I have been diagnosed with, and receiving treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and pure OCD. My worst symptoms are intense, recurring intrusive thoughts. I'm looking for some extra help here, as well as any free support groups near me for my OCD.
Seeming Free Online Support Groups - My OCD Community
Seeming Free Online Support Groups

Hi ChrisInIL. Intrusive thoughts are my main problem, too. I have physical compulsions but mostly mental ones. Mine are recurring throughout the day and very intense, too. The same ones over and over. It's the hardest part of my OCD, to think (bad) things a lot of the time. I also see a therapist and psychiatrist and am on meds, but even all 3 combined aren't doing much good.
I know from this group that ERP is the best way to handle OCD. There are many posts/replies on ERP, so maybe check them out. What I know about ERP, is that when you have a fear of some kind, you expose yourself to it and sit with the anxiety that that fear produces without doing a compulsion to get rid of or relieve the thought (fear). It takes a while to get better, but ERP is the #1 treatment for OCD.
I'm sorry you are going through what you are. I know from experience that intrusive thoughts and doing physical or mental compulsions to ease them is hard on the mind. I've always said, my mind hurts from it.
Also, check out the IOCDF website. It has very resourceful info to get you to the right options for treatment.
Know you are not alone in this and that this forum has great info and we are all here to help each other.
Best wishes
Hi there -- go to NOCD.com and sign up! We have free support online groups for every type of OCD there is! They are wonderful and we have them every day of the week!