Does anyone else ever get in a terrible rut, of almost obsessing over the fact that you're worried you won't be able to ever stop your thoughts or cure OCD?
For example, I've been having anxiety, thinking of my usual thoughts I've been having, but thinking to myself that these thoughts will never go away, and I'll just always be stuck thinking of these things for the rest of my life.. so now it's like I have OCD, over my OCD, if that makes any sense.
I do start Lexapro (Escitalopram) Tomorrow. My doctor wanted me to start with 20 mg, as my intrusive thoughts/anxiety have had me panic more lately, but I think I'm gonna take half and start with 10.
I took Escitalopram years ago, and it either didn't help, or I didn't give it enough time to - although, after I stopped taking it, I didn't have anxiety/OCD for YEARS. So maybe it actually did what it was intended.
I'm just so worried that I'll be stuck like this forever. I'm also going to try and schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist who specializes in OCD, but i really hope the meds do something in the mean time. I hate living like this.