HI TO ALL MY FRIENDS : Hi All I have been... - My MSAA Community

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ssdw1958 profile image
26 Replies

Hi All I have been going through you know those times you really don’t want to talk to anyone, it’s nothing that was said here. It’s that life thing. You know when things start to jump at you all at once and you decide it’s better not to say anything. Well that’s how it’s been.

On Memorial Day my husband decided to visit every cemetery that we knew there was family at and that was 5 count them 5 cemetery’s we went to but a good thing that happened we went and See real living people that was our nephew and his wife and our great niece and a great nephew that was a good time, little ones running around and laughing.

My husband told them I couldn’t get out of the car because I was sitting on glue and I told them yes but the four year old looked at me and said are you sitting on glue and I told the truth and told her I wasn’t but I told her my legs don’t really want to work right.

Then those life things get in the way.

But I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I hope your having a great week.

BY for NOW


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ssdw1958 profile image
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26 Replies
Fancy1959 profile image

Sandra, many in the chat room understand exactly what you are talking about. When life gets in the way and Butts-head with our MS that's when we try to go back and withdrawal from life to become Hermits that live within our own shells due to the boundaries MS have imposed upon us.

Remember by sharing your burdens and leaning on others it helps to lighten your burdens. That's our main job here is to be good listeners and have broad shoulders that you can lean on and cry on when the need arises.

We are only a post away if you need us. Please take care until we speak again and remember together we are stronger! Fancy.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Fancy1959

Oh Fancy1959 you all ways say things so beautiful. I know I can say how I feel here.

Thank you 😊

Fancy1959 profile image
Fancy1959 in reply to ssdw1958

You're very welcome.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Fancy1959

Good night 😴 for now.

jimeka profile image

Sandra, we all have days that we do not truly understand, why we feel the way we do. I like what your husband said about sitting on glue, sometimes thats what it feels like. At least you got out and about. Stay safe, hugs 🤗 still waiting for my butterflies to hatch 🦋

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to jimeka

Sandra, I meant to ask, how is your foot doing?

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to jimeka

The foot is doing much better it swells a little bit but not like it had been, but then again that foot always did thanks for asking. So those butterflies 🦋 are taking there good old time lol one year when I worked with the preschoolers didn’t it figure the butterfly 🦋 decided to come out the day after the children last day of school. But that year my youngest was in first grade so I was able to bring the butterfly’s down to his class and with his teacher we all released the butterfly 🦋 That was a good day, but those little Buggers ( the butterfly’s) not all of them had a hard time flying away. But they all did eventually. I hope you have a good time with your grandson take some pictures.

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to ssdw1958

Will do, if they ever decide to emerge. Glad the foot is doing better. 🦋 🍫 🤗

Jesmcd2 profile image

I will never forget the words of my one Dr that told me, Not everyday is going to be a good day, no matter how many meds your on. And it's OK!

It was like the light came on for me to say your right I can have this 1 day, or moment.

And then ssdw1958 , we reach out, and get back to were we were.

You are special Sandra! Remember that 🤗💕


ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Jesmcd2

Thanks I needed that, you know those days where you think 🤔 life has thrown me a big fat egg and you get hit by it and you don’t care anything anymore that’s we’re i was. I am trying to clean off that egg What an analogy. I better start to clean that junk off. And because that hole I was digging was getting pretty deep.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to ssdw1958

You don't want to go there. Remember the smiles of the people you saw! ☺ The Green of the trees, the flowers in bloom.

Grab on to what makes you smile! And Know that Your Beautiful!



ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Jesmcd2

I know I will grab on to all those things. I will do that.

melack01 profile image

I have those days where I just want to retreat into myself and withdraw from the world. I know everybody is here for me but I won't reach out. I might read a post and I can think of what I would say but I can't get myself to do it.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to melack01

I think we all have those days, it's normal. Not everyday can be roses, you have to have the rain to grow them. 🤗💕


ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Jesmcd2

That’s a good one!You are all on your game today that’s a good thing.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to melack01

We are in our own place and it is hard to get out of it. My 20 year old son who is going to be 21 in 15 days is in the middle of trying to find his place in this world he knows which section he wants but it is so hard for him to go through the right door. I think that’s why I am fighting with myself. He is asking me for help but it is his decision I’m trying with his dad to guide him. We just don’t want him to make any wrong moves. He is my child who has and is helping me when I need help. You know this life thing can be difficult on all of us



melack01 profile image
melack01 in reply to ssdw1958

My youngest son is still trying to find the right door. We may have to push him. Have had to for a lot of things from getting his drivers license to getting his first job. Don't really want to push, I really want him to motivate himself.

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to melack01

Yeah pushing doesn’t really help but this son dose know the career he wants but there are so many ways to go???? Which way is his chose we know because if you suggest anything and it goes the wrong way he will blame us and we don’t want that.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to melack01

Hahaha kids.. don't ask me. According to mine, I did nothing to raise them.🤔🤣😂 Yet all 3 are contributing to society. And living on there own and raising there children.

But I didn't do it! 😒 💕🤣😂

Goooood Luck! 🤗💕


ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Jesmcd2

Don’t be so modest you did have something to do with it remember they were once living under your roof and I’m sure you did discipline them once in a while. Haha I mean that in a good way.

Jesmcd2 profile image
Jesmcd2CommunityAmbassador in reply to ssdw1958

That's what they say. I find it funny.🤣😂 They will forever be my Angel Monsters 💕


All I can tell ya, is stick to your guns once you decide. 😟🤣😂

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to Jesmcd2

Thanks for that.

Kenu profile image
Kenu in reply to ssdw1958

My son moved out for second time a few months ago and came over for dinner and watched the basketball game with us last night 👍. It was a great evening with him. He still needs a little help but that’s okay 👌. We will always have room for him 🙏🐾Ken

RoseySawyer profile image

Hello 👋 to you as well. I hope all gets better for you. ❤🌷

ssdw1958 profile image
ssdw1958 in reply to RoseySawyer

I am sure it will slowly too much is happening but I guess it wouldn’t be life if all went smoothly if you know what I mean. And I know you all do.

greaterexp profile image

You described our lives with MS so well. Life in general can be trying, but MS adds another dimension. I think we all feel times when we need to pull back a little and work through our emotions.

The great thing is that we can pick up where we left off with this group. Yes, we miss you, but we understand the need for a break.

I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better, and I hope the days get brighter for you.

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