Anyone else dizzy on High Dose Biotin? - My MSAA Community

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Anyone else dizzy on High Dose Biotin?

MarkUpnorth profile image
16 Replies

Anyone else dizzy on High Dose Biotin?

My neurologist suggested looking into high dose biotin to reverse M.S. I've been doing great on a nutritional diet only, similar to the Whal's Protocol, avoiding processed foods, eating nearly all fruits and veggies, with sides of meat, fish, seafood. Been on high dose biotin for 6 month's now? Not really seeing anything jump out at me improvement wise, but I know not to expect antacid quick results. I've also stopped the medical cannabis I use with great results for fatigue and evening dyesthesia (burning feet), because of dizziness. Yeah, you're doing that weed stupid! No, it's not that. Been off that for some time now, coping with the pain and fatigue again until I get this figured out. Did some research. I'm on no meds. No cannabis. Only vitamins. Blood Pressure is perfect. Low but not too low. 112/67 Not deficient in vitamin B, take it every day. Then I find a whole study which lists people who have dizziness from biotin and the time till onset. I'm a little confused by the report. Does it go away? Looks like it goes away after about a year? Then comes back again? And then goes away again? I'm in the 50-59 age range, with MS, but that really doesn't matter. Could be that people either quit taking it, get used to it, or simply stop reporting it? It's not horrible, but not pleasant either. When balance is an issue to start with....Anyone?

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MarkUpnorth profile image
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16 Replies
Juleigh21 profile image

Is the that what's making me so dizzy?? I never put together that it's the biotin. Thanks for writing MarkUpnorth !! My doc switched me to biotin every other day last Monday and I have been less dizzy.

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to Juleigh21

I'm not sure, but I eliminated anything else I could think of. It's only been a few days since I stopped and starting to get better.

MarkUpnorth profile image

Not yet, it is getting better since I stopped. The whole biotin issue is new to him as well. Told me to research it. Just as the nutrition issue which works great, both biotin and nutrition are unconventional treatments. I was told up front it probably couldn't hurt to try, but there was evidence starting to come in that it MAY help, and since nutrition was working so well, it was food for thought. Obviously, if it doesn't go away, it's time for doctors. I knew I was treading into new ground.

MarkUpnorth profile image

Never heard of it, something to research. I was told the biotin had to be at the high dose according to studies being done to achieve any results. Again, this is new, and I don't think we really know that much about it. You can look up reports on high dose biotin on line. Also, keep in mind that it goes against old school medicine which is based on how to be a good legal drug dealer. Sorry, sometimes I feel doctors are taught to think like that. My regular doctor is a DO, not a MD, by chance on my part, and I have learned to appreciate that. Luckily, my neurologist I now use is open to alternative medicine as multiple neurologists including this one have exhausted traditional MS meds on me, as I can no longer take them after years and years on so many. I found even the FDA warns against my doing so based on my history of no longer tolerating the drugs of today. Hopefully all those years of suffering from the drugs, and the MS, did some good to get me where I am today, not on any drugs. Some times you have to be your own advocate, and research. Look at Terry Whals, MD, not an MS doctor, but one with MS, who did research for herself.

Regarding the OMS diet, (I JUST looked it up, as I'm not really into diets, even though I follow the Whals' diet in principle only), I can't (don't want to ) give up all dairy. I love eggs and cheeses too much to avoid them completely, and have done well with them, in moderation. Meats, I could probably live without, and have considered going vegetarian or vegan, as again, most of my diet is fruits and veggies, and I do try and stay away from all the other "bad things" like flour, beans.... I've done well just putting in a good sincere effort at the "diet", but more importantly, following the idea of healthy hunter gatherer, non-processed food packed with all the non-natural chemicals. Refined sugar, not good. Sugar in fruits, good. I process my food myself. I was, tear, spin dry, and bag with paper towels or napkins to control moisture, my lettuces and kale..., every week as a base for my salads with every lunch and dinner. Not that pre-bagged is bad, just more costly. (Okay, I do wash, dry, and reuse the bags too, but I'm a bit crazy frugal too.)

Linda3579 profile image

I've been on high dose Bioten for a year. I haven't noticed any dizzyness but not noticing any improvements. I'm thinking of quitting it to save the money.🌸

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to Linda3579

Well if it makes you feel any better. I'm all for nutrition, and this is supposed to be? I'm sure not giving up what comes from real food. And my B12, omega fish oil, tumeric, D3, magnesium, mature multi. But that's it!!! 3 days off now, and almost back to mormal. If I cut out another vit, can I loose the GPS badder?

MarkUpnorth profile image

Did a quick look only, but OMS incorporates a lot of what I strice for without trying, low saturated fat.....but still with quite a few "forbidden foods", like beans. I haven't ever gotten worse for the "forbidden homemade black bean burger" I made once. Fruins & veggies do well on their own, but I will obsessively trim every last bit of fat off my chicken breast before going any further with it.

I doubt the Whal's diet which I modeled my diet after is gospel with regards to nutrition, but it is a good example. I have to hunt for my next cheese!

MarkUpnorth profile image
MarkUpnorth in reply to MarkUpnorth

BUT, not done researching!

suzy20 profile image


I've only been on High Dose Biotin a couple of months and haven't noticed any dizziness yet, but thanks for posting, maybe it's something that comes after longer use? Hope you can get to the bottom of it:)

MarkUpnorth profile image

According to the link I posted, the majority of people started with dizziness about 6 mo's. It's been just over. That was odd report results if you look at it. But my dizziness has gone away I believe! Just noticed, like everything else that ails, I just keep busy and ignore it. Back to cooking... Thanks

MarkUpnorth profile image

I think I said, I use the Whals diet as a model. I DO minimize saturated fat, salt, etc. Take the best of all we have learned (eliminating all we now know is wrong), but yes. No processed foods. My dishes are colorful. I don't drink milk, only almond or cashew milk. I never really liked it, and my wife is lactose intolerant. I probably am too, but I can can suffer through it for cheese. Gluten, my son who has moved on (doing well, not passed on) is gluten intolerant, so I minimize gluten, more out of habit. But if you try to stay away from wheat, you stay away from gluten. Not getting into the whole GMO topic, which makes me upset. I have friends in GMO country. (Central Illinois). And when I see all the major seed companies, who have not only designed in pesticides and herbicides into our corn, wheat, soy..... They're not helping us to stay healthy.

luvhair profile image

Yes had horrible time with biotin...even built up.slowly counldnt get to highest dose...yea wow tht stuff was horrible for me...

carolek572 profile image

I have been on biotin supplement ~ as part of my B-Complex supplement. My daily intake is 500 mcg daily. Is isn't considered a ,'high dose' but I have been taking that since 2006 or so. My neurologist is aware and I did talk to her about increasing the dose. She didn't think that was a good idea and suggested that I continue my course of action. I haven't had any dizziness that I could attribute to my daily intake of biotin. I am pretty much like you, watching my diet, blood pressure similar to yours, I'm in the same age group as you, was very active in my younger days, and I am on a bunch of supplements. I am curious to know how you are doing these days and if you are still on high dose biotin.

Keep Smiling,


MarkUpnorth profile image

The high dose biotin was 100,000 mcg daily. 200x higher. I still have several month's supply, but have not had the desire to go back to that dizziness, which according to what I read and posted about a year ago, is not an uncommon side effect at those high doses. I do take B12, D3 which my GP had me on prescription large doses for a bit, then 5000iu/day for a couple years, now down to 1000iu/day. Vit D can accumulate, and too much isn't good just as too little isn't. I do fish oil omega 3, a mature multi, and bacopa. The latter I can't say with certainty that it helps, but I think it helped pull me out of years of severe brain fog, along with proper nutrition eliminating processed foods...aka the Whal's diet. Meds: None 5 years ago, on DMT's, too many to count. One for this, one for that, and more for side effects of this, and that.... A chemical nightmare! Doing great. Still got M.S., but no relapses in the past 5+ years! Actually lost a few accumulated symptoms doc's said never would. My neurologist told me he's seen/heard of others with like improvements with age. Food luck.

IFwczs profile image

I know it's an old post, but it's amazing how discredited high-dose biotin therapy has become!

gramyrobin profile image

I was taking Biotin gummys ,hair getting thinner . got up , walked dizzy and sideways. It was the Biotin. stopped taking and the dizziness stopped .

I read where if your are older it can cause this ,

I am 63 and glad I found that will not take anymore.

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