I have been struggling a bit lately coping with thoughts that create anxiety. I have very random, irrelevant & insignificant thoughts, but sometimes if I don't deal with them there and then my anxiety kicks in and I feel like I won't be able to relax or enjoy the rest of my day unless I've dealt with the thought. I know that the anxiety is a reaction to a thought and that it dies down quite quickly and that ultimately I forget about the thought I was worried about, but it does make me feel like I'm going a bit mental sometimes.
For example, I was on a tram the other day going to work, and it stopped for a while, so I was just looking out of the window and noticed a tall building. As I looked up to see how tall it was I noticed a man in a fluorescent jacket hanging off the top of the building. There seemed to be some sort of rope hanging down by the side of him, so I assumed he was window cleaning or doing some kind of maintenance
A thought then popped in my head. What if he was not doing maintenance, and he had fallen and was hanging on for dear life? What if he was in need of help? The tram then started to move and I thought what if I was the only person to have noticed him and I was his only chance of rescue?
I then tried to reason with myself that if he had a fluorescent jacket on he was up there for a reason and that there was probably someone up there with him. For reassurance I did look back up before the tram moved away fully and noticed he wasn't there anymore, so in a way that put my mind at rest, but then I did wonder if he had fallen!
It sounds so silly writing this down, but at the time the thoughts created an unpleasant uneasiness and anxiety that I was worried would stick with me all day.
In the end, although it created some anxiety and I replayed various scenarios in my head, I got on with my day and there wasn't any news that day of a man falling off a tall building, so it was all in my head!
This is just an example of how I'm struggling sometimes to ignore thoughts and the anxiety that they generate.
I get other thoughts sometimes where I've glanced at someone on a tram for example or just walking in the street, and then i worry if I looked at them for too long or if they were looking at me in a funny way. The same thought then kicks in that I'm going to be anxious about this for the rest of the day, and then that in turn kicks off the anxious feelings.
Again, this anxiety generally subsides pretty quickly but can be underlying for a while, and it does worry me that I'm going a bit mad or losing my mind!
I wanted to share this to see if others could relate to these types of thoughts and feelings. I know in my own mind that it seems to be OCD and that anxiety is a big part of it. I can normally cope with it a bit better usually but it seems to have overwhelmed me a bit recently. I have started a new job recently and am 5 x weeks in, so am still adjusting to that, so I'm conscious that may make me more anxious than normal.
I'd appreciate any thoughts and thank you for reading this. I hope if anyone is struggling in a similar way this helps you realise you're not on your own!