Extremely sad and disappointed - My OCD Community

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Extremely sad and disappointed

Ariadnee profile image
19 Replies

Hello, everyone! Can anyone help me? I am so sad and disappointed. I feel like my life has no meaning at all. I have nothing to look forward to, I am so anxious and nervous all the time. Nothing gives hope or happiness. What can I do? I am in the middle of CBT therapy.

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Ariadnee profile image
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19 Replies
RoseyCowXL profile image

I was that way as well. I started Zoloft in November 2021 for depression and eventually was also diagnosed with OCD. It helped with my depression and helped stop me from ruminating a lot. My OCD thoughts come and go but not as strong as before. Especially when I didn't even know my thoughts were OCD. But maybe you can ask your therapist if medicine is right for you. My therapist said I should consider it to get me out of the hole and push me into the right direction. Which I'm glad I did because I feel much better but I still have my ups and downs. Specifically today is a down day for me lol.

Ariadnee profile image
Ariadnee in reply to RoseyCowXL

Zoloft helped me in the past but left me with low sex drive and nightmares. Maybe I' ll try it again in the near future. Thank you so much for your support!

God-is-love3 profile image

Hello Ariadnee,

Please continue to seek therapy and a doctors help, but also know that your spiritual health is just as important, or in my opinion, the most important.

One thing we all have to face is why are we here, what is my purpose, and what happens to me when I die?

There is one hope that I have found and many others have found that we believe to be the way, the truth, and the life, who is actually a person and Gods only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

God wants a personal relationship with all of us, but it takes faith. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith. It is through Him that we gain the most important relationship we can experience, with God himself.

He gives us hope of eternal life because he paid the price for all of our iniquities and transgressions against his will. He knew it was impossible for us to meet his standard of goodness, but he is completely fair and just and knows that to have a relationship with Him we must be made holy and pure. In our own power, this is impossible. But Jesus Christ stepped into history and Paid the price in his own blood because he loves us so much. He died but was raised up in the resurrection on the third day! He now lives forever to intercede for us on our behalf!

I know that He will respond to you if you ask him in prayer to come into your life and to reveal himself to you.

God bless you as walk through this difficult season.

Ariadnee profile image
Ariadnee in reply to God-is-love3

God blees you 🙏 Maybe I' ll find comfort in Him.

Sallyskins profile image

It can be really debilitating to have OCD, and the treatment is not easy either. And OCD leaves you tired and frustrated. It's hardly surprising that you feel this way. I've felt much of what you're feeling right now, being barely able to move from the sofa, unable to concentrate on anything for long and in a sort of torpor.

I found relief in taking it easy, not demanding or expecting too much of myself, and concentrating on doing what I could do, no matter how little it was. Re-reading some of my favourite novels gave me a lift while not demanding too much concentration because I already knew them so well (Jane Austen a perfect choice).

At the moment you feel at rock bottom, but you can come out of this. Medication can help, if it suits you, and I take a low dose of aripiprazole (5 mg) each day alongside my sertraline. It's normally prescribed as an anti-psychotic, but in low doses it can boost the effects of SSRI antidepressants. I've found it makes me feel more like my old self.

Ariadnee profile image
Ariadnee in reply to Sallyskins

Thank you so much for your support. It means a lot... At the time I would prefer not to take meds...

Sallyskins profile image
Sallyskins in reply to Ariadnee

Meds don't help all patients, and some people don't get on with them. There are a couple of other things you could try. A natural substance called inositol can help in cases of OCD and is, according to some studies, particularly effective in cases where antidepressants haven't been successful. Fairly large doses are needed - about 18 g a day - but it is safe.

Another thing you could try is gut health. This has also been effective for OCD in some studies, and good gut health should help your overall wellbeing anyway. Prebiotics and probiotics, and lots of fruit and veg and plenty of fibre to feed the good bacteria in the gut. I notice in one of your replies that you are low in Vitamin D3. That's a good supplement to take anyway - I take it!

Ariadnee profile image
Ariadnee in reply to Sallyskins

Thank you for your help. I' ll try probiotics and probiotics. I hope something will eventually help me... I have so much work to do with CBT that sometimes I feel like I will never be able to just be happy. This community helps a lot...

Littleducky5 profile image

I'm so sorry. Have you had bloodwork done?? You could be deficient in something. I kept reading great things about beef liver capsules and how much energy they give you, so I finally decided to try them. In addition to more energy, about two weeks after I'd been taking them I realized my anxiety and OCD had been dramatically lifted. Now I'm afraid to ever be without them! And this was after YEARS of trying so many different medications! I hope you can find relief. This WILL pass

Ariadnee profile image

Thank you so much for your kind words. I had bloodwork done and apparently I have extremely low vitamin D3 and I've started supplements. Hopefully they'll work...

Skjones profile image

Contrary to the Jesus stuff I'm not a Christian but finding some for of spirituality can help explore there are lot Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism, hidu , wiccan heck even the church of Satan has some good views again I'm not a beliver in this but maybe something will speak to you I also find meditation helps I hope you can find peace

Ariadnee profile image

Τhank you for your reply. I am not spiritual but I can see how some people find peace in that way. Meditation could help. Thank you for your kind words.

alaskasandalwood profile image

Hi Ariadnee, I am so sad to read that, although I can relate deeply to it. I know there are some moments that we are just desperate to shut down and just stop everything that harms us and makes us anxious and desperate. But the most important thing is, in that moment, we understand that we have our breaks, times when we can breath and relax in between this crises. Also, having someone to talk to, especially someone who might comprehend your situation can be of extreme help. In that case, feel free to contact me if that's what your mind will like to do. My phone number is +55 (99) 99977-2005 and you can find me on whatsapp or messages.

I wish you get better. You are not in this alone.

With care,


ps: loved your name, just like Ariadne princess of Crete

Ariadnee profile image
Ariadnee in reply to alaskasandalwood

Thank you for your reply. It feels like I will never catch a break. I have been feeling like this since I was a child. When this will end? I also want to have a family on my own but I am afraid that I won't be a good mother because of OCD and stress. I don't know what to do. I feel guilty, I have my husband, I have my family, my work but at the same time I feel awful. What's the point?

ps: thank you for your kind words. I come from Greece, I live here.

Ariadnee profile image
Ariadnee in reply to Ariadnee

Everyday we' ve got bad news, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, bad economy. Where can I find hope? What's the point in all that? I feel like the world is hell. I am still afraid of Covid and now I am afraid about the possibility of WWIII!!!! What's the point of living in this case? What can I dream for?

RHCPfan profile image

Hi Ariadnee. I’m half Greek! What you’re describing is the human condition. Everyone grapples with this at some point in time, but only you know the answers. What are the things you want to do in your life? Set a goal, then work to achieve it. You mentioned children. I have children and struggle with anxiety and OVD This doesn’t make me a bad mom, nor will it make you one. All you need to be a good mom is love and support your kids.

Ariadnee profile image

Thank you so much! Hopefully I' ll feel better soon, even though it seems extremely unlikely right now. Thank you for your support, life feels unbearable right now...

Ariadnee profile image

Have you ever felt like you are over anxiety and distress? I think that I will never be peacfull, it feels completly unrealistic.

beth196 profile image

my OCD started after my third child 33 years later I still have OCD that sometimes gets triggered when in a tough situation. When this happens I up my Lexapro to 40mg and take clonazepam. Slowly it improves and the obsessing stops. I then slowly lower the clonazepam and stay on 40mg of lexapro until it slowly improves than lower the dose back to 20 mg. This gets me over the hump. I stay busy and exercise everyday. You just have to learn to live with it and adjust your meds periodically if you feel it controlling your life. I worry and ruminate. You can have a wonderful life but you have to learn to adjust to OCD I also try not to ask for reassurance. Lexapro works the best for me...I've tried many others and I think this is great. Adding clonazepam when my anxiety is out of control brings me back to happiness and I can see the positivity in life. I've never become addicted and clonazepam and always get off as the lexapro dose goes up. It's too much work when its out of control.I prefer not to take meds but it runs in my family, so I've accepted it. This helps me. Perhaps you need more meds when it's controlling you. go see a Psych

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