I started a CPAP at the end of October. Boy did that not work out!
My sleep study said I was having 9-20 events an hour without it. When I used it my events were often between 25-77!! Why was using one making things worse?
Also, the mask was making my face numb all day. Super annoying.
the worst was I felt horribly tired in the morning. Almost drunk. Staggering into walls, falling, speaking incoherently.
it improved a little but I was still so tired. By the end of December I was in such a state of exhaustion I was sleeping 18 hours a day and I couldn’t walk. Absolutely no strength in my legs.
Ran blood work, seems to be fine. Stopped using the cpap and started to improve.
I told my neuro I had a crazy theory that the cpap was making me so sleep deprived it threw me into a MS relapse! He said it wasn’t that crazy!
So I’m currently off the Cpap. My walking has improved immensely! Not back to where it was but at least I can walk about half the day. I’m still very fatigued but it’s improving too. And I’m sleeping 6-7 hours at night.
Anyone else have such problems with a Cpap?