I’ve been struggling to find any sort of support group around me so I figured to take to the internet to see how this goes. I’ve struggled with health anxiety and OCD for a few decades since basically as early as I can remember. Growing up my anxiety presented itself in social situations. I had a hard time going to familiar places sometimes to the point where I would literally get sick to my stomach before going or freaking out and not being able to go all together. I kind of grew out of it as a teenager and didn’t really have many bouts with anxiety until I was in my early 20s. Around then it started to comeback but this time my anxiety attached itself to health related situations. Over the next decade it would grow worse until in my early 30s when I finally went into treatment to look into what was going on. For the first few years doctors and therapist just treated me for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and things got better for awhile. However a few years into therapy I moved and needed to change therapists, my new therapist was the first one to notice the health pattern and my obsessive compulsive thoughts. When he first mentioned the idea that he thought I was dealing with OCD I thought he was a bit crazy. Up until then I didn’t know much about OCD, I just always thought it was people who needed to turn on/off a light switch or have things placed in specific places or obsessive rituals. I didn’t know that OCD is a spectrum and that my Health Anxiety perfectly fit the definition. Since then I’ve been working on combating it with therapy, diet, and an increase in exercise. However I still go through episodes.
Most recently my anxiety has been triggered by a series of health events, some make perfect sense as to why I feel the way I do but there’s been other times where I feel like I’m going crazy. About 2 months ago I suffered a flare up to a back injury which scared me into thinking I would need back surgery, I love worrying to the most extreme case. When I finally was able to calm down after seeing/getting reassurance from ortho back Dr and started PT, I suffered a shoulder injury, which again restarted the cycle of I need surgery and I didn’t something really wrong. Again after seeing a shoulder Dr and getting more PT I began to feel slightly better. However my anxiety never completely went away and now I’ve found myself worrying about things that don’t have a “oh well I hurt myself” origin story. In the last week I’ve worried that I did something to my eye because I touched it, best part well most illogical part I wear contacts daily so I touch my eye all the time. But because this was while half asleep I was worried. After a day or two I again calmed down but again the anxiety stuck around. A few days later I need to spray for a wasp nest in my backyard fence, I sprayed the hive and while doing it some of the spray hit the fence and came back in my direction, even though I never felt it touch me I swear since then my right eye has felt off. I have no swelling, redness, itching or anting yet my mind just won’t let it go.
I know this is a bit long and doesn’t seem to have a purpose, sorry I ramble a bit as you can tell, I wanted to put my most recent episode on here. No sure why I decided to post this, maybe someone is going through something else and feels alone ane some reassurance theyre not alone or crazy or someone can reassure me! I’ve already read some posts that have helped me realize others suffer from OCD and anxiety just like I do.
My therapist has me working on not googling symptoms and only reaching out to doctors if there’s a real medical need for actual symptoms. I guess my question to anyone who’s stuck around this far, what helps you with health OCD? How do you keep from going down the rabbit hole?