I wondered if any of you have had to have a root canal? Considering all of my ms issues, my teeth have historically been in pretty good shape. Enter the pandemic and my dessert consumption rose considerably. I didn’t gain weight, but much to my chagrin my teeth have suffered as a result of increased sugar consumption and cutting back on brushing to once a day. I have left my new bad habits behind, but am still left with one very bad tooth, which will require a root canal. Unfortunately, my ms often interprets any assault on the body as a signal to turn on and I have sometimes had exacerbations after procedures. Has anyone here had to have a root canal and was your ms affected by it? Thanks!
Root Canal?: I wondered if any of you have... - My MSAA Community
Root Canal?

Yes I have had two root canal’s over the last four years since chemotherapy and radiation for cancer ♋️. I didn’t have any problems with them. Have had MS for over 26 years. Good luck 👍🏼🙏😉🐾🐾
Thank you! I had both chemo and radiation for endometrial cancer 12 years ago. Do you think there is an association? Also are you on a disease modifying therapy?
I have been on seven different DMT’s over 25 years and went off last one 2 years ago. Had two MS neurologist advised to go off if I agreed as they didn’t think they were helping anymore. I haven’t had a exacerbations or any new lesions for ten years. Yes I still have all the effects of ms and the gradual increase of effects. I feel pretty lucky after 27 years and still driving and living at home 🏡. I have a AFO on my right foot and use a cane 🦯 as needed. Who knows I may be back on something if things go wrong or if something really good comes along 🤷♂️ I am always open to new things. It’s been quite a journey 👍🏼😉🙏🐾🐾
I had one, no problems.
Hi Donna yes I had a root canal it's been 25 yr ago. I did ok & was on Avonex at the time. A few yrs later I went to upper dentures & then about 15 yrs ago I had my lowers done. Felt better afterwards. I'll be praying for you.
I had my first one a year ago. It wasn’t fun and they had to give me additional numbing. That happens sometimes when I have dental work though. I did not have a flare up or even a pseudo exacerbation afterwards.
In my life..64 now.. I have had root canals. MS started in my teens. Many different DMTs over those years.. no problems associated with the dental work.
Hope yours goes well..
I've had to have root canals (some before MS, and the latest was before Covid I believe) and it did not affect my MS, but as the saying goes 'everyone is different'. I had not been to the dentist in many years and I paid for that with a lot of dental work that needed to be done. I am almost caught up, just waiting for my benefits to renew as I ran out last year (for some reason mine renews in May instead of Jan).
Hope you are able to get the dental work done without having any negative effects. Keep us updated when you can.
Thanks so much for your reply! I too put off way too long and am suffering the consequences. Are you on a DMT? I’m not, so worry I might have a worse response to the procedure.
I currently take Tecfidera twice a day. I was on Copaxone for approx 10 years and when I was running out of spots to do injections, even on the 3x a week dose, I switched. Doing great on it, My white cell numbers are low, so my neuro keeps an eye on them. He said that if they go any lower, I may have to take a break. So far, so good.
I have had one. It's not as bad as my husband says they used to be! My MS was not affected at all by it.
no root canals but have had a couple pulled after abscess. No issues but not sure about that because it was before i was Dx'd.. could have been. I wasnt Dx'd until 2015 when I was in my 50's... I am 64 now. Need another one taken care of because I cracked it a few months ago and there is no fixing it.. It split right up the middle so seperated from front to back.. I have a high tolerance to the novacaine. That's my only issue
Yes, I've had a root canal or actually a root canal that had to be redone. The only problem that I had was with the "referred pain" during the procedure. I don't know if it is an MS thing or what. The dentist would work one place and it seemed to hurt in an entirely different spot. Good luck. I've found that the mental stress causes more problems than anything else.
My MS was not effected when I had root canal
I’ve had multiple root canals. I wasn’t on any DMT when any were done.I had no impact on my MS. Best of luck to you!
I have actually had 9 root canals. That was before MS showed its ugly face. Now I regret it deeply. I have recently read they have linked root canals to breast cancer. Before you get a root canal, find a holistic dentist.
you guys are so well behaved! i need a ton of dental work, but i also have a torso spasm into my neck and jaw and keep feeling like i'll end up looking like the joker, so i delay and delay. i won't have any teeth left by the time i go.😊
I've had at least 3 root canals over the years and no MS problems as a result. However, for the first one I'd waited too long before seeing a dentist and the root canal experience was miserable. The tooth was abscessed but I'd let it go for a year because I was having only very occasional twinges of pain. If MS is making you numb already, you're at risk of neglecting dental problems because you're just not aware you have them. That's what went on with me.
And root canals can fail. At least one of mine did that, and all of the expense of getting the recommended crown was just so much money wasted because I lost the tooth anyway.
But so far as the DMTs go, I don't believe root canals would be a problem if you're on a DMT.
Thanks for your helpful reply! I am not on a DMT, just wondered how people who weren’t on one did with root canals. I actually just had the root canal yesterday. The endodontist was great, but I have been in considerable pain ever since the numbing agent wore off. Frustrating when I thought my pain would be over once I had the procedure. Hoping it subsides.
So did you end up having an extraction? After hearing how much the crown will cost and considering my age (72) I am wondering if I should go straight there. If you had an extraction, did that go okay?
Thanks again,
It often takes a while for your mouth to calm down after something like a root canal. You just have to wait it out but watch for puffiness, swelling, redness, and especially any discharge. Those can need medical attention as there might be an infection. But pain is probably to be expected at this point. I hope the endodontist's staff let you know that you could use warm salt-water rinses and take Tylenol for the pain. By all means give their office a call if you have any questions,
I did end up having an extraction of at least one root-canaled tooth, maybe more than one. I had about 6 extractions in recent years and have lost track of which ones were caused by which problem. I do recall that I was on Copaxone for one of them but not on any DMD for the others.
A dentist would recommend saving the tooth, I'm pretty sure, and so root canal is the way to go. Most root canal treatments are easier than most extractions, I think. It was just the one where the tooth had been abscessed for quite a while that was quite miserable.
An extraction is oral surgery even though a dentist might do the extraction instead of an oral surgeon. And you can't ever get a lost tooth back.