Morning everyone...well had a birthday yesterday it was good few of my boys came over which was good brother accually called havent talked to him in a few years..think he thought this MS WAS jyst fake idk..but he said on my good days he would come hang out..his about 30 minutes that was good!!any of you doing phsical therapy ive been doing once a week but boy he added extra weight on my ankles wow i had extremely just burning aching in arms n legs..wont do that again..idk i just struggle with this so bad just not used to having such little things cause such pain..well everyone have good day !!!!
Morning: Morning everyone...well had a... - My MSAA Community
I hope you have a good day! ☺
Accually i did...last few years have been horribly jusr being ignored ya know on top of havn this disease..really ya know no matter how old we are its just kinda nice for happy my little 7 yr old spit fire gdaughter ask me how old are you i said 20..she said oh wow thts a lot of numbers lol if she only knew just turned 57 the mouth of babes😀
Happy Birthday! It’s encouraging to hear about your relationships with your brothers!
I hope you can ease into the PT and get some great benefits from it.
luvhair sorry I missed your birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU I hope you had a great day. 🎉🎂👏🤟🎁😄Question for you how does your brother know when your having a good day or when you know your going to have a good day just wondering I think your brother and my brother think the same, they think we can turn MSoff and on. Oh these siblings what to do about them ?????LOL
Hi ty..well he said to call him.when i am..which i will ..we used to be so close and everything changed so yes i will call.when im havn a good know how this can be...
Happy Birthday!! 🎉🎉🎉.
One of my sisters still thinks i am faking MS. How do they think we can fake this? Ya i can fake an MRI and a spinal tap. What ev’s. 🤣🤣
Happy Birthday 🎉🎁🎂🎈🎊 Sounds like you had a wonderful day 👍Hope you get feeling better 😉🐾Ken
Happy belated birthday luvhair. If you had told me when it was and what your interests are I would have posted you a card. If you would like I will put your name in the birthday club, blessings Jimeka 🦋 🍫 🎂
Happy birthday.wish you good health and lots of happiness.
Happy belated birthday luvhair!
Luvhair, it's Fancy1959. Belated happy birthday! Hope it was very special for you.🎈🎂🎊.
Happy birthday.
And by the way all physical therapist are actually sadist😂😂😂