Hello, y'all! Lately I've been feeling uncontrollably sleepy. Mostly during the day. I've been fighting the urges to fall asleep, but at some point my mind and body just decide that they need to rest and I fall asleep at work. Is it possible that I am becoming narcoleptic or is it somewhat normal to feel those urges to get some sleep at random times during the day from the antidepressants? I am currently on anafranil, siranalen and fluanxol. Anyone else in the same boat?
Am I becoming narcoleptic?: Hello, y'all... - My OCD Community
Am I becoming narcoleptic?

Hi! Yes, I have fallen asleep a lot of times during the day and evening. I feel okay, then the next minute I'm sleeping. I don't sleep long usually, but sometimes I wake up and fall asleep again a few times. So, then it could be for a few hrs. This is when I am in a sitting position. I've fallen asleep several times in the middle of a conversation, but I think that is because I didn't get enough sleep the night before, although I don't know for sure if that's the reason. But, even when I do get enough sleep at night, I can fall asleep sometime during the day. Sometimes I don't even remember falling asleep if that makes sense. Like I just zonked out.
Do you feel like you're getting enough sleep at bedtime and did you just start your meds recently? Meds can definitely make you tired.
I would mention this to your GP or psychiatrist if you haven't already. Falling asleep suddenly may have to do with a medical issue, too, so it's best if your drs know.
Hi! Thank you for your reply. I am just like that, i fall asleep without knowing sometimes and sometimes zone out mid conversation. I do think I am getting enough sleep, but, like yourself, can't be sure. I told my psychiatrist about that and we decided to stop taking siranalen at lunchtime. But that was like a month ago. Next time I see her I will tell her again. Hopefully nothing to worry about.
I note that you're on anafranil (clomipramine). Feeling dopey or sleepy during the day is one of the side effects - I took it for many years, and got used to feeling dopey most of the time! I occasionally felt so sleepy I would slump over my desk at work! I once actually nodded off while I was supposed to be taking notes for a meeting - I came to, and realized I'd been scribbling rubbish on my notepad!
It's one of those things you either have to accept and put up with, if you want to continue with the same medication, or try a different one.
I've now been on sertraline for some years, and don't have the sleepiness that I used to get with anafranil. Different meds suit different people, and if the anafranil works well for you in other ways, then it might be worth putting up with the sleepiness. But that's a question only you can answer.
Thank you for your reply.
I don't know if I want to change the meds yet again. I have an appointment for early September, so until then I need to stay on anafranil. End of next week will be end of the first 8 weeks since I started taking it, so by then I will have to be feeling better, I guess... Everywhere it says 8-10 weeks for it to kick in, so I'm hopeful. If it doesn't work, like the zoloft, then I don't know if I will be able to continue with another drug. I'm already starting to get pissed off with the side effects of each new medication I need to take... Not only my libido is at its lowest, but also I continue to have dry mouth and troubles while trying to start urinating, ah, yes, and also constipation. And that is accompanied by me constantly feeling sleepy. My doctor said she has one other thing we could try. I'm afraid that if this doesn't work, I will have to continue living in constant fear and discomfort. If it were only one thing to deal with, I'd probably could manage, but OCD, burnout, GAD and depression are just too much to be dealing with alone. :/ I don't know, sorry if I ramble, I'm just so confused and lost, I really want drugs to start working on me, so I can live a life that is not controlled by OCD and anxiety and depression... and whatnot. Ugh, I read people saying how much their lives improved with the right meds, but I don't see it, I can't find one thing from my problems that has improved over the course of these last 2 months. Not one. :/ I fear I may be one of those people that meds don't work on.
I felt much better for taking anafranil, apart from the sleepiness - it certainly helped with the OCD and I didn't have other side effects. But medication is so difficult to get right.
I should keep on with the anafranil until you've given it a good go, but don't feel bad if you have to stop taking it. Most medications have side effects - it's often a case of balancing the benefits against the drawbacks.
There is something else you could try. A natural substance called Inositol can be bought over the counter in some health food shops and pharmacies. Studies have been promising, particularly in stubborn cases of OCD, though it hasn't been cleared as a front line treatment. Apparently side effects are few, and it is safe to take.
Large doses of inositol are needed - about 18 grams a day. It's best to inform your doctor if you want to try it, but you don't need a prescription. Here is a link to an IOCDF article on alternatives to convention drugs, which includes inositol, along with a few other reputable articles about it.
Thank you so much for this. I remember you telling me about inositol and i told my psychiatrist, but she said she has never heard of it, so she suggested I didn't take it for now. But I will ask her again, so she can read into it and greenlight it.
As for anafranil I haven't given up yet, but if I don't see any changes come September, I will probably lose hope and ask her for something else...
Thanks again!