I have good connection with my grandma, and like spending time with her. Other family members not wearing PPE around her and laughing at me for keepig disrance and wearing double mask.
Knowing that Covid may last long time, do... - My OCD Community
Knowing that Covid may last long time, do you visit your grandparents now ?

They are wrong. Just keep your cool & say, "You do you & I'll do me." Keep doing what you're doing & try to make sure you & she are both vaccinated as soon as possible.

Problem is that she is reluctant to vaccine. Doesn't want the injection, believing in conspiracy theories, also mocking me for wearing mask around her, "I don't care if I die" she says.
You should do what you think is best. My experience: my grandmother is 89 and she doesn't want the threat of the virus to ruin our last times together. She had double (two-side?) pneumonia in February 2020, when no one knew or expected the covid pandemia. She was in a hospital and recovered after some antibiotics. She lives independently, cooks, gardens. She believes she might get the virus, she might not, and it might kill her, or it might not...but that in any case we should live our lives and enjoy our times together. So when I visit her we hug, we eat together, we have good times.
That is similar to our additude! We have no idea how long this can last. I'm just thinking if all of us were not visiting her because of covid for couple of years, she could die in the meantime. Hmm, "doing what I think is best" is tricky because anxiety takes the stearing wheel. Thank you
I understand you, anxiety is tough to control. But yeah, this covid situation is a bit ridiculous -- I remember before Christmas 2020, when Angela Merkel said something like "if you go to your grandparents, this could be their last Christmas". And my grandmother said -- "it could be, so you better come!"...I mean, we have to try to be reasonable, but not be controlled by fear, because it can become ridiculous I'm saying this more to myself more than anything...Have a great day