MS and Aging: - My MSAA Community
MS and Aging

Thank you! I’m going to Ck it out now.
planning to attend. How are you feeling?
You're so sweet to ask! I'm doing well. I should be able to get the neck brace off on the 21st! What a great Christmas gift!How about yourself?
So glad for you. Merry Xmas. I'm OK. dealing with this cold weather. Expecting a blizzard tonight. Stiff physically but glad to connect to you. Sent out presents today at the post office. Working from home. So overall good. thanks!
I wish this were more inclusive, for folks who lack a support partner/support and must depend on the kindness of strangers...
I applied and it didn't require that you bring a support partner. If I'm selected to go I won't be bringing one. My husband is currently trapped in lockdown in Italy and doesn't speak English anyway. Having to constantly translate everything for him would just drain me in no time flat. I'm seriously considering ordering a learn English language course for him for Christmas. That should give him something to do during lockdown and take some pressure off of me when he comes to the USA.
I would sign up, but I don't have access to broadband (i.e. reliable internet), do not have a web cam (whatever that is) and haven't a clue about zoom...and I would suppose many solo octogenarians are similar. So my guess is that the course is focused on those entering their 50s and 60s who have better access to technology. I'll look forward to learning from Peruzzot's reports if she's accepted.
Hi goatgal I'll be glad to share what I learned if they accept me.
Thank you, you're very kind and thoughtful. This is one of those times when a spouse or a tech savvy toung'un would be exasperated with my lack of tech equipment and know how. I hope you and Perruzot are both accepted, find it valuable, and share with the forum. Thanks again.