Hi, everyone.
I was recently diagnosed with OCD. I have sought help before but I couldn't verbalize exactly what was wrong because I had a mental rule to never acknowledge these unusual thoughts and behaviors (involuntary, uncontrollable, repetitive)...so the possibility of successful treatment hit a dead end really fast until now. I isolated myself and thought it would be better for everyone to think I was depressed rather than "crazy".
I wanted to believe this wasn't happening and I can't believe other people feel like this. It always hurt to tell myself that everyone just deals with it better (no).
Did any of you have a similar experience? I never knew OCD could make you live in fear that you will hurt yourself when you have no desire to.
I have experienced a huge improvement in functioning from the medication I've started and I don't know if it will help me long-term but it has allowed me to admit that OCD takes over my life. It's scary to feel like you can only control your physical body. I shouldn't be this exhausted. When stress happens my intrusive thoughts get stronger, more numerous, and take more energy to ignore. The more I pay attention the worse they get, the more time they need, the more time I lose, and eventually making a pot of coffee feels like it requires the energy of cooking a 4-course dinner.