So I've been reading books and listening to podcasts about ERP, and I've been wanting to try it myself. I know people say you should try it with a therapist, but A) I can't afford one right now, and B) I am a pretty self-aware person so I think I'd be pretty good at recognizing when I'm slipping into avoidance or reassurance.
However, my problem is that I can't seem to stir up the anxiety that comes with intrusive thoughts and OCD. For the past few days I've been feeling pretty good, mostly anxiety free. I don't know if it's because I recently switched to Prozac, but I wouldn't have expected it to take away all the anxiety completely. I didn't think that's how it worked. Regardless, I know you have to summon the anxiety for ERP to work. And I've been deliberately thinking the most worst case scenario thoughts from my OCD, and I'm getting nothing.
I guess I'll just have to wait until the next time it resurfaces, but I'm kind of disappointed because I've been hearing so much about how effective ERP is at recovery, and I've been psyching myself up to lean into feelings of discomfort and the idea of seeking out anxiety, to the point that I was excited to get started. And now when I try…nothing.
Has anyone else had this problem? The inability to summon anxiety for the purposes of ERP?