It's a good one. Though the term is used often, the concept of the word is really quite a mystery. Or rather, perhaps it truly is a simple adjective, but just the context of the word that complicates it. A feeling of goodness, an expression of positivity, a feeling that's had when moments in life are enjoyable. Though, how can it be measured? How is it achieved? Am I happy?
Happiness is one of those things I can't tease apart, dissect and discover it's formula. During a study of animal welfare, I carried out preliminary research on the "happiness" of dairy farm cows. The more I learned about happiness, the less I knew about it. Far beyond being too abstract of a word for a research paper, it's even difficult to write about now.
Some things are worth thinking about, most things are worth writing about. Happiness is one of the things I don't particularly care to think about, which seems odd. If it feels good, then why wouldn't I want to think about it? I think I understand. Why think about it when I can be it? Is that a concept that applies to other a thoughts and feelings as well?
The absence of thinking about happiness may be my best guess of it's definition. While working at an ice cream bar I usually was assigned the role of cleaning the waffle irons. While doing so, I was focused, efficient. I was stern, my brow tightened over the tops of my eyes. For some reason, this is the moment I think of when I think of happiness. What moment reminds you of happiness?