I just joined, and this is my first post. I've been struggling with OCD for 20+ years, but over the last few years, symptoms of "Tourettic OCD" (aka "Touristic OCD" aka "Tic-like OCD") have really emerged. Unfortunately there seem to be very limited resources online which discuss this. Here are a couple of articles ...
This could probably be lumped in with "Just Right OCD", but is a specific variant in which there are seemingly no associated thoughts, fears, obsessions, etc. Instead, what I experience is a 100%-physical tension or sense of unevenness in some area that causes an almost irrepressible urge to take some action. This could be anything from quickly flexing my abdominal muscles to spreading the toes on my right (always my right) foot to releasing and re-gripping a mug over and over until it feels (physically) just right. Is it (or at least seems) purely physical ... like having an itch and then scratching it. As I think about it, I'm realizing that most of the feelings/actions are associated with the right side of my body.
I've been on an SSRI for decades, but switched from Prozac to Lexapro 3.5 years ago. In addition, I switched from an SSRI-only regimen to Cymbalta + SSRI about 7 years ago. I have also taken Buspar for about 7 years.
My symptoms are quite variable - there are days or weeks where the urges are minimal and very easy to control, and other days or weeks where they are intense and nearly irrepressible.
My psychiatrist doesn't exactly seem to understand that this is a thing, and the last psychologist I went to (an OCD specialist) also didn't seem to understand that this was a thing.
I have lots of questions that perhaps can't be answered here, but I just wanted to share and see if anyone out there has experienced the same, knows of any good resources on the topic, or has any tips. Part of the problem is that the physical sensations are fairly sporadic, so I can't exactly trigger them on-demand in order to practice ERP. I've had some success using strategies such as pausing/freezing when the urges occur, or performing them very slowly.
Thanks for reading ...