Does anyone else just feel irritable anxious and annoyed because theres nothing to do because the way our world is right now?! I feel super down in the dumps which makes me anxious. Also, my medicine is not working and my physiatrist wants me to try something else which i think is best but I have medical ocd and i am extremely scared of all the side effects of what could happen. Is this ocd ever going to feel better like its not a struggle?!! I have so much to be thankful for why am i so sad 😟
Feeling down : Does anyone else just feel... - My OCD Community
Feeling down

I know how you feel!! I usually go see my daughter every couple of months who lives in a different state, but haven’t been able to fly with the virus. Just last night I had a very anxious and depressed night and had the same thoughts about why am I so sad when I am very blessed in life. And that is the part that doesn’t make sense. But if there is something biological going on that only a medicine can help then it isn’t our fault that we feel that way. When I feel really down I have a place outside that go to and do a lot of praying. I recite scripture and it really does help. I felt much better after that. I know you will find what helps you. Take very good care of yourself!
Hello press on I didn’t feel better till I got on Zoloft and Lamictal. I still struggle but it is manageable.
Yes often I feel stuck. I do my best to practice deep breathing, and some mindfulness, it helps. I like to get outside, mask on, for walks when it is nicer outside and the sun is out.
I think many of us feel that way right now. Having no routine and schedule for the past year has sent my ocd into a total tailspin - more crazy than I ever thought was possible and I have been in misery for months on end barely functioning. I have just started taking prozac and forcing myself to do some hard exposures at home on my own. My head is feeling rather confused but I am also getting some emotional relief too from the erp. I think how we are all faced to live differently now is leading to lots of sadness and it is a normal response. I want to hug my two nephews so hard that their eyeballs pop out. I think once we get through this godforsaken pandemic, we can be around those we love and miss and our moods will improve. If you believe in god and jesus, pray daily for those we love and the world as a whole to be vaccinated - that is what I am doing. Hang in there 1BlessedMaMa - peace can be found!