Hello! I am curious and wonder how many people, like myself, get fairly unbearable pain at times. Mine is especially in my legs. I take Hydrocodone every six hours. I haven't known of others who also take a narcotic, hence my asking the community. FYI: I am on the highest dose. I really do not want to try something stronger. Thank you xgracy
MS and Pain: Hello! I am curious and... - My MSAA Community
MS and Pain

i get pain in my legs around and i use a spray or the gel called ...BIOFREEZE ...works great for me and you can get at the drug store no prescription....
healthline.com/health/7-top... article maybe helpful to you, I take a mixture of oxycodone, pregablin and cocodamol the last one is codene and paracetamol combined, blessings Jimeka 😊
Have you seen a neurosurgeon or orthopedic doctor to have your lumbar sacral spine evaluated? There may me surgery or procedures that can help depending on what they find.
I know most of us chalk everything up to our MS but often times have something else going on too.
I hope you find some relief!
For over 10 years, I suffered with burning feet as soon as I would lay down to sleep. Also just sitting when tired. For at least half that decade I worked with 2 neurologists to try and help the pain, which one told me it was neurological dyesthesis. Not one med or other lotion... helped. One of the neurologists told me I might try cannabis, vaping, not smoking the flower. Two puffs of a low THC flower and the pain was gone like magic. In time I found CBD hemp flower works the best. I have the pain most nites, and vape a bit of CBD hemp flower, and it's gone, always. Edibles help, but take a long time to start working, and are not as effective. The hemp flower may be legal even if medical canabis is not in your state.
I, fortunately, don't.
From experience, hydrocodone does nothing for nerve pain, it does however help with muscle cramps an joint pain. If the pain is pure caused by nerves you are looking at something along the line of Gabapentin. Most people tolerate it well, I get tired and in general feel unwell after taking it. Sorry for your pain, my left leg is the one that hurts and at times the muscles just give out (ie. giving gravity an awesome opportunity to do its thing!)
I get like that with my feet, legs, hands and fingers. I take prednisone sometimes ,Baclofen, naproxen 500 as needed. I find cbd gummies help sometimes. I was just told by my doctor to try votaren it seems to work pretty good. Good luck finding something that will work for you and give you some relief
Wow some of you sound completely over medicaid. I'm sorry about everyone's pain. I have it in my legs almost every night. I take gabapentin and a ointment with a high level of lidocaine. That isn't a cure but helps without using pain meds.I'm sure this wasn't very helpful but if you don't want to increase your med count it could be worth a try.
Wow! I kinda feel like I'm missing out here after reading these replies! I have PPMS, and I know exactly what you're talking about. I was on some pain meds for a couple of years, it was a combination of anti depressants and narcotics. They worked for a while, but the anti depressants weren't good for me. They increased my MS rage and it just got real ugly. That was about 3 years ago. I stopped taking meds all together, except my DMT. I deal with my pain in several different ways... I do smoke cannibus regularly, that's the best pain reliever out there, I say reliever because NOTHING kills the pain. I also take Advil dual action for muscles and general pain relief. I also have a leg massager!!! This thing works MIRACLES!!! They cover your feet and legs up to your thigh, then they inflate with air like a shiatsu massage. You can get them on Amazon. I also use a tens unit that my daughters gave me. I like it because I can put the pads directly where the pain is and it's gentle, it stimulates gradually and works really well if you're not at home. You really want to be at home using the leg massager since it's kind of an ordeal to set up. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, it's gotten bad enough for me that I'm actually in the process of getting a scooter. I'm still not sure how I feel about this since I'm not even 50 yet, but I can't be stuck at home all the time. I hope some of these replies are helpful to you, please let us know what, if anything works for you! I'm always looking for advice on dealing with pain.
I have leg & foot pain along with lower back pain. The leg & foot pain is MS-related, and the lower back pain is from stenosis in L2, L3 & L4. I take baclofen for the muscle pain & naproxen for joint pain & tramadol for the back pain at night. I try not to take the tramadol very much but if I have done very much bending or sitting during the day I almost have to take it to sleep.
I'm going to say no, but also offer that, similar to the reply about bio freeze, I used some magic smear on lidocaine goodness I found at the pharmacy for my feet while I was pregnant and couldn't take my usual Motrin. It didn't stink either!
I know about leg pain. I have PPMS and the pain is non atop. For pain, I take Gabapentin and Tizanidine at bedtime. They help me sleep and slow the pain down just a little.
a few weeks back i started waking up in the night because my calves felt like bricks. i was having trouble walking with them like that, so my hips and back hurt, too. i remembered a spasticity medicine i took years ago b/c of a post i read on here. there were fairly horrible side effects for about a week, but i noticed today that i'm walking better.
i'm thinking about adding in some stretches as my calves are still tight, but there's not nearly the amount of pain from a few weeks ago.
i said all this to ask: are you sure you're treating all of your symptoms? unfortunately, many of us take multiple medications. i take nerve pain medication, spasticity medication, and an opiate. perhaps your doctor can talk you through your symptoms and options. if i relied on an opiate alone, i'd be so high i wouldn't be able to function, lol.
Good morning I have had ms since 2013 officially. I have had a heart attack and have diabetes and also heart failure.
My side never stops hurting.
They say it is caused by a lesion on my spine.
I will not have back surgery on my spinal cord.
I take diazepam and hydrpmorphone every day.
It’s stronger.
I don’t care what people say. I just want out of pain.
Hi Gracy, i hope you feel better soon. I have been taking 500mg magnesium, 4000mg vitamin K and using a massage gun. Also at least 70 ounces of water. for the last few nights the searing pain i was having, that woke me up screaming, has been gone! not sure which if any of those things was the key. Maybe the combination or something i'm not aware of. Either way, I am not ready to take opiates or weed. It's ok for other people and glad you all found something but it's not for me. I'm allergic to that stuff.