I've been struggling with ROCD, and have been in therapy for the past 6 months. I have made some improvements, as I am starting to find that in the time in between my therapy sessions (I go once every 1-2 wks), I am less preoccupied with the OCD thoughts and am doing better overall.
However, since I am doing better overall, lately when I do attend therapy and talk about triggering things, I end up feeling worse than before I go to therapy. I feel so lost. For example I was doing quite well this past week, but during my session yesterday, my therapist brought up a topic that I was preoccupied with and that triggered me. I left therapy feeling worse, and since then I end up ruminating and the whole day I am preoccupied with this topic. It now seems that therapy is making things worse for me?
I feel very lost. I feel like I should just stop therapy? I am afraid of going to session to needlessly bring up these topics and purposely make things worse.
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you for reading.