My son continues to suffer from OCD. Age 29. Can someone please point him to a quality online support group?
I, too, am looking for an online support group so that I can learn hours to support him. Thanks for any ideas.
My son continues to suffer from OCD. Age 29. Can someone please point him to a quality online support group?
I, too, am looking for an online support group so that I can learn hours to support him. Thanks for any ideas.
look on the website. Start there.
Laura, thank you so much. I just went there and am following up with a message to my son sending him the link:
hello HsiLin54
Firstly can I say that your a great dad for wanting to learn about this and support your son....this will certainly help him in his road to recovery.
I also suffer with OCD and I truly understand how debilitating it can be when it raises its ugly head again.i would not wish it on my worst enemy.
Can I ask what support your son is getting at the moment? Is he on any medication or attending CBT therapy at all??
Thank you Spready43. This malady has been dogging my son for a long time. Hoping to find some lasting strategies.
How's your doing at the moment?
He will get there for sure...... it's just finding the right thing that helps him cope,whether that be medication or CBT or both??
There's some good books written my specialists that you can buy on Amazon??...sometimes it helps knowing and understanding that there are many,many people that suffer this and knowledge is power so the more one can try and learn about it the easier it will be to try and make sense of what he is going through.
Sending you and your son strength and support and the brighter days are coming....just has to push through the darker days xxxx
He is taking Respiridol and Zoloft. He did an inpatient at Rogers in 2020…. Which helped slightly at the tune.. but the improvement lasted a short time. He’s had some periods of relief since 2020 but is now in the darkness again. Right now, it seems issues of being in relationship is difficult…and serves as a trigger. Harm OCD is part of the challenge.
Bless his heart....I know first hand how hard it is!
Has he been to CBT therapy at all??
I really would advise maybe getting some books for him to is first to start with as everything seems to be a slight trigger but that's only because it hits home some what.
Has he asked the doctor to try different meds??...everyone is different and why suits one person doesn't always suit another but I have been on sertraline for the past 6 years and I find it helps me cope? Xxx
Hi Spready43,
Thank you for your terrific support and for your questions. I need to look again at the Jon Hershfield, MFT book we have. Are you familiar with his work? Do you have another favorite book(s) ? I'm not sure if it's Sertraline or Risperadol which causes weight gain for my son... a side effect he dreads. He is looking for a new support group online and in person. The NOCD site is good, and so is the site.
Hi HsiLin54
Please do not mention it...I will do anything I can to try and help support anyone who struggles with this as I know how scared and alien it is to you as a person.
I found the book overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts very educational it's by sally m winston and martin n did??
Maybe worth a read for you and you son.
Also has he downloaded any apps like Calm or headspace??....these help to try and to teach meditation and mindfulness??...
Sounds silly but these have helped me at times....not always if my heads not in it and I'm having a bad bad spell but other times I have found they do help??....especially with breathing techniques when your extremely anxious.
How's your son doing at the moment??...has it eased some what??
Sending a big hug to your son and to you!
Always here for you both if ever needed xx
In addition to the Finding Help link at the IOCDF, I suggest the interactive livestream Community Conversations hosted by Ethan Smith, IOCDF National Lead Advocate. It’s an awesome and supportive, caring community.>Support and Recovery>Livestreams There is also a similar interactive livestream for loved ones of those with OCD on Thursdays. There is also a virtual support group, Family and Loved Ones of those with OCD that meets the second Saturday of the month. It is run by Chris Trondsen and his mother, Liz Trondsen. Chris is an OCD Specialist and is also on the IOCDF Board of Directors. Liz is an amazing, energetic OCD advocate. The group starts out with guests, one with OCD and the other(s) is their family member(s), usually a spouse or partner or parent. They tell their story with Chris facilitating a discussion. Then it opens up to attendees to ask them questions directly related to their story and to ask Chris and Liz anything. A few days later, Liz sends out a comprehensive list of resources. You can join the group by sending Liz an email which she has given me permission to share. You can send me a private message to get it by clicking on my profile picture and then click on connections. I hesitate to post it publicly because of spammers.
NOCD has many support groups available and they have them for particular age groups and OCD types too. Very accessible.
I think you have to sign in and it has been a while since I signed up for a support group there but if you create an account you may be able to do it through the website or their app (?).
Also, they have daily Q&A videos on Youtube:
Hope these help.