I have a "pure O", but I think, I have undiagnosted subtype of OCD, in which the first awful symptome must be the inerty thinking, which means I am very dumb sometimes. But this happens only because I have uncontrolled thoughts every minute, I can't be away of them.
When I was taking Zoloft 25 mg, it was a perfect time. But after 1,5 year it stopped working for me. Other SSRIs - fluvoxamine and paroxwtine - seems like I have tolerance to them too, because the are don't work, then anafranil - again, doesn't work. My psychiatryst tryed to increase a dose, to do an augmentation but it doesn't work.
I tried to work with a psychiatrist on ERP method but it doesn't work for me, because the y are working with certain symptomes, but I haven't phobias or certain thoughts - only I have is incessant thoughts flow, which means for my brain it doesn't matter what to think about, it is pathological inclination to continuous thinking.
Now I am 24, and only period I felt good in my life was when I was taking zoloft. It seems that the way to cope with OCD sympthomes throught pills is closed forever for me. I understood that SSRIs can make a tolerance, and prefer to find a solution for my OCD without taking medicine. I knew that there is a DBS method, but I have tried to call clinics and they said, that they work only with Parkinson syndrome. I tried TMS but it doesn't work, I think it's not more than placebo. So my question is to find out about methods to deal with my type of OCD?