First time this happen to me went to brush my teeth this morning next thing I knew was laying on the floor. I have fallen before but never brushing my teeth I called it a control fall knew I was going down and was prepare for it crawl out found a chair pulled myself up. Yes I did finish brushing my teetth later just one of them mornings have a good day
This morning: First time this happen to me... - My MSAA Community
This morning
Oh, dear! I hope you didn't hurt yourself. That's scary!
No I am okay I knew I was falling and prepared myself for it
I hate when that happens, I hope you are okay

When I fall, I can usually blame that fall on me doing stupid stuff, but not brushing teeth? Scary, and hoping that you didn't hurt yourself, and that you are okay. Be careful, my friend, and I not able to suggest how to be more careful while brushing your teeth.
My wife has put a chair in front of the sink told me to use it

Good idea. Hope you are okay and didn't hurt yourself.
I hope you're doing better now.
You need to teach me how to "control fall". When I go it's unexpected. It feels like slow motion. I'm 6 feet tall so I have further to go than many people! I have time to think "Crap, this is going to hurt" before I hit. Then I hit and it hurts! Fortunately I have not fallen in quite awhile as I'm super careful. (Almost obsessive.) Because crap, it does hurt!
I understand I have had some hard falls myself as to I why I call it a control hard to answer. I feel it is going to happen and look for something study to grab. Prepare for the fall mentally and physically I Look at the ground seeing what I may hit of course all this is quick to register in my mind. If I can just find one object to grab to slowly fall. I lam not superman I have been walking and was on the ground wondering happenstance when I fell on chest that had hurt. I feel that what helps me is I stretch my muscle trying to keep them loose. I am 65 yrs old I just keep going. I go to a gym it is in a local hospital rehab center for the hospital. I live weights and do stretching exercise when I am there. Main thing I just prepare myself for the far
This has happened to me but I passed out when I fell. I woke up unable to feel my body. It was scary. I hold on to a towel rack now just so I wont go down.
Please take care! Kelly