Days 8 & 9 - Fallen off the wagon... - Weight Loss Support

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Days 8 & 9 - Fallen off the wagon...

killfatbecky profile image
27 Replies

Oh dear oh dear, I'm currently laid in bed eating my second bag of salt and vinegar squares of the day, big bags (they were 2 for £1.50!). I know where it went wrong... last night I drank wine, even though I knew I shouldn't, I drank 2 bottles! Felt rubbish today and found myself in Macdonalds this morning ordering a sausage, egg and cheese bagel (I would normally have a muffin, so thats better I suppose..!) I have to say I didn't enjoy it and I threw half of it in the bin, I also had a bottle of Lucozade.. Anyway I was starving all day, I had eaten my beef and beetroot sandwich at around 11:30 and the apple in my bag wasn't appealing to me at all. When I finished work I hunted round the city centre like a ravenous animal on the hunt, luckily most places were closed or charging too much for sandwiches otherwise I would've eaten something bad! I saw somebody walking past me with a bag of chips and I nearly snatched one out of the paper! Anyway, I ended up with my 2 bags of squares, I inhaled the first packet on my way home and I have just munched the last of the second - I feel crap! I caught a reflection of myself walking through town, my huge belly wobbling and I thought "you fat ba*@&*d!!" Fat Becky has come back with a vengeance, I'll heave myself back on that wagon tomorrow and no more wine for fat becky...

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killfatbecky profile image
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27 Replies
Tinkerbellsue profile image

Wake up tomorrow and have positive thoughts, forget today, that's past. You CAN do this Becky! X

Hello doppelgängerin! Yes; the wine habit needs kicking as it inevitably leads to noshing of a mahoosive nature. I adore The Potato in all its guises - chipped, mashed, roasted, baked, dauphinoise, lyonnaise, salad etc. You have my commiserations :( Back on the wagon tomorrow! :D

in reply to

In Tescos they had big bags of kettle chips for £1. I too adore the potato especially crisps. And I love wine and don't know when to stop. Yep you need to kick the habit for awhile at least.

Good luck 😃

in reply to

Kettlechips - my favourite...

in reply to

Me too! Any flavour - don't care. I could inhale a bag on my bus journey home. Went for popcorn instead. 129 calories compared to 600+ for those pesky kettle chips

Spader profile image

I gave into eating a packet of strawberry pencils today which I certainly shouldn't have had. Best thing to do is move on and focus on the next meal and how to improve it. Don't be too hard on yourself :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Yowch ! 😖Tomorrow dear Becky is however another day. We have all been there..been that ravenous animal on the hunt. 🐅In fact I started cycling to work to avoid passing countless junk food opportunities.

BTW I am impressed you threw half of something in the bin - I don't think I have ever managed that.

in reply to Gonti

I had to have a little lie down when I binned a bag of prawn crackers...

killfatbecky profile image
killfatbecky in reply to

Haha! I've been there!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Poor you! :( That fatbecky has a lot to answer for. Still, no point beating yourself up for it, just chalk it up to experience, because at least you know the trigger now.

Onwards and upwards my friend, there's a fresh new slate waiting for you tomorrow :)

Rubberducky profile image

Fatbecky you have inspired me! I fell off the potato wagon a long time ago and now it is time I step back up to the plate and lose this ginormous tyre around my tummy. I too dared to look at my reflection as I plodded past tescos this afternoon, the shame ! I have all the intentions of following the 12 week plan from Monday due to two kettle crisp-strawberry pencil filled parties over the weekend. Am pretty sure there are plenty of naughty days ahead for me too, we just have to get the willpower !

killfatbecky profile image
killfatbecky in reply to Rubberducky

Yes we do, we can do it! Good for you making the change, enjoy the crisps and pencils!

I really recommend planning exactly what you're going to drink/eat where alcohol's concerned, and trying to make sure other temptations are out of reach, because once you've had a couple of drinks your resolve is much reduced. Try and only keep as much alcohol in the house as you would plan to drink. This is why I don't have wine at home anymore, only when I'm out. I just get a 500ml bottle of cider when I want a drink now. Somehow, because I don't connect it with the mindless drinking I used to do with wine, I seem to drink much less cider, sometimes half a bottle or less over an evening. Maybe some small changes like that would work for you too?

andrewleeone profile image
andrewleeone in reply to

Yup good sense - set a limit and only have that to hand. If I have a drink now I'll only have the bottles I've planned in the house. I don't have any snacks or unhealthy food to gorb down either.

killfatbecky profile image
killfatbecky in reply to

Thank you ruth, I don't ever have booze in the house, simply because it gets drunk!! Its the temptation after a hard day to nip to the shop and buy some wine is what I find difficult to resist!

in reply to killfatbecky

I used to do the same. If left to my own devices I'd happily drink all the wine in the flat. That's why I don't bring wine into the flat anymore. You can get the same feeling from other alcoholic drinks like beer/cider etc, but they're lower alcohol and easier to buy in smaller quantities. You'll find it easier and easier to fight that temptation. Aside from alcohol, can you think of other ways you could respond to a hard day? Part of this process of changing our habits and creating a healthy lifestyle is stopping responding to things with food, and finding other ways of relaxing, de-stressing etc instead.

killfatbecky profile image
killfatbecky in reply to

Yeah thats a good point, I need to find something else that I enjoy...

andrewleeone profile image

Hi KFB! What can you learn from what you have experienced?

Everyone has triggers for making choices they don't rationally want. I know! Address the triggers as well as the choices.

Write the past 36 hours off and get back on the program. I think Alcohol is one of the worst things to choose when we are focussed on making changes. It switches off the inhibition part of our brains allowing the impulse part of our brains to run riot.

The after effects are our bodies dealing with the alcohol in our bodies processing it from alcohol into a range of other chemicals - it parks the alcohol as a toxic chemical in your bloodstream which is why we feel lousy the day after. Its all about body chemistry the extra eating is all about coping with the processing of chemicals out of our bloodstream.

The food industry over it when we over indulge - they are laughing all the way to the bank! The special offer crisps are a fat trap. Been there done that. Ohh lovely hand cooked kettle fat traps! Luxury, and don't I deserve it? Nope! We deserve better.

I think you've just encountered how problematic this can be and the traps for the unwary!

You'll be fine in the morning. Be compassionate towards yourself, decide what you want and enjoy getting it!

killfatbecky profile image
killfatbecky in reply to andrewleeone

Thank you so much for your wise advice ALO, as always informative, reassuring and motivational. Much appreciated x

Hi, I read your post and thought what a long way you have come. Obviously, if you are on diet then today's eating habits were previously the norm but you are now so self aware now that you know exactly what you need to do. Tomorrow is another day xx

killfatbecky profile image
killfatbecky in reply to PlumpDevon-Dumpling

Thank you thats so true! I would've been far worse than this on a hangover, crisps, chips, bread, fizzy pop, fast food, takeaway.. it was actually the art I enjoyed the most about getting drunk!!

killfatbecky profile image

How bad is it that when you have fallen off the wagon, that you feel that you should eat all the things you want today, seen as you've already failed? Fat Becky keeps telling me to go to the fridge and eat something nice now while I can... I must admit I'm tempted!..

Portlandprincess profile image

Hi much brilliant advice....nothing to add but personal experience ....crisps are my downfall so i don't buy them...if I did they would call to me from the cupboard and I'd be doomed......

nickynoo77 profile image

What everyone else has said 😁

We've all been there, that's why we're here! Tomorrow is a new day hunni, draw a line and move forward with your weight loss journey 😃

Dave1961 profile image

Clearly I should have gotten Bert to come over and take Fat Becky out to get drunk instead of you having to do it! :)

Ugh I remember hangovers vividly as being unfillable black holes of hunger.

But by now you will have had a good sleep and just about be up and around. No time to lament what has hap[pened just know what caused it and try to avoid it next time.

No one cares how many times you fall down. What we care about is how many times you get back up :)

Andyt2120 profile image

I was out and about with work today. Had a really early start and ate my lunch of an apple and 4 crab sticks before 10. Was in a nice market town near lunchtime and had all the usual pig out urges. Bought a pound of English plums instead and ate those. A fair bit of fruit but satisfied my hunger and urges and far better than a bag of chips or other unhealthy stuff. Nice salmon and stir fried veg for dinner to come.

Carolee13 profile image

Well done Andy! You're an example to us all.

I know what it's like with crisps. Now I occasionally buy vegetable crisp cos can tell myself they're not so bad. But I have to be careful to weigh out a quarter of a bag then put it out of the way, otherwise the calories will mount up - a 25g portion is 118 cal and I just wolfed 37g to finish the packet. That getting-home-from-work-on-Friday feeling...

Having a proper dinner later of veggie curry. first I've got to get myself through Friday Club which will include a tuck shop for the kids we serve. Curiously unmoved by Freddos and fizzy cola bottle sweets.

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