Ok so I am back... 3 years on and having lost all my blubber, and maintained for a long while, I took my eye off the ball and guess what? Yup back to my highest weight ever. Feel totally ashamed of myself and very angry with myself. I said I would never Yoyo again but here I am. Fat and uncomfortable. I am about to go on holiday to a paradise island and none of last year's beach clothes fit. My swimming costume looks terrible but too late to buy another in time. So it will be tshirts over the top and board shorts... why do I do this to myself. I could cry.... I am crying. I leave on Monday for 3 weeks. No doubt I will be even bigger on my return... so sad, angry and ashamed that I have ignored what I see in the mirror and have avoided the scales for so long.... what's the point. .. if I lose it all again I will probably just end up back here again before I know it. Oh dear.... Oh dear... Oh dear. ..
Yoyo'd right back to heavier than I st... - Weight Loss Support
Yoyo'd right back to heavier than I started.... what's the point?

Can admin remove my healthy bmi badge... I am no longer in that category!
Hello and welcome back. Very well done for returning to us and not giving up 👏 I’ve updated your badge to restart to prove you didn’t give up. Maybe try to keep active on the forum, here’s the What’s Happening post with a list of all the things to get involved with 😊
Thanks just weighed in officially. ...on the Friday weigh in 10 st 8 lbs (67.13kg) bmi 27.9....
Aiming to be no heavier than this on my return in 3 weeks. It will be a miracle if I lose weight whilst away but at least owning up to the need for it is the first step...
Oh dear 2bFabnfit - I'm sorry to hear you sounding so miserable. I think you may have fallen into the trap that many of us will have found ourselves in at some point in our lives.
Reaching my goal weight was just the start of things for me. I vowed I never ever wanted to regain the weight I'd lost as my weight loss had so many beneficial effects - being in less pain, improved mobility, being able to do things I previously couldn't, feeling less hot in warm weather, not suffering from asthma any more.
In my view, the most important change I made was how I regard food and my consumption of it.
If you want this to work for the longer term, you need to think about it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. That lifestyle change will need to happen a bit at a time and will involve many things : changing your behaviour around food, portion control, identifying emotional eating triggers, increasing your activity levels, trying new foods, making permanent healthy food swaps, etc.
Commitment to diet/lifestyle change and resistance to temptation doesn't just happen! It has to be worked at.
The only way I have succeeded this time is to change how I approach food and eating it. I have learned to resist temptation! BUT please believe that this has taken a LOT of hard work and practice.
It's about "normalising" or "modifying" behaviour around food... and I think that with enough "practice" it becomes more and more easy until you get to the point where a behaviour is modified to the point of it becoming the only way.
I am sure that even some people who are not over weight do sometimes over indulge - but the fact is they don't do it very often...
Those of us who are over weight have been used to "treating" ourselves, eating portions that are too large, eating the things that we know are calorific because we can!
It's been a combination of changing all of those aspects of how I behave around food that has meant I have been successful this time.
I have developed a respect for the food I eat. Not everyone has the ability to eat as well as we in the western world eat. We should not abuse the privilege.
I rarely eat "on the hoof" any more, I rarely eat between meals. I take time to sit at a table and present my meals nicely. I take a moment or two to really look at my plate of food before I pick up my knife and fork.
Almost daily I say to hubbie "Aren't we lucky to be able to enjoy such lovely food". I really mean that too, I am not saying it for anyones benefit but his and mine. We should never take for granted having easy access to delicious food stuffs and our ability and love of cooking!
If you log your food - keep track of how many calories some of those "treats" contain, after a while they kind of stay in your head (medium egg = 70 cals, slice of white bread 100 cals, meringue nest 57 cals, 30g (matchbox size) of cheddar, 122 cals)
I do have sweet treats, but I buy my own choice, so things like 2 finger Kitkat, single finger Twix, Club biscuit... these are all around 100 calories. I keep them in a tin and I can have one whenever I want to, but I limit it to no more than one a day and usually with my afternoon cup of tea. That's not to say I eat one on a daily basis (usually about 2-3 times a week). They are always logged into my diary.
If you don't keep a log of what you are eating and the calories foods contain, then it's a bit like trying to travel from one place to another without a map! You might get there eventually BUT it's likely to take you much longer than if you planned the route and used a map PLUS you might take a few wrong turnings and end up going back on yourself!
I have also learned not to plan each trip out of the house to include food. Once upon a time, I'd have included lunch with a trip into town, coffee and cake with a visit to the garden centre.
I now plan or even prepare a meal BEFORE I go out (usually a salad) so that I know exactly what I can eat as soon as I walk into the door... and don't turn to "what I fancy" (usually high calorie carbs that don't keep you full for very long...)
Make a list of the reasons WHY you want to lose weight. Keep it somewhere safe (stuck to the inside of a kitchen cupboard door?) and look at it from time to time, especially when you are raiding the kitchen for treats!
I always ask myself before eating something really calorific "Do I really want to eat this thing more than I want to lose weight this week?". It's called "mindful eating" - being aware of why you are considering eating - real hunger? Boredom? Temptation? Feeling fed up?
Have a glass of water, wait 5 minutes and consider whether you still want the food. Once it's been snaffled down, it's too late and you may end up feeling cross and angry with yourself....
....and that feeling (guilt, failure) lasts for a long time, much longer than the temporary enjoyment of whatever treat you ate....
Oh, and I always remind myself how good the feeling is of seeing a loss on the scales at my weekly weigh in! That wonderful feeling lasts for days! Don't forget how that feels - you need to remind yourself of that feeling next time temptation strikes!
I’m healthier and fitter now at the age of 56 than I was 20 years ago…..
I am writing this as someone who had struggled all of my life (since the age of 9) to lose weight. I have a significant disability that affects my mobility - use a wheelchair outside of the house. I am also very short (4ft 8”). It wasn't until the age of 49 when I started to log everything and kept track of the calories I was consuming that the truth hit me between the eyes. I was eating FAR TOO MUCH for a short sedentary person. I changed my whole approach to food and eating it that everything else clicked into place
Just wished I’d found what worked for me years ago.
Whatever happens, you shouldn't allow this weight to spoil your lovely holiday.... why not start whilst you are away to really think - REALLY THINK about the food that you eat on that holiday. Eat slowly, eat mindfully, make the best choices you can. Don't deny yourself the things you like - perhaps just half a portion or a small taste of someone elses is enough
What a really lovely and wise post Pineapple27. Fancy taking the time to write such thoughtful and sage advice to a complete stranger. A salutary lesson to us all in the western world about how lucky we are to have a plentiful supply of food available to us and I will certainly take that on board as well as the mindful eating.
Thank you for being the best thing that I have read over the last 24 hours.
Have a good day xx
Just having read posts from where you were here 3/4 years ago, I think we share a similar passion for travel and holidays
HOWEVER, I always try my utmost to lose some weight ahead of my holiday.
I'm off to Tanzania and Zanzibar in September, so this is my aim as I type. Whilst I am away, I don't deny myself food - as you have said in past posts, it's nice to try foods that you don't get to eat at home - BUT in moderation!
Once you get back, straight back to it. Not when you get home, but as you take that flight home!
It is possible to travel, enjoy and not sabotage your weight loss efforts.
3 years ago it would have been me writing this. I get all you say because I have been there. I even stayed here for a long time, monitoring my weight and maintained it for over a year... but I slipped back... not helped by a significant injury that meant I had to be sedentary but I 'forgot' to adjust my intake during that time. I stopped logging everything as I believed that I had adjusted to a new normal that was right... Obviously nearly 3stone heavier I realise I will never be able to relax over my weight....
This is a very valid point and you have learned a valuable lesson. BUT you have lost weight before and will do so again, this time you can focus on maintaining. 😊
2bFabnfit I'm very short (4ft 8") and very sedentary because of my disability - add to that smaller body mass (again, the disability...) smaller large muscles (muscles are the power house of calorie burning) AND I am 56 years old (57 next month!) so I have had no other choice but to really invest in being careful about what I eat.
As said above, I recognise the HUGE benefits of carrying less weight every single day now. I NEVER, ever want to weigh 14 stone again. If I get anywhere near 11 stone, I start to take emergency measures to address that.
This week I am following the Blood Sugar Diet as I know that works well for me in ensuring I can lose my additional poundage quickly. I also think it works well for me to cut out all the unnecessary rubbish that somehow appears to have crept back in.
The results of concentrating carefully on the quality of what I eat means I start to feel a lot better - sleep better, less pain, etc.
Oh no 2bFabnfit , I'm so sorry to hear you sounding so down, but you're back on the forum, and that's a step towards taking control of things. Please don't beat yourself up, we're all human and this is difficult. But you've lost weight before, so you know you can do it, it is possible.
Enjoy your holiday, and as Pineapple27 says, take the time to think about the changes you want to make. Then see your return as a fresh start.
Have a great time, take care
Thanks for the encouragement and welcome back. I need to be here to do it. I did it before I will do it again. All those clothes I tried on but failed to do up, as I packed will fit me again.... one day....

Oh no, 2bFabnfit , I'm so sorry to hear that you have yo-yo'ed back up. Know that you are not alone. I too gained the whole thing back and then some. I restarted this week (see post here: healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... ) and am determined to get back down to a healthy BMI.
I totally agree with Pineapple27 about how we have to stop viewing this as a diet with at timelimit on it. It is a lifestyle change and it is forever. Last time I was here and lost the weight, I relied too much on my ability to run and when I was injured, I couldn't keep the kilos at bay. This time I am focusing on what I eat and not so much on exercise. I am determined to find a more sustainable way this time.
We will support each other all the way down to our goal weight! Have a wonderful vacation, enjoy every minute, be mindful when you eat and then when you return, we will do this!!
Always good to have a buddy! I will cheer you on PippiRuns. Please keep me accountable too. I am back on 25th August and am hoping to be no heavier than I am today 10st 8 lbs (67.13 kg) bmi of 27.9. Realistically it will be a miracle if I lose weight whilst away, but am determined to own this battle again and get healthier. (Weight and size are more easily measurable but this is ultimately about health and fitness) Once back from my holiday, my first bite sized goal is to get to a healthy bmi of 25. So that's 16lbs (7.26 kg) to go (to begin with at least.)
Just read your post and we have similar goals and similar initial goals. I too had a set back, though I have never been a runner, in that I fractured my shoulder in February. This meant 14 weeks off work, although I burned far fewer calories I am pretty sure that I didn't consume fewer... that compounded the fact that I have been burying my head in the sand re my weight gain for quite a while previous to the injury.
I have a busy and tiring job, on my feet all day but don't do specific exercise or gym classes. When I lost weight before I just increased my general activity levels ( getting off the bus a stop sooner, using stairs not the lift etc... mindful about doing more and eating healthier.
We can do this!
We are in very similar shoes. My BMI is 27.4 and 7 kg to a healthy BMI.
You really don't have to lose weight while travelling. Just aim to maintain.
I will check up on you once you return!
Thanks PippiRuns (by the way I was editing my previous post to you as you replied. It now contains a bit more detail.l All the best to you over the next 3 weeks too.
Don’t give up ! Why not instead of knowing your going to binge on holiday make smart choices and treat your self in smaller portions ?
Hello and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Fsmith66
You will have been given links to our Pinned Posts in your Welcome message when you first joined, please read them carefully, especially the Welcome Newbies and the Security Post. (In particular, you’ve used what could be an easily identifiable username)
This is a very busy forum with lots going on but feel free to ask if you have any questions 😊
Best Wishes in your weight loss journey
Indigo 😊

Welcome back 2bFabnfit , I’m sorry you are feeling down. You can do this again as you managed before .
I’m in the same position as you , I regained most of the weight I lost , lost it again , regained it again & round & round I went.
Try not to let it ruin your holiday & we will be here to support & cheer you on when you return xxxx
Thanks so much. I know this forum really helped me to stay focused and accountable before. It also gave me the opportunity to encourage others, just as you have encouraged me. My biggest error was ever leaving, but I am back. I have acknowledged my situation and I will do this once more, and then hopefully stay here to maintain my new normal. Seems like a long way to go, I know how hard it will be, but I have done it before and will do it again. Cheering you on too. X
Ahh don’t be so hard on yourself we’re human. Go and enjoy the holiday have a rest and some fun. When you’re back you can concentrate on feeling happy and healthy whatever direction you want to take.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Congratulate yourself on keeping off the weight for a long period. Use the vacation to reflect and start back on your weight loss journey. I have yo-yoed so much thats its not funny.
Take a deep breathe and change your lifestyle.
good luck.