I have had two days with PT the first day was he had to write down his info my meds ext......
To day he had me from a sitting position stand up I was able was able to push up from the arms of the chair. He timed me for 30 seconds the first day I did 6 the second day and I did 7 yeah.
Then he had me walk and wants me to bend my left knee when I walk that is my drop foot. Then I had to stand with out holding onto my kitchen counter for 30 seconds ( my feet had to be close to getting. The next thing to do was I had to put one foot in front of the other toe to heal and stand for 30 seconds or as long I can the switch feet it wasn’t that bad he stood be hind me when I do it by myself I will have my rollator
I just wanted to give you some information so if you have never had PT it’s not a bad thing and I have had PT before and it wasn’t like this it was more sitting down and just move your legs which is good but really I want to be a little challenged
I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GREAT FOURTH OF JULY My husband has been called out to work but my son is home so this the third of July and there are firerworks to watch so we are going to get a pizza 🍕 and watch firer works oh by the way the heat indexed is around 100*f I hope his air conditioner is working