the evidence !!! ( watching too much detective TV) lol

Right lets get down to you {{{{hug}}}}don't think back, if feel able do weigh self and why not keep a food diary along side pain stuff, you might find a link.

More pain=more food ???

Don't be too strict, try to eat regularly and most importantly be kind to yourself. In reality this is going to take some time and slow and steady wins the race.

You will do this 💋

Have a good week


Hi libbydaniels, we're definitely here to support you. I agree that it's worth weighing yourself, it may be difficult now, but seeing the weight go down as you get going again will help to keep you motivated. Lots of good ideas here for exercise that you can still do too. I really recommend setting up a routine, plan ahead when you will do your exercise, plan your meals ahead, set small goals along the way and celebrate them when you reach them. A lot of us had health wake up calls too. Mine was the damage I did to my stomach through drinking too much, and the continuing pain I was getting from a generally unhealthy diet and allowing the weight to keep going up. It's incredibly empowering to fix these things yourself. Look ahead to the future and be positive :)

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to

Isn't it amazing what we do to ourselves? I've eaten so much some days, I feel like bursting, and then have had really bad stomach cramps, irregular toilet habits etc, and felt like crap ! And still wondered what I could eat next !

I don't really like meat, im not a veggie, just dont enjoy it. But Im giving it a go on SW red days - it might be what I need and meat does fill you up - I hope :D

Glad to hear you are getting your leg pain resolved. You will feel better once the pain is sorted and you will be able to do more exercise to help with loosing the weight.

Don't be so hard on yourself (that is my moto - got it from the Jesse Glynn song)

Pain causes people to get down and reach for the comfort food. Pain stops you exercising and even just walking when it hurts so bad. We all have blips in our lives mine is depression at the moment and weight gain. I am now looking to resolve both.

The steroids are one form of treatment I had them in my shoulder for an injury but they didn't help for me, but I know lots of people who they have helped. I also have seen first had someone who was in awful pain progress and now be healthier than he has been for years once the pain was sorted out. (My Dad, he's had 2 half knee replacements, but that was caused by the work he did when he was younger than wrecked his knee joints.)

Take it one day at a time set your goals for your recovery, keep a diary of your progress and pain levels . Always ensure that your first and last comments are positive. Don't beat yourself up on the tough days. Take it slowly and do as much as you can. Every little step you take is one step closer to being fitter and healthier. Don't be so hard on yourself. Remember nobody is perfect and we are allowed your little blips in life.

You are already on the way to sorting this by getting your leg pain sorted. Keep at it and yes we all get angry at ourselves, but use that anger to get better. You are beautiful inside and out and you will do this. :-D

Sorry for the long post, but as I help myself in my recovery from depression I have realised how tough we can be on ourselves and in the tough times we need to remember that we are good and beautiful that we all have our own skills and we deserve support when we are trying to get ourselves better. (I lost the one person who I wanted to get better for, he left me, but it made me realise that I needed to get better for myself and that once I am better, leaner and fitter I will find someone who wants to be with me more than he did.)

Hopes this helps.

libbydaniels88 profile image

Thank you 20Voices - I am feeling more positive now that I just feel I am getting somewhere at last !

Its hard to find any motivation with pain, but having got a name for it, and googled various websites, ive found so many people who are worse off than me, the common thing is being advised of a weight loss being of help. I can't ignore the signs- they all point to WeightLossLand - it might not be the easiest path, or the quickest, but it is the one I want to go down at present. I said this to my dr who said. Well, the steroids are there if you want them " Today I had osteopathy again, and very slowly things are looking up.

Now its up to me :) ....

libbydaniels88 profile image

Thanks Ill check that out. As to diet helping, your right, websites have all mentioned that pre packed food is one of the worst things, as it tends to hold fluids so not good for bursitis. I was at my daughters today - she recently joined Slimming World, but I didn't feel it would work for me as I don't like / difficulties due house share etc cooking from scratch, but Im thinking that the programme would be perfect as its all natural. I've joined some online Slimming World forums and have decided to give SW a crack.

Here's hoping :)

NiCherry profile image

Hi linbydaniels88!

So glad you are happier after seeing a decent doctor!

Strange, isn't it, that we panic/worry until we have a name for our condition. I suppose until then or imagination runs riot, assuming the worse cases scenario. Plus, once the name is known, we can start to plan the treatment!

I shouldn't beat yourself up too much... We all put ourselves at risk every day, either by eating or drinking too much (or too little!), smoking, crossing the road or driving a car!!!

As your condition affects over weight women, hopefully it may improve if you are able to lose weight?

As for the steroid injections, I would suggest you keep them in mind. It would be very wrong of me to offer medical advice of any sort, however I know that the patients seen in the pain clinic I work for find the steroid injection very helpful, for various conditions. It might be worth having 1 injection, just to ease the symptoms to begin with..... Then start with the alternative therapies, to try and stop the symptoms coming back?

Anyway, I'm glad you are feeling more upbeat, and hope you have a quick recovery!

Good luck 🍀

libbydaniels88 profile image

Hi - yes the osteopath gave me that advice as well, that its worth having one to see how it goes. Ill be honest - im a wuss - Im petrified of having it, everybody says its the most agonising thing ever. Even so, I am getting my head round it, how bad can it be, ive had 3 kids ...!

As for weight, yes, it is t

described as mostly overweight, older women get it , so I know I have to lose some- and I will. At least my false starts have shown me I need more than 1000 cals. I probably ought to avoid bread and potatoes, and deffo avoid ready meals, so im going to try SW red days.

Thanks for your support :D xxx

Dave1961 profile image

Boring tale?


Familiar tale?

Oh yes :)

In the end its not how many times you fall down its how many you get back up that matters.

From what I know bursitis is usually not permanent and as long as you look after the affected area and you lose the weight that aggravates you should be able to get rid of it which is great news.

I know you can do this - one day at a time and focus on your goal. Put post its up, say affirmations in the mirror every morning to programme yourself for success, listen to podcasts about health, use the Myfitnesspal app, get a fit bit, learn more about health and your condition - all these things can help.

Grab and use every single tool that you can - some of them will suck but some will stick.

We're here anytime you need us.

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave - you are always an inspiration in the face of adversity x

portmoon profile image

useful info here on your condition (if confirmed);

good luck and thumbs up for staying motivated!

libbydaniels88 profile image
libbydaniels88 in reply to portmoon

Thanks for that link - it could be me writing that, everything it describes is so much like my condition. !

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