Hi All,I've begun to realise that the feelings of anxiety that OCD can cause , although strong and overwhelming, will always subside at some point and that that Intensity of emotion is only temporary. You just need to ride the storm and it will calm down eventually.
I remember reading a quote in a self help book once about the mind being like a reflection in a lake. If the lake is choppy and there are ripples then you don't get a clear reflection. Once the lake becomes still though then the reflection is clear.
Similarly if your mind is full of thoughts and anxiety then you are not getting a clear picture and rational viewpoint of your current situation. Best to let the mind calm down and then you will see a clearer picture and feel more at ease with yourself.
I experienced this today at work and felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety over a silly thought that I'd had, and was worried it wouldn't go away and would stop me from getting on with my day. Initially the fear and anxiety overwhelmed me for a short while but I soon realised it was just the feeling of anxiety that was the issue and not the actual thought, and realising this soon helped me calm down.
It's not a nice experience and it does make you feel like you're going mad at times, but that's just the strength of the anxiety and once you realise it's just a feeling that's causing the distress and not the actual thought then you're on the way to a calmer mind.