I'm an adult seeking a diagnosis for extremely unusual OCD symptoms. I have pre-existing OCD. I'm currently on 2 medications that are supposed to be helping but I'm feeling so much worse. I recently saw a video about someone with PANDAS/PANS and it resignated with me, but I'm not sure if this is me as I'm an adult and I can't recall getting sick before my first flare up.
I started getting my first flare up in December, and it was an OCD obsession that was pre-existing but it intensified greatly during this time and it came very abruptly over a matter of a few days. I also started developing weird symptoms of psychological pain that was neither emotional nor physical. Both the OCD and the pain symptoms stopped after about a week, only to restart and then stop again in cycles that last anywhere between a few minutes to a few weeks. I wouldn't do anything special and they would come and go. Strategies that I used to use on my old OCD symptoms had no effects on these new flare ups whatsoever. My OCD theme remained constant but the way in which I obsessed over it would rapidly evolve and change in a matter of days or weeks, whereas previously my OCD would come in pretty stable forms. It also started coming and going for periods of days and/or hours, suddenly coming and then out of nowhere would go away or lessen. All of these symptoms didn't appear to be normal to me but my psychiatrist told me it was normal for OCD to wax and wane, and that she had another patient who also had flare ups like I did who responded to traditional therapy, however I still have doubts. I have previously brought up PANDAS with my nurse as I am being hospitalized for my symptoms, but they dismissed it.
I don't know if I'm reading too much into this but how do I go about getting testing and a diagnosis for PANDAS/PANS? Does anyone else know what kind of condition these highly unusual OCD symptoms are?